Dear President Trump,
I am one of the MILLIONS of Americans who proudly came out to vote for you on Nov 8, 2016. From the very FIRST day, you decided to run for the office of President, I have been here working for you Sir, supporting, promoting & defending you, in multiple Conservative Groups on Facebook Social Media.
Like you, I believe in FREEDOM and the American Dream. Our Nation has been under attack for decades by a Leftist-Socialist agenda seeking to destroy our freedom and nullify our Constitution, our heritage & our religion. ‘Their’ objective is to completely eradicate the history of our American way of life. THIS is something we can NEVER allow to happen!
It is quite disconcerting to me that young people today have NO idea of the meaning of the words ‘FREEDOM, EXCELLENCE, PRIDE and HONOR’... It is also dishearteningly apparent that they remain CLUELESS to the sacrifices made by the brave men & women who have fought and DIED, defending the very freedoms our misguided youth now squander.
I Sir, am one of the MILLIONS who fortunately DO remember the words, deeds, and sacrifices made. And because I remember, for the first time in a very long time, my HOPE, my PASSION, and my SPIRIT are renewed. And it is because of YOUR leadership, your commitment to serve the PEOPLE, and your uncompromising stance to always puts America FIRST, that I continue to support and stand proudly with you, Mr. President.
Imagine for a moment a different scenario... one in which you had you NOT triumphantly taken the White House. I might be writing quite a different letter if I were allowed to write anything at all, whilst the America we cherish would be well on its way to becoming a distant memory.
BUT THIS IS OUR MOMENT! We DID win! In fact, America was BLESSED by a ‘Divine’ intervention. You, Sir, ARE the 45th President of the United States! Having beaten incredible odds, you came out victorious... in SPITE of corrupt politicians, FAKE NEWS media propaganda, the Never-Trumpers, the false accusations, the demonstrations & violent protests, the non-stop slander attacks, Hollywood, the millennials, activist judges, the BILLIONS of DIRTY campaign dollars spent by the DNC & despicable RINOS to STOP you, the fraudulent votes, the illegal immigrant votes, the DEAD people votes, the ‘Soros’ voting machines that magically switched Trump votes to Hillary votes, the phony sexual harassment charges, the BIASED, corrupt & perjuring Law Enforcement Officials in the highest positions at the DOJ & the FBI, Obama’s illegal wire-taps, Hillary Clinton’s RIGGING & STEALING the DNC Primary, and of course the FAKE Russian Dossier... In spite of ALL these things & MUCH MORE, they just could NOT stop you!
YOU are the Grand Whistleblower, the VOICE that has enabled the TRUTH to come forth... the TRUTH about how very corrupt & dangerous our government has become; and you knew WITHOUT QUESTION that your Presidency would pose a real & ominous THREAT to the establishment, the ‘status-quo’, the elite NWO politicians masquerading as ‘representatives’ of the PEOPLE. There is no doubt why the SWAMP fears you. And that is why we have entrusted our country’s future to you, Sir.
You must have also known that this was going to be an ALL-OUT, DRAWN-OUT, VICIOUS WAR against EVERYTHING you say and do... Against every aspect of your agenda, your character, and your family.
Your victory has CLEARLY exposed the LEFT for who they really are... They care NOT about what is best for America. They would rather have it completely destroyed than see you succeed.
I wanted to acknowledge you in this letter and to let you know that you are doing a phenomenal job. In fact, I believe you are DESTINED to go down in the history books as our GREATEST President of all time!
I am here for you. And so are MILLIONS of other Americans. You have started a MOVEMENT that lives & thrives in the hearts of every Patriot who stands ready to rise up to do whatever is necessary to keep THIS land, the ‘Land of the FREE’. This truly is a REVOLUTION. And we owe it to YOU Sir, for giving us back our VOICE, our COURAGE, for helping us to REMEMBER, and for re-inspiring in us the HOPE we have been losing sight of for too many years.
The Battle of course continues. The Enemy is STILL at the Gate... But we know now what we didn’t know before. Their END GAME has been EXPOSED. We have identified their leaders, their hit men & their pawns. ‘They’ are MANY. And they MUST be taken down, ALL of them if the America we love is to survive.
I don’t have to remind you, Sir, that YOU are IN CHARGE! YOU are calling the shots. The ‘double standard’ charade of the LEFT, which falsely accuses innocent people of the heinous crimes they THEMSELVES have committed, MUST come to an end!
We DESPERATELY need a second Special Counsel to investigate the crimes of Hillary Clinton, the DNC & the Obama administration, including officials who currently work for, or have worked for the FBI & DOJ. MOREOVER... If Jeff Sessions is not willing to step up to the plate, I respectfully request that you find an Attorney General who WILL.
You MUST take them down, Sir. You MUST prosecute every act of Treason, every act of Sedition, EVERY crime committed by the LEFT or the RIGHT against our United States of America. And you MUST prosecute the perpetrators to the FULLEST extent of the Law. YOU hold the POWER.
I thank you for your diligent work on Tax Reform & Tax Cuts for ALL Americans. I thank you for the $700 BILLION dollars you appropriated to strengthen our Military.
I thank you for your Leadership, your tenacity, your commitment, your courage and your love of Country. And I thank you especially for standing WITH the American People.
I implore you to continue to STAND YOUR GROUND on two other critically important issues, the WALL & IMMIGRATION. ONLY YOU can effect REAL CHANGE in protecting our Borders and preserving our American way of life for future generations.
THANK YOU, Sir, for taking time from your incredibly busy day to read my letter. Rest assured that I, along with MILLIONS of other Americans, WILL NOT abandon you.
WE the People stand with you and will continue to stand beside you... through each and every crisis, NO MATTER WHAT ‘they’ throw at you... We are strong TOGETHER, and TOGETHER We WILL Make America GREAT Again!
Your victory has CLEARLY exposed the LEFT for who they really are... They care NOT about what is best for America. They would rather have it completely destroyed than see you succeed.
I wanted to acknowledge you in this letter and to let you know that you are doing a phenomenal job. In fact, I believe you are DESTINED to go down in the history books as our GREATEST President of all time!
I am here for you. And so are MILLIONS of other Americans. You have started a MOVEMENT that lives & thrives in the hearts of every Patriot who stands ready to rise up to do whatever is necessary to keep THIS land, the ‘Land of the FREE’. This truly is a REVOLUTION. And we owe it to YOU Sir, for giving us back our VOICE, our COURAGE, for helping us to REMEMBER, and for re-inspiring in us the HOPE we have been losing sight of for too many years.
The Battle of course continues. The Enemy is STILL at the Gate... But we know now what we didn’t know before. Their END GAME has been EXPOSED. We have identified their leaders, their hit men & their pawns. ‘They’ are MANY. And they MUST be taken down, ALL of them if the America we love is to survive.
I don’t have to remind you, Sir, that YOU are IN CHARGE! YOU are calling the shots. The ‘double standard’ charade of the LEFT, which falsely accuses innocent people of the heinous crimes they THEMSELVES have committed, MUST come to an end!
We DESPERATELY need a second Special Counsel to investigate the crimes of Hillary Clinton, the DNC & the Obama administration, including officials who currently work for, or have worked for the FBI & DOJ. MOREOVER... If Jeff Sessions is not willing to step up to the plate, I respectfully request that you find an Attorney General who WILL.
You MUST take them down, Sir. You MUST prosecute every act of Treason, every act of Sedition, EVERY crime committed by the LEFT or the RIGHT against our United States of America. And you MUST prosecute the perpetrators to the FULLEST extent of the Law. YOU hold the POWER.
I thank you for your diligent work on Tax Reform & Tax Cuts for ALL Americans. I thank you for the $700 BILLION dollars you appropriated to strengthen our Military.
I thank you for your Leadership, your tenacity, your commitment, your courage and your love of Country. And I thank you especially for standing WITH the American People.
I implore you to continue to STAND YOUR GROUND on two other critically important issues, the WALL & IMMIGRATION. ONLY YOU can effect REAL CHANGE in protecting our Borders and preserving our American way of life for future generations.
THANK YOU, Sir, for taking time from your incredibly busy day to read my letter. Rest assured that I, along with MILLIONS of other Americans, WILL NOT abandon you.
WE the People stand with you and will continue to stand beside you... through each and every crisis, NO MATTER WHAT ‘they’ throw at you... We are strong TOGETHER, and TOGETHER We WILL Make America GREAT Again!
May God Bless and protect you and your family Sir, and may God continue to Bless the United States of America.
Respectfully, Gary Pecorella
Respectfully, Gary Pecorella
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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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