Monday, September 17, 2018

Sept 20th Emergency Broadcast Test, Get Ready for All Hell to Break Loose

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Sept 20th Emergency Broadcast Test, Get Ready for All Hell to Break Loose +Videos

By Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret.
The recent “Executive Order” is the beginning of things to come for the “Deep State” conspirators in their attempt to rig the midterm elections this November. In addition…Certain media types and others in the FBI, DoJ, and CIA that conspired to spy leak intel, and their attempt(s) to undermine the people of the United States could (and will) face Treasonous charges.
What will follow (after the Kavanaugh appointment to SCOTUS) September 20th is being referred to as the “MOAB” when the hammer falls and indictments will follow.
The combination of Kavanaugh’s appointment and a planned Emergency Broadcast (Test) on the morning of September 20th, the probability of a major disclosure that afternoon, is the MOAB hammer [which in-turn] will likely cause the “Deep State” to launch a false flag involving a massive grid crash in the northeast and possibly along the west coast [to censor news].
Grid blackouts would be the least of America’s problem, but other false flag possibilities could take place because the MOAB will cause panic among those facing Treason. (This would be a good time to have enough water and food stored, plus a full tank of gas).
Trump is one step ahead and the panic is increasing everyday as Communist Dems pull for straws in their attempt to sway public opinion and to encourage political support for themselves and against this president. This coup is advancing to levels never seen before in the history of our United States as Communism a.k.a. Social Justice / Progressivism is expected to collapse from within as truth is forced upon the fake stream media.
They will NOT be able to hide the truth, but will declare Trump a “Fascist Dictator.”
We will witness the top treasonous players going down in real time and the BIG BONUS is the fact….they’re ALL TIED to Hussein and Hillary.
The counter-coup move by Trump and Military Intelligence…along with FBI and DoJ (under Sessions) has to happen before the midterm elections when history shows the opposing political party usually takes control of Congress, but this time….we are witnessing an overt attempt by Communists, [influenced by foreign identities] attempting to take control of our Constitutional Republic.
That is why the latest Executive Order is meant for opening the door and paving the way for THEIR prosecution….”Military Tribunals Coming.”
—Dave Bertrand

HEADLINE: (13Sept2018) US Media goes SILENT after Trump Declares National Emergency in Race to Destroy “Deep State” before they start World War III
MOUNT: President Trump has just declared a State Of Emergency over the election process.
Executive Order, 12 September 2018, Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election
By the authority vested in me, as President by the Constitution and by the laws of the United States of America (Incorporated US)…. I, Donald J Trump, President of the United States (Only DC), find the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in the United States elections…

Contributor: R.E. Sutherland (President Trump’s Executive Order)
This means is that the President has the authority to arrest for Treason members of the Press who work any part of the media that is owned partly by someone living outside of Washington DC.
This includes those who work for any Newspaper, TV Station, Radio Station, or Social Media Company that a Normal Common Man can conclude that they are biased-they lie.
In other words…this gives President Trump the authority to arrest anyone who tried to sway the voters with any type of lie.
Further…by 27 October the following agencies are being called to monitor and control all US Elections:
1) Director of National Intelligence who controls the NSA and is controlled by the Secretary of Defense.
2) All other agencies the Secretary of Defense deem appropriate help ensure fair elections, including the:
a. Secretary of State
b. Attorney General
c. Secretary of Homeland Security
This Executive Order gives the President the right to arrest FOR TREASON any members of any Social Media Company.

In other words… this Executive Order had to be created and signed before the November election to give the President the right to arrest anyone for Treason who interferes with the election through any form of Propaganda or L


President Declares State of Emergency

Published on Sep 13, 2018

VIDEO: 16.52 minutes

From The Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Int’l Airline Freight Captain on the DC-8 stretch jet / B-727 series 200 jet & First Officer DC-6 prop & DC-10 wide-body jet), 72′ to 76′ U.S. Army Veteran (Military Police) ‘Comms Sergeant’ (Korea), Law Enforcement (State), DHS Trained Counter-Terrorism Instructor for HWW, Border Security Specialist, Political Analyst and Activist to help “Make America Great Again” while exposing the “Deep State” shadow government enemy.

My mission is to slice through the propaganda, encourage everyone to write and share important news among our network of patriots, military, law enforcement and selected news media sources (we trust). We are the pulse of America and we will prevail.

'Sept 20th Emergency Broadcast Test' - Get Ready For All Hell To Break Loose
The recent "Executive Order" is the beginning of things to come for the "Deep State" conspirators in their attempt to rig the midterm elections this November. In addition...certain media types and others in the FBI, DoJ and CIA that conspired to spy, leak intel and their attempt(s) to undermine the people of the United States could (and will) face Treasonous charges. What will follow (after the Kavanaugh appointment to SCOTUS) Sept 20th is being referred to as the "MOAB" when the hammer falls and indictments will follow. The combination of Kavanaugh's appointment and a planned (EBS)Emergency Broadcast System 'test' (on the morning of September 20th with the probability of a major disclosure that afternoon) is the MOAB hammer will likely cause the "Deep State" to launch a false flag involving a massive grid crash. (in the northeast and west coast) Grid blackouts would be the least of America's problems...other false flag possibilities could take place because the MOAB will cause panic among those facing Treason. (this would be a good time to have enough water and food stored plus a full tank of gas) Trump is one step ahead and the panic is increasing everyday as Communist Deepstate Dems grasp for straws in their attempt to sway public opinion and to encourage political support for themselves and against this president. This coup is advancing to levels never seen before in the history of our United States as Communism a.k.a. Social Justice / Progressivism is expected to collapse from truth is forced upon the fakestream media. They will NOT be able to hide the truth...but will declare Trump a Fascist Dictator. We will witness the top treasonous players going down in real time and the BIG BONUS is the fact...they're ALL TIED to Hussein and Hillary. The counter coup move by Trump and Military Intelligence (along with FBI and DoJ under Sessions) has to happen before the midterm elections (when history shows the opposing political party usually takes control of Congress) but this time we are witnessing an overt attempt by Communists attempting to take control of our Constitutional Republic. That is why the latest 'Executive Order' is meant for opening the door and paving the way to THEIR prosecution. (Military Tribunals are coming) Source: Dave Bertrand

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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