FBI agents want to testify against Comey and McCabe
Comey’s defense is starting to fall apart from within.
According to a report on The Daily Caller, several FBI agents are hoping to get subpoenaed so they can testify AGAINST both James Comey and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.
Uh Oh
Over the last month or so, we have seen Comey get caught up in a web of his own lies.
More and more agents are starting to express their displeasure with their former director using his office to push a political agenda rather than carry out justice.
Sadly, the entire agency is getting a black eye and finds itself in the headlines for all the wrong reasons these days.
If we are to believe the report, current agents are sick and tired of it and want to set the record straight.
Former Federal Prosecutor Joe DiGenova told The Daily Caller, “There are agents all over the country who love the bureau and are sickened by Comey’s behavior and McCabe and Holder and Lynch and thugs like Brennan-who despise the fact that the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the Obama administration thugs.”
He added, “They are just waiting for a chance to come forward and testify.”
DiGenova says these agents also fear for their jobs.
Because of that, they are would rather be subpoenaed than come forward as a whistleblower.
The Right Way
Mr. DiGenova, who has represented whistleblowers in the past, agrees with the agents.
It is a pretty safe assumption there are still people in power with loyalty to both McCabe and Comey.
If that is the case, there are no bounds as to how far those people would go to punish anyone that came forward on their own to expose those two.
Rather than having that label attached to them, the agents feel as though being compelled to testify under oath would give them more cover against retaliation.
According to the report, the agent that came forward to DiGenova and many more within the agency want nothing more than to see Comey and McCabe prosecuted to the “fullest extent of the law.”
For all intents and purposes, the FBI, an organization that was once one of the most respected agencies in the world, is now a laughing stock.
Those agents want their respect back and they know the only way they can get it is to not only expose Comey and McCabe but to rid the agency of the virus that still exists within.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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Please blog my whole article about a whistleblower that has leaked correspondence and written a letter to Congress about the FBI boss in Greensboro, NC resident office has ignored federal crimes committed by corrupt judicial employees. Actual perjury, obstruction of justice by cover up or destruction of prosecution records and sweeping a perjury case under the rug since the perjury was conducted by a witness of the US Attorney in a criminal case that they maliciously prosecuted in bad faith. This isn't the only case the FBI has ignored. They also ignored a case reported by U.S. Congressman Mark Walker (R-NC) regarding Phil Berger Junior. accused of campaign money laundering. The FBI in Greensboro is refusing to investigate cases of public corruption.
ReplyDeleteA whistleblower has revealed corruption of the FBI boss at the Greensboro, North Carolina, FBI office at 1801 Stanley Road.
He has revealed that the duty agent was already set to have the leaker come down to the FBI to give a statement in regards to his federal criminal complaint against a Assistant US Attorney witness that has committed perjury in order to wrongfully punish that witness and interfere with his ability to timely file his actual innocence claim for his 2255 motion.
https://wp.me/p9wgvv-4w "LEAK: Docs regarding Greensboro, NC FBI shut down of perjury case, Wikileaks letter"
Cover up and destruction of some of prosecution files as admitted by Cheryl Sloan, intimidation and gag order request by corrupt Asst. US Attorney Anand P. Ramaswamy. They are trying to gag order and seal all records proving that the Government's criminal case was absolute BS (yes Bull you-know-what) and was meant to taken down an journalist that was featured in a New York Times article before he was wrongfully railroaded on a crime that he didn't commit. So he leaked all documents through his mother to my blog. The FBI ain't too happy about that so they may come after him for what he did. We need all whistleblower support blogs to cover this issue. Please!