Wednesday, September 19, 2018


“Any documents, files, and databases that were deleted or manipulated” by McCabe and Strzok were noted and recorded by the federal IG investigators.

 Inspector General Springs Trap On McCabe And Strzok

Senior FBI and Justice Department insiders crept out of the shadows to tell conservatives a little of what has been going on behind the scenes. Strzok and McCabe are only the beginning.

Former high ranking Federal Bureau of Investigation officials Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzokwere caught “in flagrante delicto” as the Romans say. An Inspector General sting busted them “in the act,” True Pundit reports, citing “well-placed FBI and DOJ sources.”
Two of the “brightest minds who served the FBI,” didn’t have a clue that their computers were bugged and they were both under constant government surveillance. Just before the disgraced duo were finally removed from the payroll and while they still had access to classified FBI data and resources, a carefully engineered ambush was set.
It’s alleged that the trap was sprung when, separately, each official stupidly “tried to destroy incriminating evidence and documents,” two of the whistleblowing FBI inside sources reportedly assert.
“They had no clue they were being watched,” one FBI informant observed. Another added it was funny how “there were similar patterns” in what both special agents pulled up and what they tried to hide.
The gathered investigators praised current FBI Director Christopher Wray for acting on his suspicions and bringing independent investigators from Michael Horowitz’ office into the loop to “set up a sting-like operation to prevent against evidence destruction.” They were watching both electronic files and hard copy paper documents day and night.
While each were under surveillance at different times, both men were followed around by electronic surveillance and well-placed agents “both at the office and outside FBI HQ in Washington, D.C.
“Any documents, files, and databases that were deleted or manipulated” by McCabe and Strzok were noted and recorded by the federal IG investigators and as soon as they were finally locked out of the building once and for all, “the original records were restored.”
True Pundit wanted to know if the Inspector General tapped one or both of the men’s office phones while they were still on the job. “It’s a wise deduction,” one of the leakers confirmed.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions gave McCabe the boot first but it wasn’t until after “a brutal public hearing on Capitol Hill,” that Strzok was “forced to resign.” True Pundit makes a point of spelling out, “both lingered at the FBI for much longer than they should have.”
Now we know why nobody was in a hurry to get them out the door or cancel their security clearances. They were being given enough rope to hang themselves with. As the insiders explain, “there was little rush to expedite their departures while the sting operations were up and running and the targets were playing along.”
As if what the patriotic federal agents had to say about the sting operation wasn’t enough good news, they also promise that the convened grand jury has been actually doing something, involving not only McCabe and Strzok, but “other former FBI” employees.
People were starting to wonder in a very vocal way.
“Huber is running a grand jury from what I hear,” a source from higher up the ladder in the Justice Department which oversees the FBI shared with True Pundit.
It purportedly appears certain that the evidence tampering by federal officials during their final weeks at the FBI will be front and center, “but the grand jury will also be examining other violations.”
In an extremely low key way, in 2017, Attorney General Sessions tapped Utah’s U.S. attorney, John Huber, to work directly with the Inspector General at the Department of Justice.
He called “the entire process ‘hush’ because of the “high-profile” individuals under the microscope. In this case, they’re probably pulling out the colonscope, too so they can crawl up a few deserving backsides. “There is so much to tackle but from what I know, the grand jury is now moving into the witness phase.”
That really would be good news, because lots of Americans have been wondering when it was going to get off dead center and start doing something.
Last fall, big-name Republicans in both houses of Congress wanted a probe into, “email controversies, mishandling classified information, Fusion GPS and the Christopher Steele dossier, FISA warrants, wiretaps, leaks, grand juries, the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One deal,” World Tribune relates.
Sessions and other officials have made public remarks indicating that Sessions had been convinced appointing Huber would allow for the appearance of partisanship to be avoided while allowing for “the expedition of any criminal inquiries at a point in the inspector general investigation where Horowitz would normally need help from a U.S. attorney.”
The “mission” assigned to Huber by Sessions was “to examine Republican claims of FBI misconduct and the FBI’s failure to examine Hillary Clinton’s ties to a Russian Nuclear agency.” That would be the Uranium One fiasco.
Maybe now Douglas Campbell will get the chance to tell his story. His attorney Victoria Toensing demanded to know recently “what has he been doing?” She has been waiting for the past year for Huber to call her and schedule her client’s deposition.
She isn’t surprised that Robert Mueller hasn’t been interested in Uranium One because his “mandate” is to “go after President Donald Trump,” but she’s “absolutely shocked” that Huber hasn’t contacted her client.
Toensing is flabbergasted that Bruce Ohr and Nellie Ohr haven’t been interrogated by now. “What exactly are Mueller and Huber doing if they’re not questioning key officials in the Department of Justice?”
Bruce Ohr stands accused of feeding Christopher Steele’s dossier to the FISA court in easy to swallow pieces. His wife Nellie Ohr has not yet been interviewed. She works for Fusion GPS, the company who hired Steele and paid for his report.
Douglas Campbell has all the dirt on the Uranium One scandal. He was the inside government informant who waited ten years for his case to be brought into court and it didn’t happen until after the administration changed.
Campbell is a specialist on how Barack Obama’s Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department could intentionally hide the Uranium One investigation from Congress. Stay tuned for more fast-moving developments.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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