BREAKING: Yet Another Liberal Judge Rules Against Trump’s Immigration Plan
Despite the fact that the office of the President of the United States has every legal right to overturn the executive order of a former president, another far-left U.S. Circuit court judge is attempting to block the President’s order to end the DACA program.
In September of 2017, President Trump ordered the program to end, giving Congress up to March 5h of this year to pass legislation that would continue the “deportation deferral” status given to the so-called “dreamers”.
This week, just days before Congress is set to debate the future of DACA, a New York judge decided to bar the president from ending this program, despite the inconvenient fact that President Trump has ever legal authority to do so, especially considering it was illegal for Obama to begin the DACA program to begin with.
This is the second attempt by a liberal circuit judge to maintain DACA.
The Hill reports:
U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis, an appointee of former President Bill Clinton, wrote in a court order Tuesday in New York City that the administration could not rescind the Obama-era program “pending a decision on the merits of these cases.”
“Defendants thus must continue processing both initial DACA applications and DACA renewal requests under the same terms and conditions that applied before September 5, 2017, subject to the limitations described below,” he wrote.
The New York ruling is similar to one issued last month by San Francisco-based U.S. District Judge William Alsup, who ordered the administration to continue processing DACA applications.
New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman praised the ruling on Twitter and, in his official statement, joined in Garaufis’ delusion that DACA was legal and that Trump had no authority to rescind it.
“Federal courts from coast to coast have now reviewed the record and reached the same conclusion: President Trump’s decision to rescind DACA was illegal,” he said.
“Today’s federal court ruling is a victory for the over 42,000 New York Dreamers and more than 700,000 Dreamers across the country,” he continued. “There is much more work ahead to permanently preserve DACA and protect the millions of American families, businesses, hospitals, and universities that depend on Dreamers every day to succeed, but today is an important step forward in that fight.”
This timing is particularly hilarious considering the Democrats have been given a perfect opportunity to defend their supposedly precious DACA dreamer voting base and yet refuse to take the deal.
As The Blaze reports, “Trump has offered to support a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million DACA recipients, but asked for support of $25 billion for a border wall in exchange. Democrats have balked at the demand thus far.”
The Democrats are doing everything they can to save face and pretend they care about illegal immigrants, but really, they are just so dead set on opposing Trump at every turn they’re perfectly willing to shoot themselves in the foot.
Fortunately, it probably won’t work out too well for them.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

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