Audio Leaked From ‘Off The Record’ Obama Speech, It’s Worse Than You Imagined
On top of all that. Obama’s lack of self-awareness was mind-boggling. As things were falling apart all around him, Obama would cruise over to late night talk shows and act like everything was great.
Sadly, time to reflect appears to have only made that problem worse.
He said something this week that will blow you away.
From The Daily Caller:
Obama spoke at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) last Friday. All of the attendees were told not to record or post about the speech online before they came.
Reason.com obtained a recording of the speech and reported on it. In the speech, Obama made a barely-veiled swipe at the Trump administration.
“We didn’t have a scandal that embarrassed us,” Obama claimed.
I’ll give you a second to pick your jaw up off the floor.
Is he trolling us? He has to be trolling us right? If not, the guy is out of his mind.
The reality of the situation is that the list of scandals during Obama’s administration is a mile long. Heck, There were four different scandals going on simultaneously at the EPA alone during Obama’s presidency. That’s not even counting the scandals on Obama’s greatest hits album. Here’s some of the most notable courtesy of Breitbart.
Operation Fast and Furious: Obama partisans seem to think any given example of abuse or ineptitude by their man stopped being a “scandal” the moment it seemed clear he wouldn’t be impeached over it. Operation Fast and Furious, the Obama administration’s insane program to use American gun dealers and straw purchasers to arm Mexican drug lords, is a scandal with a huge body count, prominently including Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jamie Zapata, plus hundreds of Mexican citizens. Agent Terry’s family certainly thinks it qualifies as a scandal.
People died. The media yawned.
The IRS scandal: The selective targeting of conservative groups by a politicized Internal Revenue Service was a scandal grenade Democrats and their media pals somehow managed to smother, even though the story began with the IRS admitting wrongdoing.
Democrats suffocated the scandal by acting like circus clowns during congressional hearings, but at no point were the actual facts of the case truly obscured: yes, pro-life and Tea Party groups were deliberately targeted for extra scrutiny, their tax exemption applications outrageously delayed until after the 2012 election without actually being refused. If anything remotely comparable had been done to, say, environmentalist and minority activist groups by the IRS under a Republican administration, the results would have been apocalyptic.
Not even a “smidgeon” of corruption there according to Barack.
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And how could we forget the crown jewel of Obama’s ineptitude?
Benghazi: This is the clearest example of Obama and his supporters think all of his pre-2012 scandals ceased to exist the moment he won re-election. Benghazi has been investigated extensively, and argued about passionately, since the night of September 11, 2012. Nothing can change the absolute fact that the Obama administration’s story for the first few weeks after the attack was false, and they knew it was false. They spun a phony story to buy themselves a little time during a presidential election campaign, and it worked.
Nothing can change the fact that Libya was a disaster after Obama’s unlawful military operation. Nothing can obscure the truth that Ambassador Christopher Stevens was sent into a known terrorist hot zone without a backup plan to ensure his safety. Everything else from Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their defenders is pure political spin. They dragged the story out for years until they thought it couldn’t hurt them anymore. That doesn’t erase its status as a scandal. (And they were evidently incorrect in their belief that it couldn’t hurt them anymore!)
Those are horrible scandals and would certainly be used as ammunition to immediately impeach any Republican. But that’s not even the full story. We haven’t mentioned some of the other outrageous scandals.
Hilary’s server, Bowe Bergdahl, spying on journalists, NSA spying. Oh, and let’s not leave out spying on the Trump team.
How can any rational person come to the conclusion that the Obama administration was on the straight and narrow?
It was a lawless presidency and the fact that Obama and the media still insist on saying otherwise is just further proof they live in an echo chamber.
Does Obama never sit back and think to himself about why Trump won? If Obama’s presidency was so great and if people were so happy with his policies then why wouldn’t they elect the woman who was going to continue his work? Donald Trump is president because of Barack Obama. It’s astounding he doesn’t see that.
Delusional til the very end.
Featured Image Source. H/T: Allen B. West.
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Featured Image Source. H/T: Allen B. West.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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