Tuesday, February 20, 2018

A Page From The Diary of Bill Sharpe:02/20/18 Here's my thought for today,Prejudice and Discrimination

The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot ,Bill Sharpe

Hello friends,Bill Sharpe Here...

Good morning to my fellow constitutional loving 

Good morning my friends 
Americans patriot constitutionalist 
 Here's my thought for today 

Image result for American patriots.

Hello my Christian constitutional American patriots.
Good morning friends and fellow Americans and patriots,
Greetings to my Christian friends patriots 3% ers, and tea party freedom fighters.

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Perfect example of prejudice and discrimination

This rant is about Facebook,And our government Facebook Inc. is out-of-control and should be broken up the same way that Bell telephone was broken up, because the reason Bell telephone was broken up in the first place was to stop what Facebook Inc. is doing right now, complete control of a communication system and censoring ! To who can use it and Who cannot !.

Facebook is not acting alone, the other social media giants are working in collusion with them, twitter, Comcast, Microsoft all of them are trying to shut down free speech across America, they are exercising political sabotage against the American people's will and voice And to communicate freely amongst ourselves !.

This is a direct political manipulation by corporations to destroy our constitutional freedoms, no corporation or business is above violating the constitutional rights and laws of America !!!

What these social media giants are doing is more Dangerous than any Russian involvement in our political system could ever possibly dream of doing!, And a matter of fact these social media corporations, are trying to manipulate political ideology by installing their own political Ideology, which by the way it is communism!, Camouflaged as Liberalism or Progressivism, to Manipulate the Uninformed the Ignorant and the Uneducated for their Own Political and Financial Gains!

These social media giants are a bigger threat to the American people's freedoms and liberties that any other political ideology out there !!!

What Facebook is doing Is a Violent and Hostile Act Against a Particular Group of Individuals and Their Rights of Free Speech within our own country! Facebook is violating our community standard as American citizens! They had the ability to correct the situation without being hostile towards any parties, but instead they choose a hostile position on shutting down particular individuals beliefs and free-speech!!!

They could if they wanted just let us block people who do not like what we write, but instead they choose the path of hostility to violate our community standards of free speech within our own country!!!

What Facebook is doing is a perfect example of prejudice and discrimination of a single group of individuals by punishing them for nothing more than exercising their right of free speech !!!

If the people of Facebook had their way they would kill and murder every person that writes comments what they do not agree with !!!

Some people would say that you signed a contract with Facebook that allows them to violate your rights, I say this to you if I gave you a free dinner and had you sign a contract for the dinner, and then killed you and your family After that dinner and sold your body parts would that be fair and just ???

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Remember these words, liberty and justice for all !

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The Science of mind control !

  And they have a Drug for that Too ! Here are some of the signs of mind control, Depression is the number one sign of mind control.

Not knowing what sex you are. Despite being born with a particular genitalia.

Headaches your mind is fighting the forces that are trying to take over your Own thoughts And opinions in your brain.

Don't agree with people that you don't agree with, just to avoid confrontation.

Problems sleeping.

How to regain control of your mind, cut off as much electronic communication as you can !
Take time every day to remember who you are and what you Would like to do in your life !
For example what did you like to do as a kid ?

Try to think what is your actual opinion, and why you have that opinion
Find your faith what you truly believe in.

Read documents like the King James version of the Bible, the Constitution of the United States of America, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence.

Stay away from people who are procommunist, don't even listen to their conversation, avoid people claiming to be connected to the Democratic Party, avoid mainstream media who are all in collusion telling one scripted story, or one side of a story.

Stay away from people who do not believe in God!

Limit the amount of music that you listen to, and the type of music that you listen to, music is the first form of mind control ! If you noticed all electronic commercials play music in the commercials, even if there just selling tampons.

Try turning the volume off on your TV and just watch what's taking place draw your own opinion and conclusion, especially if you're watching documentaries, listen for the music in the stories , they're trying to manipulate your feelings through the music !!!

It's called sensory overload, all of your five senses are used to manipulate your thought process, disconnect one or some of these processes to regain control of your own thought process.

They are bombarding your eyes with The Story, and Then they Bombard your Ears to Confirm Another One of your Senses to What Your Eyes are Seeing,
 Multiplying Deceptions !!!

This mental manipulation started in Hollywood, and was Perfected by Companies that Create Commercials to Manipulate the Public, Very Similar to Mass Hypnosis Created by Weatherman Before a Weather Event such as Snow !!!



Daily Bites of the Constitution : Review # 1-30 : In Case You Miss one...

 I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group, and a patriot organization.


God Bless America is an American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin in 1918 and revised by him in 1938. The later version was recorded by Kate Smith, Note : I would Like you to take the 5 minutes and listen to the words of this Song and remember the Generation that fought A world war ,so we could be free ,So stand up be side Her and lets take our Country back ,my Patriot Friends ! 




Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy


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