Saturday, May 26, 2018


Janet Varney


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Indoctrinating Next Generation’s Leaders With Mickey & Minnie Mouse Celebrity Status


We’ll never get rid of them. Not that anyone expected them to go away quietly.

Boom! and Bingo! all at once.
The celebratory sound of Barack and Michelle Obama hitting Netflix pay-dirt.

Until Jan.  20, 2017 they were just U.S. President and First Lady where they got to torment half of the masses they were elected to serve for eight, miserable, long years.

Suddenly and out of the blue, now the entire world and not just the White House is their proverbial oyster.

The Obama’s will now be in your face; your unsolicited life professors; your entertainment and the leaders pioneering the path to a Brave New World.

Barack and Michelle are the new Mickey and Minnie Mouse minus the innocence of the past, and there’ll be no escaping the monumental propaganda that Netflix is putting at their arrogant disposal.

“Earlier this week, Netflix announced it is partnering with Barack and Michelle Obama to develop original content for the video streaming giant. Initially, no real details were released — including the actual price tag of the contract. But three days later Obama has filled in some of the blanks about his plans, Business Insider reported.

“Speaking at a Las Vegas tech conference hosted by cybersecurity company Okta, Obama waxed poetic about the “stories” Americans have to tell and said he wants to use his multi-year contract with Netflix to help “train the next generation of leaders.”

“Barack Obama said he relied on “stories” to fuel his political career. “Everyone has a story that is pretty sacred” about their life, Obama said. Listening to people’s stories is what helped him better serve, he explained. There is enough manure in those few words to fertilize Wisconsin.

Does anyone remember when Obama better served?

Did Obama preserve the sacred story of anyone’s life and we maybe just missed it?

Was traveling abroad and dissing America while on presidential pay really better serving America?

The man self-appointed to “train the next generation of leaders” continues: “We want to tell stories. This Netflix deal becomes a platform. We are interested in lifting people up and identifying people doing amazing work,” Obama said, adding, “We did this in the White House.”

“Obama related meetings to hear the stories of Hamilton creator and Broadway producer Lin-Manuel Miranda and rocker Bruce Springsteen, and he noted that identifying talent in a similar fashion is his intent with Netflix.”

Viewers and listeners will no longer get to identify talent, Comrade Obama will do it for them.

“Obama said he wants to produce stories, “we think are important, and lift up and identify talent, that can amplify the connections between all of us. I continue to believe that if we are hearing each other’s stories and recognizing ourselves in each other, then our democracy works.”

I am not quite sure how the Obama’s were meeting these people from “all walks of life,” as it seemed as if they were spending most of their free time with the extremely wealthy people in Bel Air.

How are they going to go out in the communities to meet these people? The Obama’s aren’t going to be out in “communities” looking for humanity’s hidden gems. They are going to be busy doing the thing they love most: being celebrities.

The most common fear was that he would do something nefarious to keep himself in office past his term limits. I remember talking about that with an astute friend of mine who just laughed at the suggestion. I asked her what was so funny and she said, “They don’t want to be in politics they want to be TV stars.” That’s obvious to me now as they are both narcissi.

It’s rumored that the deal may see the Obama’s as hosts of some projects, giving them the reality TV star status they’ve craved.

That’s a handy thing to know the next time a Democrat complains about President Trump’s television past.

They should have realized it wasn’t to the UN where this megalomaniac was headed, but somewhere where BS counts far more than hard work.

Meanwhile, welcome to the new Mickey and Minnie Mouse chapter of the Lost Society.  The world is about to take a giant leap into the Twilight Zone, and all you’ll have to do to get there is to watch Barack and Michelle on Netflix.

By Janet Varney

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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