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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Why New York and California Should Secede From The Union

A photo of a detail from the Ordinance of Secession signed in Charleston, S.C. on Dec. 20, 1860. | AP Photo
Following the election of Lincoln in 1860, 11 Southern states seceded from the Union.

Why New York and California Should Secede From The Union

Here are some recent news headlines about the radical-left loonies in New York and California that should shock you.

“The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency is accusing the sanctuary state of California of refusing to disclose if they plan to release a number of criminal illegal aliens, including those accused of crimes against children. Specifically, ICE officials are seeking information on these four illegal aliens.” (

  • A 40-year-old illegally present Mexican national who was arrested in December … for continuous sexual abuse of a child, lewd and lascivious act on a child under fourteen years old, and oral copulation with a person under fourteen years old.
  • A 42-year-old illegally present Mexican national who was arrested for first-degree robbery
  • A 31-year-old illegally present Mexican national who was arrested … for battery of spouse and false imprisonment in December 2019
  • A 28-year-old illegally present Mexican national who was arrested for assault with force, great bodily injury, child cruelty and battery of a spouse
In California, this is just the tip of the iceberg. They are now releasing thousands of these criminal illegal aliens into the general population throughout California — drug dealers, child molesters, robbers, assault and battery criminals, and sometimes murderers.
“As many as 100 criminals a day are being released back onto the street in the Los Angeles area alone under California’s sanctuary city law, ICE’s top deportation official told Congress on Tuesday as he pleaded for lawmakers to do something.” ( )
In sanctuary-city New York, we now have similar horror stories:
“A career criminal is thanking New York Democrats for their passage of a bail reform law that has set him free the day after his 139th arrest.” (
“Charles B., 56-years-old, was freed from jail after his arraignment in New York City this weekend in accordance with a state bail reform law that almost immediately sets free from jail suspects arrested for a host of crimes, including second-degree manslaughter, aggravated vehicular assault, third-degree assault, promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child, criminally negligent homicide, or aggravated vehicular homicide.”
“Chares B. shouted to New York Daily News reporters as he was released from jail after his 139th arrest that he was grateful for the new law, calling the policy a “beautiful thing.” The Daily News reported:
“I’m famous! I take $200, $300 a day of your money, cracker! You can’t stop me!” Charles B. yelled to a Daily News reporter late Thursday night as police led him out of NYPD Transit District 1 headquarters in the Columbus Circle station.”
“Bail reform, it’s lit!” he said. “It’s the Democrats! The Democrats know me and the Republicans fear me. You can’t touch me! I can’t be stopped!”
So radical-left, Democrat city officials are releasing known criminal aliens into the general populations of New York City, LA, San Francisco, and many other cities in California.
What kind of Americans would deliberately release these criminals into the public to rob, assault, sexually abuse, or murder American citizens? What depth of depravity do these radical-left politicians have?
It seems these radical-left Democrats are so intent on bringing in millions of new illegal aliens to be future Democrat voters that they are willing to have the blood of innocent Americans on their hands because of the crimes these illegal aliens commit.
These radical-left Democrats have loyalty not to America or American citizens (their friends, family, or neighbors, including innocent children), but only to their own power lust. These despicable, anti-American officials do not belong in the United States of America.
At the least, President Trump and Attorney-General Barr need to prosecute the city and state officials in New York City and California who deliberately hide or release these criminal aliens into our midst. These officials should be prosecuted severely and charged with aiding and abetting these illegal aliens’ crimes.
President Trump also asked for a new Federal law to be passed that allows victims of illegal aliens’ crimes, or their family, to sue these sanctuary-city officials for millions of dollars in damages for letting these criminal aliens go free. Maybe if these lawsuits bankrupted these officials, their policies would stop cold. That was yet another great idea by President Trump.
The best solution would be to have New York and California secede from the Union. If they are willing to release criminal aliens into our communities, they don’t belong in a civilized society. Let them break away from the Union, and create the Socialist Republics of New York and California. Then let them see what life is like when their states turn into Venezuela.

10 facts about secession from U.S.

While lots of states are hopping on the Secession bandwagon now, threats to leave the Union have long been made in the United States, but rarely followed through on.

1. The first serious threat of secession came from New England, not the South. In 1814, delegates from the New England states gathered at the Hartford Convention. While attendees were united in opposition to the War of 1812, moderates outnumbered extremist delegates who wanted secession.

2. South Carolina, which would become the first state to secede during the Civil War, also had earlier threatened secession, in 1828, over tariffs that were harming the state’s economy. President Andrew Jackson threatened to send federal troops to put down the secessionists.

3. While eulogizing John Brown in 1859, the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison called for the northern states to secede from a union he believed was hopelessly corrupted by slavery. “By the dissolution of the Union, we shall give the finishing blow to the slave system,” Garrison declared.

4. Following the election of President Abraham Lincoln in 1860, 11 Southern states seceded from the Union, leading to the Civil War.

5. In 1868, the Supreme Court ruled in Texas v. White that states lacked the power to unilaterally secede from the Union.

6. In 1977, the islands of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket (combined population: 6,000) actually voted to secede from the state of Massachusetts, angry over a redistricting plan that would reduce their representation in the statehouse.

7. In November 2006, Alaska’s supreme court ruled that secession was illegal, and said an initiative putting the question to a vote wouldn’t qualify for the ballot.

8. Texas Gov. Rick Perry mused about secession at a Tea Party rally in April 2009, claiming Texas uniquely had the ability to secede from the Union. (This isn’t true.) But Perry has said he doesn’t support the current secession movement.

9. A group of South Carolinians is trying to secede from the United States, calling themselves the Third Palmetto Republic. The group wants South Carolina to become an independent nation.

10. In Vermont, a secessionist movement has succeeded in gathering at least some support — a 2007 poll found 13 percent of Vermonters supported secession — and publicity — two of the group’s leaders wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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