Saturday, November 3, 2018


Janet Varney

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The biggest irony of Midterm Elections 2018 unvetted by mainstream and social media is that Democrats, who masquerade in office as virulent anti-capitalists, are running for election and reelection as bona fide CAPITALIST PIGS.

Senator Elizabeth Warren may have gone out of her way to display DNA proof showing she’s a minuscule 1/1024th Native American but hides that her campaign has raised $34.5 million.

Money wise, Warren has left her Republican opponent Geoff Diehl, whose campaign raised $2.4 million, in the dust.

Drowning in Warren dollars one has to admire plucky Diehl for pointing out: “I think Hillary Clinton showed us that having a lot of money is not enough to make people like you,” Diehl said. “I’ve been getting on CNN, on Fox. I’ve been making the rounds.”

Ted Cruz opponent Beto O’Rourke, as Irish as the Blarney Stone, with a store-bought Latino name, has a whopping $70 million to spend on his campaign.

Hard to believe that a former city councilor who fought his own constituents on his father-in-law, William D. Sanders’ El Paso real estate deals, which he denies, could accrue $70 million in his senatorial election war chest unless one stops to consider that the State of Texas is seen as a crown jewel by the prog-left.

Democrats with millions in their campaign coffers are too cute by half.
Take Democrat Claire McCaskill, the cat who swallowed the canary, who beats Lizzy Warren’s $34.5 million with $35.4 million and transitions over from Democrat to Republican at will.

President Donald Trump blasted the Democrat incumbent at his Missouri rally last night, calling her out to a wildly cheering crowd for echoing some of his own words in order to distance herself from her party for survival.

McCaskill, who opposed the confirmation of Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh last month, is trying to pull a fast one on voters in the red-leaning Show Me State with a radio ad in which she tells people she’s “not one of those crazy Democrats.” Hello, , Ms. McCaskill, aren’t those canary feathers that can be seen on your cat-smile chops?

They say that “money talks’.  But in election campaigns money just doesn’t talk, it screeches and screams and does squats on your face.

It cost $778,642,962 to get Barack Obama into the Oval Office in 2008, and $1.06 billion in 2012.  But that’s the past—even though it’s a past we can’t seem to get rid of.

The ‘We’re in the Money” crowd includes Florida’s Andrew Gillum’s 50 million plus and West Virginia’s Joe Manchin’s 9.2 million.
It’s raining greenbacks on Democrat bank accounts and raising the boats of incoming Socialists.
 “Democrats outraised Republicans in about 90 percent of the most competitive House districts in the country between October 1 — October 17, according to newly filed FEC reports compiled by NBC News.

“Out of 107 House races rated as Toss-Ups, Lean or Likely contests by the nonpartisan Cook Political Report, 97 saw the Democrat outraising their GOP competitor. In 70 of those races, the Democratic candidate will enter the final weeks of the election with more cash on hand.

“The new data shows that Democratic fundraising — which has continually outpaced GOP hauls — isn’t waning as the election clock ticks down, even as Republicans cite tightening races and increased Republican voter enthusiasm.

“The average Democratic candidate in a competitive race raised about $528,000, while the average Republican clocks in at just $196,000 on average. The discrepancy is somewhat less when it comes to money left in the bank; the average Republican has about $490,000, while the average Democrat has $691,000.

“On the Senate side, the 17-day period saw Republicans getting close to parity with Democrats overall in competitive races, with GOP candidates in competitive races bringing in a total of $41.2 million over 17 days, compared with $47.1 million for Democrats:“. But the GOP sum was fueled by massive cash infusions by wealthy GOP self-funders Rick Scott ($12 million from the candidate himself) and pharmaceutical executive Bob Hugin ($3.5 million) in New Jersey.

“Several Democratic candidates had monster two-week periods, most notably Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, who raised $12.6 million in 17 days after announcing her “no” vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“Some highlights:
“A total of 50 House candidates in competitive races raised more than half a million dollars in this 17 day fundraising period. Of those, just six are Republicans.
Notable discrepancies in House fundraising include:
Democrat Kim Schrier in WA-08 outraised Republican Dino Rossi by nearly $1.3 million.
Democrat Antonio Delgado in NY-19 outraised Republican John Faso by more than $1 million.
Democrat Katie Hill in CA-25 outraised Republican Steve Knight by $824k.
In NY-27, where indicted Rep. Chris Collins is still on the ballot, the Republican has raised just $1,799, compared with about $246k for his Democratic opponent.

In VA-10, a race that heavily favors Democrat Jennifer Wexton despite outside GOP groups still spending on Republican Barbara Comstock, Wexton has $1.3 million in the bank, while Comstock is down to $544k.

“Highlights from Senate fundraising data
In a 17-day period, Democrat Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota raised $12.6m, while Republican opponent Kevin Cramer pulled in just $630k.
Fundraising machine Beto O’Rourke pulled in $8.5 million, compared with $5.2 million for Republican Ted Cruz.

Florida’s Rick Scott lent his campaign another $12 million(!) over this time period
Missouri’s Claire McCaskill outraised Republican Josh Hawley, $4.8m to $1.7m.

Menendez opponent Bob Hugin in New Jersey lent himself $3.5 million, bringing his fundraising total to $4m. Menendez brought in a middling $521k.”

But aren’t we overlooking the most important question of them all when it comes to capitalist pig Democrats blowing mega millions on Midterm elections:

What makes Beto O’Rourke’s $70-million investment in the Texas race, Warren’s $34.5 million and McCaskill’s $35.4 million worth spending?
What lucrative opportunities do they see for themselves once elected and re-elected?
Far too many elected officials come out of public service as multimillionaires.

Something well worth thinking about.

By Janet Varney And Janet Varney's America

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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