When did American nationalism become a dirty word? Under Obama of course! Obama’s leftist war against America is a war against American nationalism. America emerged from WWII as the most powerful economic nation on earth and invincible militarily. Enemies of the United States domestically and internationally would need a different strategy to defeat her.
Aesop’s 6th-century fable “The Four Oxen and the Lion” offers that strategy.
“A lion used to prowl about a field in which four oxen used to dwell. Many a time he tried to attack them, but whenever he came near they turned their tails to one another so that whichever way he approached them he was met by the horns of one of them. At last, however, they fell a-quarreling among themselves, and each went off to pasture alone in a separate corner of the field. Then the Lion attacked them one by one and soon made an end of all four. United we stand, divided we fall.”
American nationalism is the common denominator that unifies America which is why the war against America specifically targets American nationalism. Obama’s leftist strategy is one of creating divisiveness within America because divided we fall. This is how it works.
The great conflict in the world today is between nationalism and internationalism. Nationalism supports the national sovereignty of independent countries trading fairly in the global marketplace.
Internationalism supports globalism - a globalized one world nation, one world economy, one world language, one world currency, one world flag, one world educational curriculum, one world police force, one world army, and most significantly one world government.
The New World Order of one world government is deceitfully marketed by globalist elites as the universal system for social justice and income equality. The problem, of course, is that the “New” World Order is a return to the very old world feudal system of masters and slaves.
There is nothing new about a binary socio-political system having the few elite rulers at the top of the social pyramid and the enslaved masses at the base. Obama’s leftist lemmings are useful idiots participating in their own destruction and do not realize they will end up as slaves in the new world order.
American nationalism is the bulwark against internationalism - united we stand divided we fall. Nationalism transcends individual differences and strengthens America by providing the common denominator that binds us one to the other to protect and preserve the country. Like Aesop’s four oxen we stand together united in common cause to fend off the globalist enemy. Obama is the globalist puppet
Nationalism is defined by Merriam-Webster as “loyalty or devotion to a nation; especially a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups.” Supranational means transcending national boundaries, authority, or interests. Globalism is supranational and Barack Obama is a globalist.
American nationalism is diametrically opposed to supranational globalism. President Donald Trump is the symbol of American nationalism which is why there is an internationalized effort to overthrow him. Obama is the globalist puppet driving the divisive anti-American resistance movement against President Trump at home. The media sound bites that deceitfully associate President Trump’s patriotic American nationalism with despicable Nazi supremacy are an attack on our exceptional cultural identity designed to produce self-loathing and make nationalism a dirty word.
So, let’s examine the four oxen of American cultural identity that Obama’s divisive resistance movement is relentlessly attacking.
1. Constitution - the single greatest document written by our Founding Fathers guaranteeing individual liberty, the separation of powers, and individual rights. The Constitution provides ordered liberty and supports individualism, national sovereignty, and rejects collectivism and supranational globalism. Obama’s lemmings and activist judges seek to shred the clarity of the Constitution to make it into a “living” document for their political purposes.
2. Family - the nuclear family has been under attack since the culture war began in the 60s. The stability of the family including its moral commitment to the Judeo-Christian 10 Commandments was shattered by Obama and replaced with a religious tribal loyalty to leftist liberalism. The “new” family lives by the leftist narrative of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism. They welcome diversity of color and sexual orientation but completely reject diversity of thought. The leftist demand for ideological conformity is tyrannical.
3. Education - the re-education of America through anti-American pro-Muslim globalist educational curricula, Internet censorship, manipulative TV advertising, program content, and the staggering bias of mainstream media editorial reporting all drive America toward collectivism and one world governance. The leftist narrative of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism is the foundation of UN-sponsored universal education being used to indoctrinate our children for global citizenship.
4. Military - Obama’s administration weakened the US military and national defense with the same leftist narrative of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism. His pro-Muslim embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood deliberately disinformed the military about the ideological foundation for jihad and terrorism.
He weakened military morale, under-financed and under-supplied the troops, and allowed foreign governments to control strategic Port Canaveral and the Port of Wilmington.
The United States military has the singular goal of protecting the sovereignty of the country and its people. Obama’s goal continues to be the weakening of our national defense to make way for supranational globalism.
The meritocracy is the foundation of all four elements of our cultural identity and national pride. The meritocracy provides unparalleled upward mobility in America which incentivizes excellence in all fields. The meritocracy supports individualism, rejects collectivism, and evaluates actions based on the WHAT of behavior, not the WHO. Obama’s leftism abolished the blind justice of the meritocracy in favor of leftist tribalism that exclusively values the WHO of behavior. He politicized the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, and State Department and seeded the courts with activist judges - all determined to weaken America and impose one world government.
Here is the problem. Collectivism, whether socialism, communism, or globalism is predatory in nature. Collectivism never provides social justice or income equality for the people - collectivism like feudalism only benefits the ruling elite. The elitist leaders devour the natural resources of the country and exploit the people they rule. President Donald Trump has exposed the left’s globalist war on America and has made American nationalism great again.
President Trump supports the oxen against the predatory lion.
By Janet Varney

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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