Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Did the prior administration deliberately gut the U. S. military?

America Running Out of Bombs Thanks to Obama

Between World War II and the Vietnam War, the United States had the most impressive arsenal of weapons in the world. We showed that during World War 11, in Korea and in Vietnam, the supply of bombs seemed to be never-ending.

There was a good reason for that. The presidents and Congress during those years knew the value of a strong military with plenty of ammunition artillery, torpedoes, rockets, and bombs. The military was ready for any and all occasion to defend our homeland and the homelands of our allies. They were ready to stop world aggression and weren’t afraid of any nation or any foreign leader.

Then Barack Obama managed to get the keys to the White House and everything changed. He spent his 8 years slicing and dicing the US military.

In 2012, Obama cut of more than 80,000 military personnel, with the Army National Guard taking the biggest cut with 67,100. One had to wonder if this was because National Guard troops are the ones that are first called for any domestic need. The cuts included 8 Army brigades, 5 Marine infantry battalions of 4 Marine tactical air squadrons, 6 Air Force fighter squadrons and 303 aircraft, and 7 Navy cruisers and 2 dock landing ships.

Let’s not forget that Obama reduced the US nuclear arsenal by nearly 80% and this was at the same time that he was engaged in the Uranium One Deal where he sold 20% of America’s uranium supply to Russia. I still believe this was an act of treason since Russia is an enemy of the United States and the uranium was most likely used in their weaponry, including some of the newest and most lethal intercontinental ballistic nuclear-armed missiles capable of eluding US defenses.

In September 2009, the US was down to 5,113 nuclear weapons. A year later in 2010, Obama had eliminated over half of our nuclear warheads, reducing the number down to only 2,468. But Wait! There’s More! (sounds like one of those infomercials, doesn’t it?). Our once fearless leader didn’t double the offer, but in fact, he reduced it by over 30% because our nuclear arsenal was then down to only 1,700.  But for a limited time only, Obama, speaking to a crowd in Berlin, told the world that he wants to cut our nuclear defenses, even more, reducing them to 1,550 by 2018.

Obama also cut the number of tanks, aircraft, Navy vessels including aircraft carriers. In fact, in early 2013, he announced that the US had delayed refueling some of America’s aircraft carriers because of lack of funding and this was happening at the same time he was spending money giving benefits to unmarried same-sex partners of military personnel.

Thanks to many of Obama’s military budget cuts, it seems that our military is now running out of bombs to use in the war on terrorism and for any defense of our homeland if necessary.

According to Fox News:

“The Pentagon plans to invest more than $20 billion in munitions in its next budget. But whether the industrial base will be there to support such massive buys in the future is up in the air — at a time when America is expending munitions at increasingly intense rates.”
“The annual Industrial Capabilities report, put out by the Pentagon’s Office of Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy, has concluded that the industrial base of the munitions sector is particularly strained, something the report blames on the start-and-stop nature of munitions procurement over the last 20 years, as well as the lack of new designs being internally developed.”

“Some suppliers have dropped out entirely, leaving no option for replacing vital materials. Other key suppliers are foreign-owned, with no indigenous capability to produce vital parts and materials ― setting up the risk that a conflict with China could rely on Chinese-made parts…”
Many wondered if Obama’s plan was to gut the military so much that it would not be capable of defending America against a military invasion from any foreign nation like Russia or China? It seems to be an obvious conclusion which is another reason that Obama should face charges of treason against the United States. (emphasis mine)

Original post:   Great American Politics

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