Friday, November 24, 2017

Clinton Greed – Where Will It End - Who Will Bring it To The End ?...

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Clinton Greed – “We’re Put On This Earth To Help Take Care Of Each Other”

 Hillary Clinton the royal treatment from MSNBC RINO Hugh Hewitt, giving her a platform to spew her lies unchallenged. She portrayed Trump as a monster and herself the innocent victim…

Hillary Clinton is asked by the establishment propagandist Hugh Hewitt if she thought she and President Trump will end up with a friendly relationship after all is said and done or bitter, invoking her husband and George W Bush as an example.

Clinton naturally responds with a lie, saying, “I don’t have any personal stake in this Presidency.” She has the potential of going to prison for the rest of her life, if the DOJ under AG Jeff Sessions decides it wants to do its job. That’s kind of personal.

She then goes with her strategic attacks upon the effort to expose her criminality, saying, “I have a citizen’s stake. I have a concerned person’s stake and I am, as you might guess, very much worried by the actions and rhetoric of our current President.”

She continues denying that her concerns are of a personal nature, saying, “I was cordial with him before we ran against each other, he supported me when I ran for the Senate in New York.” She then starts the incongruent, rambling, babbling portion of her attack, saying, “And then he began to traffic in all kinds of conspiracies, like the birther conspiracy [a truth that Clinton ‘trafficked in herself] and then making all kinds of outrageous and untrue attacks on immigrants [lawbreaking illegals] and others and really being an equal opportunity insulter.”

The espionage criminal who financed a fake Russian hit piece in concert with domestic spying by the FBI under Lynch and Obama, is unchallenged by Hewitt. She says she’s been disappointed in the way that he has conducted himself.” We have too, Clinton, in the fact that you’re not behind bars, most specifically and that the swamp has been successful in resisting his efforts to drain it.

She goes on to attempt to portray herself, again with no intervention on the part of Hewitt, as a great humanitarian who worked with establishment RINO Orrin Hatch on the Children’s Health Insurance Program of socialized medicine.

Clinton attempts to validate the program by pointing to the globalists who have supported it since her husband signed it into law, Bush and Obama. She notes that the program, which provides free health care outside of Obamacare, will expire at the end of the year.

Incorporating the emotion-based tearjerker principle, Clinton says, “Right around Christmas, nine million kids and their families are going to start being told they no longer have health insurance for cystic fibrosis, for diabetes, for cancer, whatever it might be.” Once again the Democrats label something as being for children when it’s for the entire family in order to deceive those who are paying for it.

In attempting to portray President Trump as a heartless monster, she says, “I don’t understand that, Hugh, I don’t get it. Laughably she says, “So it’s not just personal, with the press against me and all of that stuff that goes on.”

Clinton says, “It’s really a values issue for me because, you know, I do think we’re put on this earth in large measure to try to help take care of each other and we can do that in smart ways.” She says, “I’ve always tried to be on the smart side of that but, you know, to walk away from caring for kids, I just don’t understand it.”

Of course for Hillary and Bill Clinton, the concept of helping take care of each other involves donations to the Clinton Foundation for their own enrichment, being taken care of by the rest of us through racketeering, what she refers to as the smart way.

How many kids in Haiti were supposed to be taken care of by the money in their relief funds? How much crony enrichment and profiteering took place at their expense? How much of the $145 million pilfered in the Uranium One deal went to help kids, other than Chelsea’s spawn?

Video Link Here at Breitbart News.

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