Sunday, December 9, 2018

Angela Merkel: Trump Has Almost Destroyed The ‘New World Order’

German chancellor Angela Merkel has admitted that the New World Order is ‘under threat’ due to the rise of President Trump and the trend of Trump-supporting populist leaders winning elections around the world in the past year.

Angela Merkel: Trump Has Almost Destroyed The ‘New World Order’
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has admitted that the New World Order is ‘under threat’ due to the rise of President Trump and the trend of Trump-supporting populist leaders winning elections around the world in the past year.
The German leader slammed the rejection of open borders and globalism and poured scorn on the patriotic movement currently sweeping across Europe, the U.S, Brazil, Australia and other parts of the world.
“Frankly speaking, the country I have the honor to represent and where I am chancellor has difficulties. And polarization is something that we see in our country as well, which we haven’t had for decades,” Merkel said at Davos.
Merkel attributed increasing populism and polarization to both the eurozone crisis and migration crisis seen in Europe over the last few years following the record influx of refugees but said Germany would not shrink from the world stage.
“Germany wishes to be a country that lends its contribution in the future to solve the problems of the world together, we think that shutting ourselves off and isolating ourselves will not lead us into a good future. Protectionism is not the proper answer,” she said.
Angela Merkel as Chancellor of Germany has embraced globalist ideology by opening the nation's borders, accepting millions of migrants
Merkel is just the latest leader at Davos to criticize a protectionist and isolationist stance towards the world’s problems. Such comments appear to be directed towards President Donald Trump who has adopted an unapologetic “America First” stance in his foreign and economic policies.
Trump-supporting populist leaders have been elected in Australia, Brazil, Italy, Poland, and many other countries in the past year, as nationalism proves popular with voting citizens frustrated with decades of neo-liberal policies implemented by governments determined to edge closer to an international alliance featuring open borders.
‘One world government’
In contrast, Merkel said the answer to the world’s problems was to find global solutions instead of a “unilateral, protectionist course” of action.
Immediately after slamming Donald Trump and his patriotic presidency, Merkel lavished praise on the United Nations, describing the international organization as a “multilateral and cooperative solution” to the problem of global leadership, and added that a “multilateral response” helped to resolve the global financial crisis of 2008-2009.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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