Thursday, December 21, 2017

Attack on American Christian Culture:by Gordon V. Drake - Series 3 Of 6

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Attack on American Christian Culture:
 by Gordon V. Drake: 20 years experience as an educator,speaker and writer: 1969:

Gordon V. Drake holds a doctorate in higher education and administration from the University of Denver and a Masters Degree from the Northern University of Arizona. Dr. drake’s articles on education have appeared in various national magazines. As a teacher and administrator Dr. Drake served on the faculties of the Universities of Denver, Wisconsin State University and as Dean of Shelton College. In 1964 he won an award from the Commission of the American Legion for his teaching of American History. Since January of 1968 Dr. Drake has associated with Dr. Billy James Hargis and the Christian Crusade Headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dr. Drake appeared regularly on Christian Crusade Daily Network Broadcast: He is the author of “Blackboard Power”--- “National Education Association Threat to America” ---- “Sensitivity, raw sex schoolhouse, Training.” All of the documents in this book are thoroughly documented. Further documentation may be obtained by writing directly to: Dr. Gordon V. Drake, Christian Crusade. Box 977, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74102 --------------------- “These activities include Sensitivity Training investigation of morality claiming that “myth based” religious ideas in our society interfere with the growth of scientific psychology” 

Highlights by PL Sturgis: comments in ( PLS)

Series 5

#21) My Personal Testimony: (P.L.Sturgis)
#22) Contacting my Representative: (P.L.Sturgis) 
#23) Brainwashing called Character Building: 
#24) change Agents:
#25) Education Profession Development Act: 1965: 

Series 6

#26) SEARCH: New methods for Education Federally funded: 
#27) Attacking Individuality and Personal Values:
#28) A Case in Point:
#29) Published Testimonies: 
#30) Calling Evil Good:

Daily Bites of Attack on American Christian Culture: by Gordon V. Drake
Series 3

#11 Claiming no Right or Wrong: (denying good or evil)

Dr. Abraham Maslow, president of the American Psychological Association, sees these marathons as a kind of psychological nudism where physical nudism is added so that members can go away more spontaneous, less guarded, and more innocent in their minds. (can you not see that this has the opposite effect? PL Sturgis) Bendrim is the first experimental group, consisting of 20 persons already involved in group therapy. Some single, some married; and some about to be married. Their problems include sexual difficulties which psycho therapist Bendrim believed were the result of christian teaching that nudity is shameful. The nude marathon was held as an isolated nudist camp, completed with a heated whirlpool bath. Bendrim’s “Sensitivity Marathons” are held in a desert hotel in Palm Springs, California. 

#12) The Opposite of Religious Conversion:

The most prominent in the experimental field of ‘sensitivity training” is the Esalen Institution at Big Sur, California. Here prominent psychologists work on new techniques such as Gestalt therapy and team interpretation. Typical is the five day encounter work shop which deals with the here and now feelings about each other. The approach is developed through a variety of gymnastic experiences. For example, marathons are held in which no words are spoken; only nonsense noise. In addition, gestures are permitted, as well as looks, standing and staring, carressing, and slapping each other. Theoretically, this reduces (so called) suspicion against a member. (sounds the opposite to me. I suspect immense manipulation from the leaders: PL Sturgis) They also beat the floor with drumsticks or bottles; roll about on mattresses, and occasionally scream at each other. They finally relax on the floor in a giant tangle of bodies. (So they have traded morality and christian principles for manipulating humans to step back to the cave men days??? PL Sturgis) Sometimes people emerge from these sensitivity encounters virtually shouting: “I AM SAVED!” Carl Rogers states: “With this encounter the person himself is his own savior with no outside contact!” 

#13) Fast Human Changes:

At Esalen Institute are sessions under the direction of Dr. William Schultz. He is the author of “Joy Expanding Human Awareness.” He specializes in what he calls “fast human change”.... “Rapid fire; open couples; week long sessions. The first meeting opens with a long talk about the kind of a world we could have if openness and honesty were the rule rather than the exception. (this play on words can be described in one word...”Deception” calling evil good and calling good evil. PL Sturgis) Yet, Schultz goes on speaking about the energy wasted deceiving each other. Then he opens his bag of gimmicks. For example, he asks for a volunteer to reveal his personal secrets. In one particular session a woman who had disliked her husband for years verbally whip lashed him with all of her pent up rage. In another session a man blurted out that he had extra marital affairs. His wife was shocked and sprang for his throat. At the end of that 4 week session Schultz called it a success and took credit for teaching maturity and wisdom. (So Dr. Schultz concludes that the 7th commandment “Thou shalt not commit adultery” written by the finger of God, is immature? PL Sturgis) In this session Dr. Schultz sees the participants as redefining man, woman, and roles of the family. 

#14) Attack on American Christian Families:

Many anthropologists (study of races) and family socialists have questioned the tightness and social isolation of the modern nuclear family---that is---- where husband,wife, and children, live apart from relatives. they point to primitive tribes where marital and sexual customs confound the traditional the traditional notion that there is any one natural pattern in the sexes. We could just as well then, observe the animals of the forest and learn from them. We may just as well say, “Go to the ant thou sluggard!” since social scientists persists in placing humans at the top of the animalistic evolutionary ladder. (We are not animals. We are made in the image of God who created everything there is and without Him was nothing created that was created. It does not depend on what you or I believe. Only the truth. PL Sturgis) (In our Lord’s image, I’m afraid a monkey will not do. It’s evolutionists that made a monkey out of you! PL Sturgis) Another approach to readjust the man/woman relationship is suggested by Dr. Farman, Chairman of the Board of the Western Behavioral Science Institute of La Jolla, California. He suggests that married couples for networks to monitor each other’s marriages and practice mutual psychoanalysis on each other. (This is a plan to break up marriages, and families, and targets children most of all! PL Sturgis) 

#15) Changing Community Standards:
A Presbyterian regional coordinator for sensitivity training in the Chicago area proclaims: “I see the value in sensitivity training and its ability to involve people in a new socializing process free of the trapping of traditional society. Because it is a humanizing process, it has the potential to help form new communities with a new level of communication. This advice has been taken by go-go reverends from all denominations, as they are further advised by such “experts” as Episcopal laymen, William McGaw Jr. of the Western Behavioral Science Institute. An article in Coronet Magazine asks: “Is your church reaching for this new kind of religious service?” and then it relates the experience of a participant in the new service who stated: “I go stale in worship when I began thinking of getting a kiss of peace or an embrace. This sensitivity oriental worship service was demonstrated at the World Council of Churches Assembly in August of 1968 at Sweden. Mr. McGaw said: “We find ourselves in a put-put church in a go-go world. There is an increased demand for the theology of the “here and now” instead of the “Here After!” McGaw is joined by educators, psychologists, behavioral scientists, and theologians in his concern over the “so called” alienation, loneliness, and confusion revolt of the 20th century. 

 (to be continued) 



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