A revealing map of who wants to move to the U.S.
Gallup released some new data this week on migration, for which they asked people from 154 countries if they would like to migrate, and if so where to. The United States was by far the most popular destination; Gallup estimates that 138 million people would like to relocate there. The United Kingdom was the second-most popular, with 42 million potential migrants, followed by Canada, France, and Saudi Arabia.
Those numbers are so high that I wondered how many people in particular countries want to move to the United States. Gallup actually posted some of those numbers on its Web site and when I asked for more, kindly sent them over. I've mapped out the data above.
It turns out that there are 44 countries where, according to Gallup's data, more than 5 percent of the adult population say they would like to move to the United States. Five percent! That's a remarkably large share. In 15 of those countries, the proportion of the population that wants to move to the United States is above 10 percent. And there are three countries where more than a quarter of the adult population would like to move here: Liberia, Sierra Leone, and the Dominican Republic.
First, a note about the map: It labels all countries where more than 5 percent of adults want to move to the United States; in the darker countries, an even larger share of the population wants to migrate. But you might notice that the key does not increase by a fixed amount, but rather by incrementally larger amounts. I did this because the data are not distributed evenly but tend to cluster toward the bottom; mapping it out this way makes it easier to see the variation. Just keep in mind that the difference between a yellow country and an orange country, for example, is not mathematically the same as the difference between and an orange and a red country. Okay, back to the results.
The data do not, as you might expect, always correlate with wealth. In other words, while it looks as though people in poorer countries are, in general, more likely to want to move to the United States, this doesn't explain the data entirely. GDP per capita is quite low in South Asia and the Middle East, but few countries in those regions broke about 5 percent.
Rather, it appears that people in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa tend to have an especially strong desire to the move to the United States, which also tends to have a high favorability rating in those regions. Latin America, of course, has a strong historical and cultural connection to the U.S., a fellow product of New World colonialism. As for sub-Saharan Africa, I have heard it said by scholars of the region that many Africans are well aware of, and tend to admire, the relative prosperity of African Americans.
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