Monday, May 7, 2018

John Kerry Goes Nuclear, Secretly Negotiates With Iran

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John Kerry Goes Nuclear, Secretly Negotiates With Iran

He's actively working to undermine Trump to save a horrible deal in which he has a personal stake.
After the blockbuster revelations of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week — that the Iran nuclear deal was truly built on a foundation of lies — the looming May 12 deadline for President Donald Trump to reconfirm the deal is all the more important. It appears likely that he will withdraw.
“The president laid out some pretty clear stakes in the ground for what he wanted from the Europeans,” said James Carafano, a defense policy expert at The Heritage Foundation who worked on the Trump transition. “He’s already across the Rubicon. He’s decided the deal’s not working, and a fix that doesn’t fix anything is not acceptable.”
It’s against that backdrop that a man with extensive experience negotiating with America’s enemies without the authority to do so is working behind the scenes to save the deal. Former Secretary of State John Kerry has reportedly held numerous secret meetings with officials and leaders from Iran, Germany, France and the European Union to salvage the nuclear agreement, which Kerry spent years negotiating for Barack Obama.
Democrats wanted to hang former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn out to dry for supposedly violating the Logan Act, a 1799 law that prohibits private citizens from conducting unauthorized foreign policy because Flynn had conversations with Russians during the transition into power for the Trump administration. Of course, they’re silent on Kerry. No one has ever been prosecuted under the Logan Act, but Kerry’s “shadow diplomacy” is serious — he’s actively working to undermine the current administration to save a horrible deal in which he has a personal stake.
Former Demo Sen. Joe Lieberman weighed in, saying, “In my opinion, what he’s doing is inappropriate and he shouldn’t be doing it. [The Trump administration] is a duly elected administration so I hope John Kerry stops.”
It’s arguably treason, and if anyone knows how to get away with treason, it’s John Kerry, who negotiated with the North Vietnamese in 1970, giving aid and comfort to the enemy at a time of open war. He then delivered communist propaganda and slander of American troops in congressional testimony. For nearly 50 years, Kerry has been a disgrace to his country and it’s well past time he faced the consequences.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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