Tuesday, May 1, 2018

What's on my mind?- 05/01/18, WE ARE THE MINUTEMEN

What's on my mind?

by Janet Varney

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Minutemen were civilian colonists who independently organized to form well-prepared militia companies self-trained in weaponry, tactics, and military strategies from the American colonial partisan militia during the American Revolutionary War. They were also known for being ready at a minute's notice, hence the name. They provided a highly mobile, rapidly deployed force that allowed the colonies to respond immediately to war threats.

The Minuteman Project was an activist organization started in August 2004 by a group of private individuals in the United States to extra judicially monitor the United States – Mexico border's flow of illegal immigrants.

Founded by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox, the name derives from the Minutemen, militiamen who fought in the American Revolution. The Minuteman Project describes itself as "a citizens' Neighborhood Watch on our border", and has attracted media attention to illegal immigration.

In addition to border watching, the project created a political action committee lobbying for representatives supporting proactive immigration law enforcement and border security issues. Members believe government officials have failed to protect the country from foreign enemy invasion. They strongly support building a wall and placing additional border patrol agents or involving the military to curb free movement across the Mexico-United States border. Roughly half of the members strongly oppose amnesty and a guest worker program, and an overwhelming number oppose sending funds to Mexico to improve infrastructure.

Former California Assemblyman Tim Donnelly is a pro-Trump, pro-Second Amendment conservative running for Congress in California’s very conservative 8th Congressional District. Donnelly warns that California’s Governor Jerry Brown is creating a constitutional crisis by rejecting President Trump’s call for National Guard to assist federal border agents in securing the southern border:

Mr. Donnelly believes Brown is intentionally setting up a constitutional crisis along the border, violating his oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, and using the power of his office and the resources of California taxpayers to entice dangerous criminal aliens to take sanctuary in the state. Donnelly believes Governor Brown is intentionally creating a tension between the powers of the state and the enumerated duties of the federal government to protect the nation from invasion. “People are on the verge of a political revolt and we are hoping to keep it peaceful. The last time we had a state behaving in this manner we went to war.”

To illustrate the strength of his beliefs, Donnelly, who is also a former California MinuteMan Leader, has called California’s Minutemen to secure the border on May 5 9am to May 6. “They will observe, report, and thereby extend the reach of the border patrol. Our goal is to give back up and to draw attention to the fact that California is under assault as the most likely place to cross into the U.S. California is the backdoor for illegal immigration.”

Since California’s lawless governor Jerry Brown has chosen today to side with criminal illegal aliens and ignore President Trump’s call to have the National Guard secure the border—putting our communities at risk through no fault of our own – it falls to we the people of this great state to resist this tyranny.

As a former California State Assemblyman, and the leader of the Minuteman in the state of California, I call on the President of the United States to arrest Governor Jerry Brown for flouting the Federal law and aiding and abetting illegal aliens in this state.

Every elected official—and Gov. Jerry Brown is no exception—has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, the laws of the state and nation, to defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic.

By violating his oath, and using the power of his office and the resources of the taxpayers to entice dangerous criminal aliens to take sanctuary in our communities, Gov. Jerry Brown has become an enemy of the good people of this great state.

Since Gov. Jerry Brown today has made it clear that he will not heed the call of the President of the United States to send the National Guard to effectively secure the US-México border, I’m calling all Minutemen and Patriot group members in good standing and any and all good citizens of this state to come to the aid of their country, and do the job that feckless Gov. Jerry Brown refuses to do.

He’s calling on all Minutemen and Patriot Group Members in good standing, to come and meet in the town of Boulevard, CA at 9AM on May 5th (out at the Red Rocks), where 12 years ago in that place they started building the wall in protest of the Federal Government’s failure to act.

A 24-hour Muster, with the original standard operating procedure still in effect.

The purpose of the Muster is two-fold:
1) Aid our men and women in the Border Patrol, who are outnumbered to secure the border for as far and as long as our manpower will provide.

2) Send a message to California’s lawless Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown that even though he refuses to deploy the National Guard that there are still plenty of Patriots left in California who are willing to answer the call of their country and deploy at a moment’s notice in their place.

I hereby challenge Gov. Jerry Brown to try and stop them. I doubt that Brown would risk his own freedom by coming anywhere near the likes of true patriots who would very likely affect a citizen’s arrest on him for violating his Constitutional oath of office and aiding and abetting criminal illegal aliens in violation of Federal Law.

Let it be known to the Cartels and the criminals who wish to penetrate our border, that from 9AM Saturday, May 5th to 9AM Sunday, May 6th, the California-Mexico border will be secure, in as far as it can be with the aid of the duly sworn Border Patrol agents and the Minutemen of 2018, who show up at the rally point on that day.


By Janet Varney
Image result for MINUTEMEN of 21st century

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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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