Sunday, December 17, 2017

The King Nobody Wanted:SERIES 6 - Compiled by PL Sturgis - Christmas Story...

The King Nobody Wanted: written by Norman F. Langford: 

Highlights and excerpts permitted in connection with a review 1948, printed in USA for Public School Libraries:

 Compiled by PL Sturgis:

About this Book: “The King Nobody Wanted tells the story of Jesus. Where the actual words from the Bible are used they are from the King James Version. The greater part of the story is told in everyday words. You will certainly want to look up these stories in your own Bible.

The King Nobody Wanted: written by Norman F. Langford: SERIES 6

#1)The Last Day:

The Soldiers bound Jesus and led Him back to Jerusalem. they took Him to the Palace of the High Priest. All the Chief Priests and rulers gathered there in a Council Meeting. The Council had already decided that Jesus would have to did but it was hard to find a reason for killing Him. They had to prove that Jesus had said or done something for which He could be put to death. The High Priest stood up and said to Jesus: “In the Name of the Living God are you going to defend yourself? Are you the Messiah?” Jesus answered: “You have said it.” That was all the Council wanted to hear. The Priest Calaphas tore off his clothes in anger and shouted: “Why do we need anymore witnesses? You have heard Him claim to be the Messiah! He shall be put to death!” Then some spit in His face. They covered His eyes and shouted: “If you are the Messiah tell us who hit you? Meanwhile Peter was in another room, three times denying he even knew Jesus. He remembered Jesus saying he will deny Him three times before the rooster crows. Only the Roman Governor who was Pontius could put Jesus to death after the Jewish Council declared Him guilty. As soon as as it was daylight the soldiers took Jesus to Pilate. Judas saw what he had done. He brought back the thirty pieces of silver crying, “I have sinned”...He left and hung himself. 

#2) To Pardon a Criminal:

Meanwhile as Jesus stood before Pilate the Jews accused Him of claiming to be King of the Jews. They thought if they told Pilate He was stirring up trouble against Caesar they would put Him to death. Pilate asked Jesus: “Are You the King of the Jews? ...”You have said it.” was Jesus’ answer. Then the priests and rulers burst out with all kinds of evil stories. Pilate was astonished. He could see that the only reason they had brought Jesus before him was because they were Jealous. Again Pilate demanded Jesus to defend Himself and again He spoke not a word. The large crowd that had followed Him would follow Him no more. When they saw Him treated like a criminal they decided the priests and rulers were right all along. They began to talk against Jesus among themselves. Pilate asked the crowd, “Must I have your King Crucified?” The crowd cried out: “Crucify Him!” The Chief priest hated Caesar but he cried out,”We have no king but Caesar!” It was custom to set a criminal free and Barabbas and Jesus were the two choices but the crowd picked Barabas to go free and Jesus to be crucified. Pilot said, I wash my hands of this decision. Take Him and do as you wish. 

#3) the Purple Robe:

Before the crucifixion Jesus was beaten with long leather throngs which had cruel pieces of glass and iron fastened to them. His back was covered with cuts and bruises. They dressed Jesus in a purple robe and made a crown of thorns for His head, mocking Him, bowing down and saying, “Hail! King of the Jews!” Then they stripped Him and led Him outside the city to be crucified. He was too worn out to carry His own Cross so they forced a man named Simon to carry it for Him. When they reached the Hill of Calvary they put Jesus on the Cross and nailed His hands and feet to the Cross. On the top of the Cross was written: “King of the Jews.” There were crosses on each side of Him where two thieves were being crucified. They took His Purple robe and casts lots for it among themselves. They mocked Jesus, saying, “He saved others but He can’t save Himself!” Jesus prayed to His Father in Heaven to forgive them because they did not know who He was. 

#4) Between Two Thieves:

The thief on one side of Jesus mocked Him just as the crowd did. “If you are our King come down off this Cross and save us!” Then the thief on the other side of Jesus said to the thif who was mocking Jesus: “Why are you not afraid to talk this way to this man who has done nothing to deserve this punishment. You and I do deserve it. Then turning to Jesus he asked, “Lord remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” Jesus answered “This day will you be with Me in Paradise. jesus’ mother stood by the Cross and other women who loved Him. John the disciple was also there. Jesus called to John to take his mother home. The hours passed. For it was about time for the Pass Over Lamb to be killed in the city. Clouds were beginning to cover the sun. It was growing dark, although it was not night. Jesus cried out: “My God, why have you forsaken Me?” The crowd whispered, “He calls for our Father. Let’s see if He will answer Him.” A soldier dipped a sponge in vinegar and held it up to Jesus’ lips. Then Jesus cried: “It is Finished. Father into Thy hands I commit My Spirit.”

#5) a borrowed Tomb:

When evening came a man named Joseph of Arimathea went secretly to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body. He was a well respected rich man. Pilate gave him permission. He came to the cross and took down Jesus’ body and wrapped it in white linen cloth and had it carried to a tomb which had been dug out from a rock. Not until after the Sabbath Day could Jesus’ family come to put spices on the body of Him whom they loved. Jesus body was laid inside the tomb. A great stone was rolled against the door. Standing there was a woman named Mary Magdalene with Mary, the mother of Jesus. They watched while the body of Jesus, so dear to them, was laid away to rest. 

 (to be continued) 

Series 7 AT SUNRISE:

The King Nobody Wanted:SERIES 1

The King Nobody Wanted:SERIES 2

The King Nobody Wanted:SERIES 3

The King Nobody Wanted:SERIES 4

The King Nobody Wanted:SERIES 5



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