The Left’s efforts to return Mother’s Day to its “true” roots is but another example of the misreading, or deliberate misinterpretation of history, as such an idea is filled with inherent contradiction and hypocrisy. When a thoughtful person sincerely considers such an effort, which is an insidious attempt to politicize a perfectly simple Christian-based holiday, one is struck that Mrs. Howe’s Mother’s Day Proclamation of 1870’s message concerned a lamentation over the loss of life.
Julia Ward Howe is the same woman who became famous for writing the song, “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” which was published in 1861. Howe became famous throughout the North for the song, and eventually, she became one of the most famous women in the U.S. in her time. But, after the American Civil War, people were left to grieve over the loss of so many men and boys. Howe’s poem was a call to women to stand against such carnage. It is ironic that such loss of life exists today within America, on a much grander scale, yet the women on the Left, the so-called “Progressives,” do not raise their voices in agony or in grief over the loss of such life.
While 620,000 boys and men lost their lives during the four horrible years of the Civil War, nearly one million babies are aborted in the United States every year. And the “Progressive” propagandists have women believing that abortion is a good thing. Hypocrisy? Absolutely!
Another glaring contradiction with Howe more specifically is that she was not only a feminist, she was an abolitionist. Many Christian women in the pre-war years supported the abolition of slavery. The sheer logic of an anti-war message aimed at the Civil War would neutralize the purpose of fighting the war because it was the primary way slavery was able to be abolished. Being opposed to war is not the problem, as war is an outright aberration of the purpose of life; but that war ended slavery. Hypocrisy? Absolutely!
Tragically, the American Left is insulated from having to deal with their inherent hypocrisy and contradictions of logic. They are not held accountable by the major mainstream media outlets because those “news” sources provide cover for the lack of consistent logic, as well the propagation of the concept of abortion being a positive outcome for society in general. After all, isn’t the world overpopulated enough? Well, this would then open the door for a reason to choose war over peace.
Additionally, women are not held accountable for their choice by the major politicians as today political correctness hushes those who would raise their voices in dissent over the continual taking of innocent lives. And, the American Left has many elected officials who support women with their pro-choice leanings. However, all choices have consequences, and some may involve the wrath of God. Unfortunately, Leftists do not often listen to God, just like children who do not listen to their parents when they say there are consequences to pre-marital sexual relations.
The seeds of Mother’s Day were planted in a confusing and turbulent time - during the Civil War. And, it is good to remember that the Civil War was not just fought to end slavery, it was fought to reaffirm the self-evident truths that people were endowed by their Creator with the inalienable rights of Life and Liberty, and the right to pursue Happiness. It is also good to remember that “happiness” to the founding generation usually meant the pursuit of virtue and not the pursuit of cupidity and self-centered pleasure.
Truly, mothers who become mothers by determining to give birth to a child of their creation are indeed quite special in such a confusing time that confronts them today in America.
Good mothers usually have good hearts and are often willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the whole family. They deserve to have a special day to honor them, and to have them know we appreciate them, though we do not show it as often as we ought…
By Janet Varney
Mother's Day 2018. Mother's Day is always celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It's not a federal holiday, however, it's widely celebrated as a special day to honor all mothers and motherhood. Together, let's honor the women who raised us—and all the mothers who sacrificed for their children.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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