If you are really ready to understand all the crap that is going on out there and on that tv of yours.. then I can help. It's not easy.. there is a lot to learn, but if you do, I promise it will make more sense than anything you were told by the media. By the time you read this whole post, you will be right is right.. you will feel much better. Still with me? OK.. let's go...

What is the "storm" the POTUS spoke about?
it is the draining of the swamp, a giant global hurricane of veracity.
Why are the Saudis important?
Because this is where the swamp has its deepest depths/roots/funding and where the storm starts. SA has the most $$ which have been flowing to corrupt American politicians via foundations, and until we cut those strings we are only digging in the sand. Trump has made a deal with a younger Prince who wants reform. He has secretly planned a coup and is working with him to perform a mass round-up of criminals feeding Hillary/Obama/Bushes,,etc...
What follows is the best reconstruction of events of the LV shooting that have a large backstory not told in the press.
We will start here as this ties into a larger effort by Trump to drain the swamp and crimes committed by Hillary and Obama with Russia, and a bigger network of criminals that have controlled our country for decades. Not to mention real proof we can share things are underway and this post is not a waste of your time!
Get comfortable.. get a blanket, some coffee/beer/cig and hold on!
Reality is better than NFL or anything on Netflix!
By the end of this you will feel different about things, I promise. Seriously, this is going to get exciting pretty fast. First the main actors...

Left: Muhammad Bin Salman 32 (Young new hero reformer) Right: Alwaleed bin Talal 62 (Old school criminal, think 9/11, he is the leader of a large group of bad princes) +++ Now what really happened at LV and WHY... (to our best understanding) Direct link for mobile users:
Direct link for computers
SA rolls out red carpet for Trump's visit: https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2017/05/17/528778789/trumps-first-foreign-trip-a-red-carpet-welcome-in-a-muslim-land >
VIDEO Trump Dance of the Sword: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2017/may/21/trump-joins-ceremonial-sword-dance-in-saudi-arabia-video > VIDEO Prince Salman talking about reforms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZqyYVF6fIE >
VIDEO Extraction from Tropicana hotel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niBgnjtMSsg > Airport activity logs, special access, multiple shooters in multiple locations, all check out there are other videos of ambulances and bodies being brought out of other locations, have to find. Even with the best intentions, from a normie perspective, everyone with eyeballs that watched the LV Sheriff talk on camera while the FBI Shark loomed over him, knows the sweating nervous Sheriff that keeps changing his story is not telling us everything.
And now you know why.. so, as a summary... 1) An older prince Talal is corrupt, largest investor in America, (Twitter Citicorp, etc) owns many politicians and supports radical Islam, ISIS/AL Qaeda, and has ties to 9/11. Has been in control in SA for a very long time allowed to do what he wants, playing both sides of terror. 2) A younger prince Muhammad Salman (son of king) is a reformer, wants women to drive, wants to stop radical Islam.. partnered with Trump, while Talal owns the Bushes/Clintons/Pelosi/McCain/Obama by funding their foundations and having dirt on them 3) The old corrupt guard do not want their crimes found or Radical Islam stopped IN BOTH SA AND AMERICA!! They don't want women driving or to for them to lose power in both countries. Now LV should make more sense. they tried to stop all this and kill him just like Game of Thrones! Shit went upside down, got crazy and we are left with the fall out.
The attempt on his life only solidified his resolve to immediately go after these criminals. THAT'S WHY TRUMP CALLED IT A MIRACLE!! Shortly after mass arrests took place the prince who ordered the hit was killed in a helicopter "crash" with all his team. >
Revenge is a dish served cold. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/11/saudi-helicopter-crash-kills-high-ranking-prince-171106045628460.html >
Massive Arrests http://nypost.com/2017/11/09/more-than-200-arrested-in-saudi-arabias-corruption-crackdown/ SA habbenings are critical as all the ties it has to American political corruption/CIA. +++ Consider the balls needed to pull this off...
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy
BY OUR VETERANS Note: We at The Patriot cannot make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information.
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