Friday, March 9, 2018

A WORLD WITHOUT SOCIAL MEDIA?- REMEMBER...News Papers....Radio New....And Pay Phones


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By Janet Varney

What does the future look like for social media?

There is no concrete answer to this question, but some clues are out there if you follow the trends.

Though their loud boasting might make you think otherwise, social media is falling apart at the seams.  The theory that social media will hand the 2020 presidency back to the Democrats by suppressing conservative publishers, is one of the biggest hoaxes of our time.

Only their readers and not social media can suppress Conservative news sites by not going directly to them.

Here’s a reality check that truly rocks: Sixty-three million people bypassed both mainstream and social media to elect Donald Trump president on November 8, 2016.  Against all odds, including Russian collusion conspiracies aided and abetted by America’s top intelligence agency, voters, ignored media propaganda to install the candidate of their choice into the Oval Office.

Since denial is the progressive left’s chief post-election crutch, the tearful and stunned faces of Election Night reporters should be framed and nailed to rec room walls as everyday graphic reminders.

While stoked up hatred of Trump began showing its hideous face during the election campaign, it only coalesced one day after the new president’s inauguration with the Women’s March.  In other words—well after the fact.

Visceral unhinged hatred, as venomous as it is, cannot remove a duly elected president from office.  It can only make his removal appear imminent, while the rest of us have already moved on.

While the humiliated by defeat Democrats count on $10-million salacious dossiers and porn stars for the impeachment of America’s 45th, swing states are already showing that he’s well on his way to a second term.

The ear piercing screams of Rosie O'Donnell, Michael Moore, Maxine Waters et al; the micro-managed street protests can do diddly-squat to stop it.

The truth is that even with social media in their back pockets, Hillary Clinton and her third-term seeking mentor Barack Obama could not even cheat their way to 2016 election victory.

Book writing, $1 billion presidential centers, speech-making, and stints at Netflix streamed television shows only underline that they’re left to the avails of those in the EX-category.

Democrats-in-Exile will have to do far more than having their pals in social media suppressing the voice of conservative news sites to keep Donald Trump from being elected for a second term.

Though they defiantly refuse to accept what happened, with all odds against him, Donald Trump was voted in as president in 2016.  Social media could not possibly stop some 63 million voters from getting to election polls.  The number of voters who will come out in 2020 will transcend the number of those who turned out to vote in 2016.

Voters will NEVER follow the instructions of social media when the future of their children and grandchildren depend on who is elected.
Nor will social media duct-taping conservative sites ever totally suppress their message.  People will always find what they’re looking for one way or the other.  Here’s betting that conservative sites suppressed by social media are the ones readers are going out of their way to find.

In other words, multi-millions are bypassing the media suppressing conservative publishers by going directly to their favorite sites. 

A prime example of the narcissistic arrogance of the social media giants:

 Did you know that Fake news spreads six times faster on social media than the truth
We’ve always known that the lies are already halfway around the world by the time the truth gets its pants on, but now researchers have found that fake news is more than 70 percent more likely to be retweeted.

Fake news spreads six times faster and reaches a far wider audience on Twitter than real news, a study funded by the social media site has found.

Doesn’t this sound like bragging about it?
Researchers analyzed 126,000 stories tweeted between 2016 and 2017. They found false information is 70 percent more likely to be retweeted than if it is true. 

“The findings by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology also revealed that it takes six times longer for a real story to reach 1,500 people than it does for those that are untrue. 
“Co-author Deb Roy, who runs MIT’s Laboratory for Social Machines and is a former chief media scientist at Twitter, said her team was somewhere between surprised and stunned’ by the results.”


Think before you retweet. 
How about Twitter thinking about banning fake news tweets rather than letting them go viral?

 Here’s one guaranteed outcome that needs no study: the masses will vote for whomever they want—ignoring all instructions by mainstream and social media.
That outcome was proven for once and for all in November of 2016.

And you can bet the family farm that it will happen again in 2020.

Meanwhile, don’t be fooled by the political activists who run all social media.

And for the publishers of conservative websites lamenting suppression by social media, keep right on spreading the truth.

Control of social media suppression is as fake as fake news.  Total suppression is a fallacy because it’s akin to thinking no one will hear the squawking of thousands of parrots just by closing the door of the room where the parrots are kept.

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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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