Tuesday, May 8, 2018

BREAKING: Lt. Colonel Oliver North Will Be New President Of The NRA

On Monday, the National Rifle Association stated that within the next few weeks, Lt. Colonel Oliver North will become its president.

NRA just announced: Lt. Colonel Oliver North, USMC (Ret.) will become President of the National Rifle Association of America within a few weeks, a process the NRA Board of Directors initiated this morning.
In a press release from the NRA, Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre stated, “This is the most exciting news for our members since Charlton Heston became President of our Association. Oliver North is a legendary warrior for American freedom, a gifted communicator and skilled leader. In these times, I can think of no one better suited to serve as our President.”
North, who retired from his position as a commentator on Fox News, effective immediately, added, “I am honored to have been selected by the NRA Board to soon serve as this great organization’s President. I appreciate the board initiating a process that affords me a few weeks to set my affairs in order, and I am eager to hit the ground running as the new NRA President.”
Current NRA President Pete Brownell announced on Monday that he would not seek a second term so that he could devote his full time and energy to his family business. In his letter to the board of the organization, he wholeheartedly supported the choice of North as his successor, asserting:
Discussing this with Wayne LaPierre, he suggested we reach out to a warrior amongst our board members, Lt. Colonel Oliver North, to succeed me. Wayne and I feel that in these extraordinary times, a leader with his history as a communicator and resolute defender of the Second Amendment is precisely what the NRA needs. After consulting with NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox, First Vice President Childress and Second Vice President Meadows, I can report there is extraordinary support for Lt. Colonel North.
LaPierre concluded, “The board acted quickly and with great vision. Oliver North is, hands down, the absolute best choice to lead our NRA Board, to fully engage with our members, and to unflinchingly stand and fight for the great freedoms he has defended his entire life. Oliver North is a true hero and warrior for freedom, and NRA members are proud to stand with him.”The announcement was lauded by NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch:

Thrilled about the Oliver North news. A total warrior for freedom, this is the last person that anti-gun advocates would want as the new President of the NRA board.
In 2013, after the Obama Administration announced the formation of a task force involving gun control, North wrote:
Since the Biden task force was formed, more than 100,000 of our fellow citizens have joined the NRA, bringing membership to more than 4.2 million. That’s a good sign. The NRA is our nation’s leader in firearms education, training and safety. It’s also an effective, fervent advocate for our civil liberties. When the Biden task force delivers its “recommendations” Jan. 15, you can count on NRA members to defend our Constitution’s Second Amendment. If you haven’t joined us already, now is the time.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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