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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Trump Catches Biden Off Guard

 Trump Catches Biden Off Guard With Demand – Before Debate, He Wants Joe To Submit To A Drug Test

Trump Catches Biden Off Guard With Demand – Before Debate, He Wants Joe To Submit To A Drug Test

November is just around the corner, and so are the presidential debates. Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden should make for entertaining viewing, especially given the current political atmosphere.

However, before the President takes the debate stage with Biden, he has a request — and it’s already creating outrage in the Democrat camp.

Biden performed well during the Democratic primary debates, and many marked his improvement compared to previous public appearances.

Trump certainly noticed, too.

But he believes the improvement was too drastic to be entirely natural. He thinks Biden might’ve taken something to be more “put together” on the stage.

That’s why the President has issued the following demand (via Fox News):

President Trump on Wednesday said he will request that both Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and himself take drug tests before the first presidential debate in September — making the inflammatory claim that he believes that Biden’s improvement during the Democratic primary debates was the result of drugs.

Trump didn’t provide any evidence that Biden had taken drugs. But he did argue that the Democrat presidential hopeful showed a definite improvement at the March 15 debate against Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Prior to that date, Biden had a history of making a few mistakes and stumbles during public speeches.

And that’s throwing up a red flag in the President’s mind:

It wasn’t that he was Winston Churchill, because he wasn’t, but it was a normal, boring debate. You know, nothing amazing happened.

I don’t know how he could have been so incompetent in his debate performances and then all of a sudden be OK against Bernie.

Trump added that he’s been watching Biden all along. He noted that Joe was “close to incompetent” in some debates, but he was “normal” when up against Sanders.

In reply, Biden’s campaign denied the drug accusation.

In fact, spokesperson Andrew Bates took a jab at the President, saying Biden “can speak honestly without a truth shot of serum.” And they’d “like to see Trump do the same.”

It’s certainly true that Biden’s public gaffes have made headlines in recent months. And it has caused some to question his mental fortitude.

However, would he really have taken a drug to “get better” for his debate with Bernie Sanders?

Either way, it’s unlikely that Biden’s camp will agree to any drug test before the Trump-Biden debate kicks off.

Key Takeaways:

  • President Trump called for Joe Biden to take a drug test before their debates.
  • Though Trump didn’t have evidence, he cited Biden’s marked improvement in the Sanders debate in March.
  • The President further said Biden was “incompetent” in previous debates. And the March improvement could be artificial.

Source: Fox News

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