Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The King Nobody Wanted:SERIES 2 - Compiled by PL Sturgis - Christmas Story...

The King Nobody Wanted: written by Norman F. Langford: 

Highlights and excerpts permitted in connection with a review 1948, printed in USA for Public School Libraries:

 Compiled by PL Sturgis:

About this Book: “The King Nobody Wanted tells the story of Jesus. Where the actual words from the Bible are used they are from the King James Version. The greater part of the story is told in everyday words. You will certainly want to look up these stories in your own Bible.

The King Nobody Wanted: written by Norman F. Langford: SERIES 2

 #1 Peace on Earth:

A great chorus began to sing. The sky rang with the music and these were the words of the song: “Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace. Good will toward men. As quickly as they had come the light and the singing were gone. There was just the darkness again and the far off howling of the wild beasts. Everything was the same as before except that the shepherds’ eyes were still blinded by the bright light and their ears were full of the music. Their excited voices broke the spell as they all talked at once. “He’s come at last! The Messiah has come! Where did the angels say? The City of David! That means Bethlehem! yes! Let’s go to Bethlehem at once to find out what has happened there!” For the first time in their lives the shepherds left their sheep to look after themselves. Across the hills and the stone fences and the rocky fields the shepherds scrambled and hardly stopped for breath till they reached the edge of the town. Everything in Bethlehem was dark as night could be. No! Not everything a light was flickering through the darkness. “He must be there where the light is” said one of the shepherds. Down the street they ran and soon they were standing in a stable. 

#2) Wise Men Seek Him:

There were no angels in the stable. Cows and donkeys were eating hay. A cold draft of air was blowing in and over the dirt floor. Beside one of the mangers they saw a man standing. A young woman was resting close by. she was watching a baby who lay in the straw. “We came to see the Messiah!” one of the shepherds stammered. The Baby cried. the animals munched their food. There was some explaining to do. The shepherds told the story of what had happened in the field. They young man standing beside the manger did not have anything very exciting to tell the shepherds. “My name is Joseph” he said. “and this is my wife, Mary. We used to live in Bethlehem but no one remembers us now. I’ve been working in Galilee for years. I have a carpenter’s shop there. The only reason we came back to Bethlehem was to have our names entered in the government records. We tried to get a room in the inn but there was no room for us with all the important people here. They said we could sleep in the stable. The Baby came tonight.

#3) The Babe in the Manger:

The shepherds looked at the Baby. they hoped that they would see something unusual about Him but He looked just like any other baby. Then they remembered the angels’ song. Outside again the shepherds looked up and saw a faint gray light streaking the blackness in the east. Morning was coming. Soon the people of the country side would be getting up. What a story the shepherds were going to tell them. Who would have thought of looking for the Messiah in a manger? The shepherds were the first to learn the secret. As they walked back to their flocks they prayed and gave God thanks. Meanwhile the little family in the stable were gathered in silence around the manger. Mary, the mother, never said a word, but her thoughts were busy with the tale the shepherds had told about her little child. The Shepherds were not the only people to see the strange light in the sky. Many miles away three men saw a new star. they were Wise Men and they knew all the stars but this one they had never seen before. 

#4) The Moving Star:

The star was not only a new star the Wise Men had never seen but it was a moving star. Like a bright finger tip in the Heavens it seemed to beckon them on. The Wise Men were rich and important and thought nothing of a journey. At once they set out to see where the star would lead them. For many days they traveled across the desert and at last they came to Jerusalem. Although they were not Jews they had heard that a Messiah was expected someday in Palestine. When they saw the star had brought them to Jerusalem they decided that the Messiah must have come. “We are strangers here.” they said to each other. “We had better ask our way.” King Herod was in Jerusalem just then and the Wise Men went to his palace. Since they were rich and famous they had no trouble getting in to see the king. They bowed down respectfully before King Herod and then asked: “Where is the new born King of the Jews? We have seen His star in the East and we have come to worship Him.”

#5) King Herod’s Command:

Herod was surprised and angry! A new King of the Jews??? Herod himself was King of the Jews! however, he hid his feelings and answered, “I will find out what you want to know.” He left the Wise Men and hurried off to consult with his advisers. “The Messiah!” he shouted! “Where do they say the Messiah shall be born?” Solemnly he was told: “In Bethlehem. An ancient book of the Holy Scriptures tells us that out of Bethlehem shall come a governor to rule the people of Israel.” Fear and jealousy boiled up in Herod but a king must control his feelings. Herod was old and wise. When he called his three visitors to him he was as smooth and polite as ever. He told them that they would find the child in Bethlehem. “Go there” he told them “and look for the Babe carefully and when you have found Him come and tell me for I too, want to worship Him.” The Wise Men thanked the king and set out for Bethlehem. 

 (to be continued) 
 God sends a Dream to the Wise Men:

The King Nobody Wanted:SERIES 1



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