Wednesday, April 26, 2023

An Example of Why the United States is Not a Democracy


An Example of Why the United States is Not a Democracy

  • The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy.
  • I have to wonder if all this concern about the “American Democracy” is really about turning us into a democracy?
  • What we saw in Nashville last month is an example of what America would look like if we continue down this road to a Democracy.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

 We’ve all known habitual liars. Once we realize that we can never know when they are lying and when they are telling the truth (sadly, there is no Pinocchio syndrome to indicate what state they are in), we can never trust anything they say again. It’s too bad that the “pants on fire” part is but a rhyme, otherwise, like the burning of Rome, our nation’s capital would have long burned down, considering the number of lying pols there.

Most of our politicians today – on both sides of the aisle – would be going through pants at an alarming rate.

I started this article, then watched a video of Senator Ted Cruz questioning Secretary of Homeland Security, Mayorkas, about the border crisis. Mayorkas seemed to not have either “yes” or “no” in his vocabulary. Thankfully, Senator Cruz wanted only yes or no answers and wasn’t about to put up with the obfuscations, fibs, falsehoods, fabrications, inventions, and other departures from the truth.

Friday, April 14, 2023

DeSantis Has Been DeSerted


DeSantis Has Been DeSerted

His Globalist/RINO mentors don’t want him to run in ’24

I was just finishing up another installment of proof that DeSantis is not the man he pretends when the news broke that his donors believe he should not run for POTUS in 2024! I guess the truth has become apparent to too many, too fast of late. How can someone help to divide and conquer Conservatives (his main mission) if he is losing followers like a dog sheds his coat in summer?

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Trump At The Gates


Trump At The Gates

A few days ago, we heard from William Barr, D.C. lifer, the former attorney general of the United States, and elections savant.  Barr made a prediction about Trump’s fate, via Fox News and the Murdochs, who hate the former president with a passion.  Or, at least, Fox board member and quisling Paul Ryan, does.  How outsized Ryan’s influence is on the Murdochs is anyone’s guess.  Or, since Ryan is so spineless, maybe it’s the other way around. 

Monday, April 3, 2023

Welcome to the Banana Republic of America

 Great article, very Informative. I never imagined I'd be living through the destruction of my country.

Welcome to the Banana Republic of America

America has officially descended from Ronald Reagan’s “shining city upon the hill” to a banana republic on par with Cuba, Venezuela, or the former Soviet Union.

Elected officials from both parties have no interest in slowing America’s decline and most are cheering it on.