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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Democratic Insider Reportedly Admits to Large-Scale Mail-In Voting Fraud:


Democratic Insider Reportedly Admits to Large-Scale Mail-In Voting Fraud: 'This Is a Real Thing'

Mail-in ballots are a major ingredient in getting away with voter fraud, according to a New York Post report, which quoted a Democratic political operative from New Jersey who claims he has been beating the system for years.

The Post did not name its source, saying the operative fears prosecution if his name is revealed. He has been involved in elections at all levels in multiple places across New Jersey, as well as races in New York and Pennsylvania.

The source’s “identity, rap sheet, and long history working as a consultant to various campaigns were confirmed” by the Post.

“The smaller the race, the easier it is to do,” the operative said about committing fraud.

So how does that play in the 2020 election in which President Donald Trump has claimed that mass mailing of ballots is going to lead to fraud, while Democrats push back against him?

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Donald J. Trump


For our Country to be sending 80 million UNSOLICITED BALLOTS is very unfair and a roadmap to disaster. Even recent small and easier to control elections which did this are a catastrophic disaster. Fraudulent & missing Ballots like never seen before. 20% and 30% off. STOP!
9:49 AM · Aug 25, 2020


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The operative noted that impacting the right contests can have a consequence far greater than the number of ballots involved.

And New York state already knows a thing or two about mail-in voting going off the rails. About 84,000 mailed-in votes were thrown out in the state’s June Democratic primary.

The operative stressed that ignorance will not be bliss when the ballots have all been cast.

“This is a real thing,” he said. “And there is going to be a f—ing war coming Nov. 3 over this stuff. … If they knew how the sausage was made, they could fix it.”

The operative said although making ballots is as simple a getting access to a good copier, the required return envelopes are “more secure than the ballot. You could never recreate the envelope.”

So just like flim-flam men who go house to house to defraud the unsuspecting, his team would hit the neighborhoods, talking voters into giving them the ballots to mail.

All you need is a little steam, a little bit of switcheroo to swap the original ballot with a doctored one and then the ballot reads the way the operative and whoever hired him wants it to read. It does not take long.

“Five minutes per ballot tops,” the operative said.

The final step to pull the wool over the eyes of election offices is to mail a few here and there, so no one gets suspicious.

Having the right connections sometimes simplifies life, the operative noted.

“You have a postman who is a rabid anti-Trump guy and he’s working in Bedminster or some Republican stronghold. … He can take those [filled-out] ballots, and knowing 95 percent are going to a Republican, he can just throw those in the garbage.”

Knowing that the highest concentration of vulnerable voters is in nursing homes, the operative told the Post that working them is important.

“There are nursing homes where the nurse is actually a paid operative. And they go room by room by room to these old people who still want to feel like they’re relevant,” the operative said, adding that members of his team “literally fill it out for them.”

The operative said that even in-person voting can be manipulated by using impostors to sign in to voter registration books or by paying residents of homeless shelters to cast ballots.

“There is nothing new about these techniques,” said Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation. “Everything he’s talking about is perfectly possible.”

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