Friday, May 11, 2018

9 Embarrassing Pics Show What’s Left After Obama Legacy


9 Embarrassing Pics Show What’s Left After Obama Legacy Met Trump
 What a difference an administration makes.
When President Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he is pulling out of the disastrous Iranian nuclear deal, he delivered another forceful reminder of how much the American electorate changed the course of history with the results of the 2016 election.
Once the result of the election became clear, then-President Barack Obama put on a show of trying to manage a peaceful transition of power, but as the country has learned since was engaged in a furious effort behind the scenes to undermine the Trump presidency.
That effort, in the form of special counsel Robert Mueller and the jackals of the mainstream media, has continued to this day.
Trump has already taken huge steps toward getting rid of Obama’s legacy by drastically cutting government regulations (his work on the Environmental Protection Agency alone would justify his election). His appointment of Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court has given conservatives at least a chance to save the Constitution from liberal lawfare.
And while he might not have been able to keep the promise of getting rid of Obamacare yet, the Republican tax bill he signed into law in December gutted it of its most despised feature — the individual mandate — and all but guaranteed the program will someday die an administrative death.
Still, the Obama legacy lingers. Here, with some help from the Gateway Pundit, is a look at some of the low points of the Obama administration. Some are simply forgotten, but others will be reverberating in this country for a long time to come.
The selfie stick
For all the liberals who love to accuse Trump of being self-centered, few could match the self-absorption of President Selfie Stick himself. Can anyone forget how Obama demeaned himself and his office in a BuzzFeed video that showed him mugging in a mirror and playing with a selfie stick in the Oval Office? Thanks, Obama.

Sailors captured by Iran
On a more serious note, the image of American sailors forced to their knees after being captured by Iranian ships in the Persian Gulf in January 2016 is a reminder of how shamefully weak the Obama years were.
Disgracefully, Obama actually delivered his State of the Union address for 2016 shortly after the sailors were captured — and he didn’t say a word about the incident for fear of upsetting the same precious nuclear deal that Trump shattered on Tuesday.
It’s a legacy of weakness that will take more than one Trump term to dig the country out of.
The “Beer Summit”

This July 2009 incident might well have been the beginning of the Obama administration’s eight-year attack on American law enforcement.
When Obama friend and former professor Henry Louis Gates was arrested at his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts by a white police sergeant who thought Gates was trying to break into the home, Obama wasted no time in declaring that police had “acted stupidly,” as Politico reported at the time.
While subsequent independent studies said both Gates and the officer missed opportunities to ratchet down the situation, Obama used the opportunity to put the spotlight on bad actors within in the police force. 
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