Monday, February 5, 2018


Zuckerberg Quietly Erasing Conservatives: TENS OF THOUSANDS DISAPPEAR OVERNIGHT

Ever since Trump won the election, liberals have been out for blood. First it was the onslaught of labeling anyone “fake news” who they disagreed with. But now in an effort to silence conservatives forever, Facebook has gone on a rampage, where they’re now making conservatives simply disappear off their platform. And along with the new changes that Mark Zuckerberg made to your newsfeed, liberals now have a way to silence conservative media forever, as pages and posts from well-known conservatives are vanishing overnight.

Outspoken anti-Islam journalist Pamela Geller has always been a favorite target of the left where she’s not only ridiculed for having a negative opinion against Muslims, but labeled a “bigot” and “racist” for pointing out the dangers of Islam. After not being able to successfully shut her mouth, now Mark Zuckerberg and his team of anti-American administrators have found a way to silence her for good, by simply making it impossible for her fans to share her work. Conservative Firing Line has more:

Pamela Geller

On Sunday, Pamela Geller, editor-in-chief of The Geller Report and author of “Fatwa: Hunted in America,” told the Conservative Firing Line that Facebook, the social media site once dubbed the “world’s most dangerous censor,” has labeled her site as “spam” and is preventing anyone from sharing any of her articles.

“It labeled my site as spam and removed every Geller Report post — thousands upon thousands of them, going back years – from Facebook,” she told me. “It also blocked any Facebook member from sharing links to the Geller Report. The ramping up of the shutting-down of sites like mine is neither random nor personal.”

She further questioned the timing of Facebook’s current attacks against her site, which she said has been ongoing for at least the past year.

“The left is gearing up for the 2018 midterm elections, and they mean to shut down whatever outlet or voice that helped elect President Trump, the greatest upset in leftwing history,” she added.

In an article published on her page Saturday, Geller wrote:

A chief officer from a major American communications company went to the terror state of Pakistan to assure the Pakistani government that Facebook would adhere to the sharia. The commitment was given by Vice President of Facebook Joel Kaplan, who called on Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan. “Facebook has reiterated its commitment to keep the platform safe and promote values that are in congruence with its community standards.”

Why the block? Because under Islamic law, you cannot criticize Islam. Facebook adhering to the most extreme and brutal ideology on the face of the earth should trouble all of us, because Mark Zuckerberg has immense power. He controls the flow of information.

She also posted a number of photos showing what happens when Facebook users post her links. In every case, the link is marked as “spam.” We have heard separately from quite a few users who have experienced the same thing.

While Geller’s articles focus primarily on the growing Islamization of Western Civilization, she writes about many other topics as well.

She was the first, for example, to write about Facebook’s actions against “Warriors for Christ,” a West Virginia-based ministry that appears to have been targeted for destruction by the social media giant for its biblical position on homosexuality.

Recently, Facebook has deployed changes that have caught the attention of many on both sides of the political aisle. The telecommunications giant AT&T recently ran ads calling on Congress to enact an “Internet Bill of Rights” and George Soros, the far-left billionaire who contributes heavily to liberal causes like Black Lives Matter, said tech giants like Google and Facebook need to be heavily regulated like utilities.

Even the National Review Online has taken notice:

“Tech companies such as Google and Facebook are also utilities of sorts that provide essential services. They depend on the free use of public airwaves. Yet they are subject to little oversight; they simply make up their own rules as they go along. Antitrust laws prohibit one corporation from unfairly devouring its competition, capturing most of its market, and then price-gouging as it sees fit without fear of competition. Google has all but destroyed its search-engine competitors in the same manner that Facebook has driven out competing social media.”

Facebook and Google are now called a “duopoly.” The two companies rake in roughly half of all Internet ad revenue. Both companies sometimes censor and electronically snoop on their customers, massaging everything from the daily news to what we should buy. Could a Silicon Valley startup company offer an alternative to either Facebook or Google? It would likely be bought out or crushed the moment it became large enough to gain notice.

Speaking of Facebook and Google, Geller wrote:

“Both companies routinely censor and spy on their customers, “massaging everything from the daily news to what we should buy.” In the last century, the telephone was our “computer,” and Ma Bell was how we communicated. That said, would the American people (or the government) have tolerated ATT spying on our phone calls and then pulling our communication privileges if we expressed dissenting opinions? That is exactly what we are suffering today.”

“Ma Bell was broken up by the government, albeit for different reasons. But it can and should be done. I am not interested in their revenue as much as insuring our rights, our first amendment rights,” she added.

Incidents like this, by the way, were the inspiration for “Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad,” a one-of-a-kind book written by yours truly with American-Israeli Adina Kutnicki and endorsed by Geller.
This is only the beginning of the massive censorship hitting the platform. In addition to making links from conservative websites impossible to share, Facebook is also changing your newsfeed, so that news from sites that they deem “untrustworthy” are never seen.

The Daily Wire reported:

Facebook recently announced that it will be making major changes to its newsfeed that will significantly impact what users see. The emphasis, CEO Mark Zuckerberg explained, will be on posts from users’ friends and family, as well as what Facebook calls “trusted sources.”

Those “trusted sources,” however, are not necessarily going to be the same pages and news sites that users follow; rather, they are sources that Facebook designates as “trusted” through what it says will be rankings produced by “a diverse and representative” sample of Facebook users (see full post below). Which sources are “trusted sources” and which are not, is unclear. Sources not deemed “trusted” — even those you choose to follow — will get buried or de-emphasized in your newsfeed.

This is absolutely outrageous! So what can you do to fight back?

Go to the Facebook page of the site you want to follow, click the “Following” drop-down arrow, and check the “See First” option “In Your News Feed.”

Continue Reading:>>>>>>>>>>Here

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)



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