Hershey, PA. 1915
Hershey, PA. 1915
In Hershey, everywhere you look you'll see inspiring reminders of the accomplishments of our founder, Milton S. Hershey. In 1903, Milton S. Hershey built the world's first modern chocolate factory and developed the town and its recreations for his employees. He started an orphanage and school, The Milton Hershey School, and endowed it with his entire fortune.
Today, Milton Hershey's legacy continues in the continued success of these businesses and the lasting gift to future generations through his school. Incorporate our unique history into your meeting with interesting and entertaining activities and group events that are unique to Hershey.
The original Hershey Chocolate factory under construction, c. 1903

Hershey Chocolate factory

Series 1:
#1)His Early Days:
#2) A Town, one of a Kind:
#3) Teaching Values and Principles:
#4) Brown and Gold Report:
#5) Interview with a Ten Year Old:
Series 2:
#6) Morning School Open Exercises:
#7) Examples of Studies:
#8) Pennsylvania Dutch:
#9) Leaving School to Work:
#10) Trouble in Paradise:
Series 3:
#11) Back to Lancaster:
#12) A Million Dollar Business:
#13) A man named Decies:
#14) Bold Move:
#15) Out of Debt:
Series 4:
#16) Learning How to Make Chocolate:
#17) Building a Chocolate Factory:
#18) The Hershey Car:
#19) Hershey Town:
#20) How did it Happen?
Series 5:
#21) Where it Began:
#22) About the Man:
#23) Milton Hershey School:
#24) The Emergency Ration D Bar:
#25) Hershey’s Wish Comes True:
Series 6:
#26) Five Beloved Home Boys:
#27) Town Builder’s Time Line:
#28) Plant another Seed:
#29) Private Solutions for Public Problems:
#30) The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom:
Milton S. Hershey
AT 30 YRS.
of Age

About the Philanthropist Milton Snavely Hershey: 1857-1945:
Daily Bites of The Safest Place on Earth:
Colliers: Book 10 1950:
Series 1: About the Philanthropist: #1 His Early Days.
Milton S. Hershey was an American manufacturer born in Derry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania on September 13,1857. After his education in local schools he became an assistant printer for the Lancaster Farmer. by 1878 he was the owner of a candy store in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At the young age of 21 he made his own candies and later opened other stores in New York and Chicago. Later he sold these businesses for one million dollars and returned to Lancaster where he started making chocolate bars. Forming his procedure on the English Cad bury, he founded the model town of Hershey, Pennsylvania. His employees of the firm were compelled to live locally in the town. In 1910, with his wife, he founded the orphanage known as the Hershey Industrial School. In 1918 he formed the Hershey trust of approximately sixty million dollars to pay for the maintenance of the schools. (unquote Collier’s encyclopedia of 1950.) P.L. Sturgis: Several seeds sparked an interest in writing about this man and this town throughout frequent periods of my life. The first memory was when I was teaching a Sunday School Class in 1990’s, and a visitor dropped in with a paper back book about Milton Hershey. I took it home but never read it. Later I heard about Hershey town, the candy kisses and hugs, the many things the town held that appealed to me. I started thinking maybe that was Milton Hershey but I know it could not have been since I was only 5 when he died.
Daily Bites of The Safest Place on Earth:
Colliers: Book 10 1950:
#2) A town, One of a Kind: Colliers encyc. 1950:
Daily Bites of The Safest Place on Earth:
Colliers: Book 10 1950:
#3) Teaching Values and Principles:
In 1909-10 Milton Hershey founded the orphanage School called the “Hershey Industrial School” which is financed by the Hershey Corporation today and has always been paid by the corporation. Today is known as MHS Milton S. Hershey, named after its founder. Here the teachers prepare students academically and prepare them for life. The goal is to graduate students with strong character, and who are productive and fulfilling citizens. Character and values are very important to the educational program and to the success of the students. Teachers contribute to a culture that embraces our sacred values of integrity, positive spirit, commitment to missions and mutual respect.
Daily Bites of The Safest Place on Earth:
Colliers: Book 10 1950:
#4) Brown and Gold 2016-17 Report: Google search:
107 years later from our founder, 1909, Milton Hershey School continues with an unwavering commitment to Milton S. Hershey’s timeless vision as we prepare students to success at levels they never imagined possible. Our whole child approach to education empowers students to overcome obstacles that stem from poverty. We, not only, encourage them to set goals, but we teach them how to reach their goals. We do this through individualized attention and award winning programs. As our Milton Hershey School President, I am honored to lead our homes and school as we further our mission to enhance the lives of children in need. We will work continuously in our legacy campus to grow in enrollment to 23oo children. We are filled with excitement about providing life changing opportunities for more students than ever. President Peter Gurk.
Daily Bites of The Safest Place on Earth:
Colliers: Book 10 1950:
#5) Interview with a Ten year old student:
Q: Why did you choose Milton Hershey School? A. My Poppy did because he said it will give me a better education and it is the safest place on earth. Q: Who pays for your education? A. It is all paid by the Hershey Corporation: Q. What are some of the basic things you learn? A. We learn about God and the Bible. We learn good manners and how to clean. Q. How do you start your day at your boarding Home? A. I get dressed in my uniform,tan and blue pants and polo shirt. We all make our beds and clean our rooms. Then we go downstairs and say good morning to our house parents. Q. What house chores do you do? A. We clean and fold our laundry. Q. Describe how you prepare to go to school? A. (sigh) We have 2 hours. We brush our teeth and fix our hair and get the books we need! Q. How many students are there in your boarding house? A. 12 Q. How far away is school and how do you get there? A. 15 to 20 minutes. Our house parents drive us.
Hershey Town today
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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Hershey Town today

(to be continued)
Daily Bites of the Safest Place on Earth:
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. In God we trust.
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Read this and reflect upon it - I browsed your page and think you need to brush up on true LIBERTY so I will let Mr. Jefferson do my speaking for me ...
ReplyDeletea wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this ...