When is it our turn? The slime has oozed above the gunwales. Our president, vice president, their wives and their every conservative supporter - from our truly conservative representatives/senators to conservative voters - have become the brunt of every sort of attack from leftist ‘leadership’, their constituency, and the liberal left media/entertainment industry that empowers them. Obama, Clinton, Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, by name, have all become trademarks for the unsurpassable height of double-dealing, double-standard hypocrisy. They have been allowed to travel above and below the law and state in literally getting away with everything. And conservative America, if it dares to complain, is further vilified and told to go suck wind.
How many millions of Internet memes can we recall as click bait for cheesy ‘breaking news’ stories: “OBAMA IS BUSTED NOW!!”, “HILLARY IS GOING DOWN THIS TIME!!”, “OBAMA/BIDEN WILL BE COOLING THEIR HEELS IN PRISON, BY THIS TIME NEXT YEAR!!”, “THE TRUTH ABOUT BENGHAZI IS FINALLY OUT!!”, “HILLARY’S E-MAILS HAVE BECOME HER UNDOING!!”, “FAST AND FURIOUS IS THE END OF OBAMA!!”, “OBAMA SHIPS MILLIONS IN PALLETIZED CASH TO IRAN!!”, “YET ANOTHER CLINTON INVESTIGATOR/JOURNALIST FOUND DEAD!!”, and so on and so forth. But we know now that the truly Teflon left never qualifies for any serious investigations or real subpoenas - simply because we dread their tantrums, I guess.
I realized my own fathomless naïveté when I heard Barack’s now forgotten slip up on an open mic to a Russian president/confidant: “This is my last election ... After my election, I’ll have more flexibility.” The NANOSECOND I heard that clip, I said to myself, if any Republican president had been similarly ‘caught’ relaying such a message - on the QT and with a reassuring hand patting the cuff of a full-blown Russian-speaking Ruskie - the investigations and press speculations and subsequent prosecutions would have reduced him to a grease spot.
A CBS evening newsreader, however, Scott Pelley, in concert with a smiling and glib traveling presidential news corps reporter, Bill Plante, neatly put that fire out in a minute and a half piece in which they blew the whole thing off as - nothing. Can you imagine what Mueller and his gang would have done with that, had it been Donald Trump instead of Obama? Where would we send the flowers?
Now James Comey, who handled the fabricated and Clinton-financed Steele dossier as tenderly as one of his own children’s birth certificates, has written a book enshrining his hatred for Trump for his fully justified firing - and is now on his personal ‘whine tour’. Meanwhile, Robert Mueller is quite obviously gunning for President Trump in payback for his rejection of Mueller’s bid to head the FBI. The very day following his failing to be named FBI director, HUZZAH! Mueller, who now has an easy-to-see ax to grind, is named a special prosecutor to go after Trump. The bottomless and circling toilet of ‘Russian collusion’ investigation/nonsense there officially began.
And now, long after there has been not a scintilla of any finding of Russian collusion, the endless investigation of anything and everything goes on - but only for the President - certainly not for any of the Democrats with their money-laundering and other endless criminal activity… And now, after over a year of Mueller and his friends-in-liberal-media keeping that nonsense circling, a brand-new character, Stormy Daniels, claims she had a mutually consenting relationship, years ago, with then NYC construction magnate, Donald Trump.
Our president, after the first year of tremendous successes in keeping the promises he made to America, has - despite all that - been the target of every sort of attack imaginable. Like no other president has suffered before, President Trump has daily faced everything from death threats actually showcased and encouraged by the liberal media, to a never-ending train of damning speculation and personal insults. And even now, as another wild stab is made at him for nothing more than his destruction, a stupid ploy that has nothing to do with Russian collusion, he and his attorney still quietly cooperate with every slimy demand made by this gang of thugs. And Stormy Daniels, not much more substantive stuff than another “unidentified source”, is the scandal of the hour for the liberal press that wants its draining swamp up and running again.
So the Russian collusion GARBAGE has been temporarily retired because the friends of Mueller, on the advice of Mueller, have now decided to raid the office of the personal attorney, snatching very private notes and things - of our president and (how convenient!) other mouthwateringly sought-after conservative targets as well - that the leaky, shadowy left would love to have the opportunity to take a look at. And when President Trump and his attorney ask that they might at least be allowed to inspect what has been raked out from under a normally sacrosanct attorney-client privilege - BEFORE THE WHOLE WORLD GETS TO SEE IT (“Now, how did that happen?”) - a judge who is a partying friend of the Clinton family and who officiated at the wedding of Kill America Leader, Financier of the Left, who has vowed to bring down our president, refused their request for just a small courtesy and perhaps a little protection of their privacy.
The latest is that The Department of Justice’s Inspector general has sent a criminal referral regarding Andrew McCabe to the U.S. attorney office. This means that James Comey will now be a witness if charges are brought because McCabe has said that he leaked and Comey knew about it. Also, the DOJ’s internal watchdog put out a report on leaks from the Clinton email investigation. Comey’s friend is hinting that this report could be damning for Loretta Lynch. So, McCabe is a liar and was caught; his defense in part is that Comey made me do it. Comey says Lynch made me do it. Meanwhile, we have a special counsel investigating President Trump, not Comey, McCabe or Lynch. So far this inspector general is getting more information about who did what than Robert Mueller is because Mueller has no interest in Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Hillary or the DNC.
The long-held official policy of the Department of Justice is that a sitting president of the United States cannot be indicted, according to official DOJ memoranda. So, if a sitting president can’t be indicted how can he be a target of an investigation? Finally, Rep Ron DeSantis calls in to discuss attacks ads against him during his run for Governor.
So when do we get to put our majority-conservative House and Senate to good use and begin to take our country back?
By Janet Varney
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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