Fidelity - Bravery – Integrity the motto of the United States’ Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Basically what the FBI does is solve murder mysteries and arrest the criminals of these murder mysteries. As well as to Protect the United States from terrorist attacks,
Protect the United States against foreign intelligence operations and espionage,
Protect the United States against cyber-based attacks and high-technology crimes,
Combat public corruption at all levels,
Protect civil rights,
Combat transnational/national criminal organizations and enterprises,
Combat major white-collar crime,
Combat significant violent crime,
Support federal, state, local and international partners, and
Upgrade technology to enable, and further, the successful performances of its missions
FBI agents Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page have been in the news for the thousands of emails they exchanged during their affair. Those emails criticized Trump as they tried to protect Hillary Clinton and her Presidential campaign. Strzok and Page were part of Robert Mueller’s investigative team that is desperately looking for a Trump crime. They hope to find Trump colluded with the Russians but nothing like that has been found. Never mind that, they’ll keep digging and wasting taxpayer’s money. We have proof through their emails that Strzok and Page hated Trump. How many others in the investigation also feel that way?
Strzok lives in Fairfax County, the richest county in the nation, where 25% of adults have a graduate or professional degree. Doesn’t sound like a Hillbilly haven?
Strzok’s wife is Melissa Hodgman who has worked at the SEC since 2008 earning a salary of $229,968. The couple lives in a modest home in Fairfax near Pickett road. Melissa Hodgman.
Hodgman and Strzok both graduated from Georgetown University in 1990.
Strzok’s mistress Lisa Page is married to Joseph Burrow and they have young children.
Rich, Washington swells, enjoying their fine wine and food, looking down their noses at the “ignorant hillbillies” in Loudoun County.
Apparently, Democratic Representative Steve Cohen either doesn’t know that the Purple Heart is given to honor service men and women who have been injured or killed in combat. It is the country’s oldest military award and as the V.A. puts it, “one of the most recognized and respected medals awarded to members of the U.S. armed forces.” Strzok is not even deserved of the FBI Medal for Meritorious Achievement awarded for extraordinary and exceptionally meritorious service, and it is not something we toss at sleazy FBI operatives who lost their jobs because of their grotesque bias and hostility toward the electorate and the duly elected President.
Also, the Democratic Representative Steve Cohen either doesn’t know all of that or doesn’t give a damn. We know this because he says he would award the Purple Heart to disgraced FBI Agent Peter Strzok “if he could.” In his warped little mind, Strzok has made a sacrifice on par with those of America’s wounded warriors.
This is disgusting.
The second thing you should note is Cohen’s description of Russia. Remember: These are the very same people who laughed at Mitt Romney for suggesting that the Russians were a geopolitical foe. Obama openly mocked him saying “the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back.” These people don’t give a rat’s rear about Russia, and they don’t really believe the collusion narrative. This is, and always has been, an effort to stymie, delegitimize, and impeach the man who won the 2016 election. Nothing more, nothing less.
Steve Cohen should be ashamed, but comments like this make me think he’s incapable of the necessary introspection. There’s a lot going on here, and yet these two minutes encapsulate the flavor of the whole thing about as well as anything could.
The first thing you’ll notice is how desperately the Democrats are trying to use any and every procedural maneuver they can think of to protect Strzok from having to answer the questions posed by the Republican members. At one point, Jerrold Nadler of New York even moves to adjourn, and when Chairman Bob Goodlatte disregards the obviously absurd motion, Democrats go nuts and demand a vote on it.
Here you see several Democrats objecting to Louis Gohmert’s line of questioning, mainly because they just flat-out don’t like it. It’s true that Gohmert gets a little personal, but under the circumstances, I think it’s justified.
It is relevant that Strzok was cheating on his wife with Lisa Page while all this was going on? Here’s why I’d argue that it is:
He offers some pretty implausible assertions about what some of these texts meant, particularly the claim that “We’ll stop it” refers to the American people defeating Donald Trump at the ballot box and not the FBI taking some sort of action to cripple his candidacy. It’s implausible given the context of the conversation as well as the choice of words he used, not to mention being inconsistent with other statements he made about the electorate.
Yet Strzok insists that is what he meant, and there’s really no way to prove it one way or the other, which means it all comes down to his trustworthiness.
How trustworthy is he? Is he so trustworthy that we should have no problem with him running investigations like this in spite of the bias he’s clearly exhibited? How could we test that? The only way to test it is to look at what we know about his honesty, and one thing we know is that he cheated on his wife. When his word is really all we have in assessing his claims about what he meant in those texts, why should that not be one of the factors we consider?
Strzok is very smug and he’s very composed in this setting, but his story is implausible and his track record of honesty is not great.
Assess that as you will.
News about Peter Strzok having an affair with Lisa Page came out and it was revealed that Strzok is already married. Turns out he isn’t the only one. His partner in crime, Lisa Page is also married and even has children.
By Janet Varney
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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