Sunday, December 10, 2017

Haunted by Disturbing Contents on Weiner’s Laptop, Worried Chuck Schumer Forced to Shelter Molester Al Franken

Haunted by Disturbing Contents on Weiner’s Laptop, Worried Chuck Schumer Forced to Shelter Molester Al Franken
Chuck Schumer is behaving like a man who has much to hide. And according to Beltway insiders, he certainly does.

The question is: What exactly is Sen. Chuck Schumer hiding?

Schumer’s disgraced political godson Anthony Weiner is now in jail. And there is no Democratic president in the White House to throw legal shade onto Schumer. And he may need that now more than ever before. Hillary Clinton, declawed and criminally vulnerable herself, can provide no relief for Schumer either.

Essentially, Schumer is now largely on his own island. And it’s not Manhattan. In recent days, the chronically boisterous Schumer has gone underground.

Did Schumer’s name or image pop up as part of the evidence gleaned from Weiner’s confiscated laptop? Hundreds of thousands of emails, photos, videos, bank records, and travel records related to the Clinton family and foundation, Weiner and wife Huma Abedin, according to federal law enforcement officials.

Time will tell if Schumer’s name and likeness is part of that treasure trove of evidence. But a good journalist, like a good lawyer, rarely asks biting rhetorical questions in print without first knowing the answer.

We can say this much. Schumer used all his political mojo and strings to keep Weiner out of federal prison. And still failed. Bigly. That has concerned the U.S. Senator from New York — who seldom flinches — and many others who are finding it difficult to navigate such murky and rocky political waters with President Donald Trump now running the show and the Justice Department.

Even liberal cheerleader and number wizard Nate Silver was bewildered by Schumer’s kid gloves against Franken:

I assumed that Franken was headed toward resignation. I didn’t necessarily expect Franken to resign immediately or without putting up a fight. But barring some highly exculpatory evidence, I expected Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and other prominent Democrats to be pushing Franken out the door.

emember, Weiner was facing a long stretch in prison for child pornography charges. Federal sources said he cooperated with the FBI and DOJ and those tougher charges were reduced as part of his plea agreement.

Who did Weiner Rat out? Another reason for Schumer to be very concerned. Take note here that Weiner and Schumer had a serious falling out at the same time Weiner was negotiating his plea deal. These are the small details that speak volumes but are often overlooked.

Schumer was forced to protect Al Franken instead of forcing his resignation. If Schumer calls for Franken to resign — and pushes Franken out the door for sexual harassment — Schumer’s political career would suffer a similar fate if and when allegations surface against the Democratic leader of the Senate.

So instead of facing unemployment, Franken faces an investigation by the toothless and feckless Senate Ethics Committee, a group feared lees that a group of Girl Scouts selling cookies door to door.

Sexual harassment is never acceptable and must not be tolerated.

I hope and expect that the Ethics Committee will fully investigate this troubling incident, as they should with any credible allegation of sexual harassment.

What happens in D.C. amid the heavy players is always a deep and heavily calculated chess game. Democrats who have run roughshod on the Constitution for years are reluctantly finding a worthy chess opponent in President Trump.

A normally vocal Schumer has certainly toned down his perpetual outrage act — on Twitter and beyond — since allegations of sexual misconduct have pierced the sacred veil of the U.S. Senate.

Check mate.



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