Pages Of Interest

Friday, February 28, 2020

Mueller Team: GOP House members are getting ready to make criminal referrals against the Mueller team

What The House GOP Is Getting Ready To Call For Against Mueller Team Should Have Them Quaking In Their Boots
 House Republicans led by Rep. Devin Nunes of California are preparing to make a call that will absolutely ruin the day of anyone who happens to have been on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, and when it happens the responses from the left are going to be totally glorious in every conceivable way.

So what’s happening?
Well, GOP House members are getting ready to make criminal referrals against the Mueller team alleging they lied to a court about former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.
Who else is excited to see Mueller and his cronies get what they deserve? Show of hands, please.'Omitted' information

As John Solomon reported Monday on his news site Just the News, newly declassified FBI memos directly conflict with court filings in which Mueller’s team asked a federal judge to send Papadopoulos to prison.

Papadopoulos — who pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents about his contacts with figures purportedly tied to Russia who had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton — contends he was entrapped by various government intelligence agencies to justify FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign.

Nunes told Solomon in a podcast to air Tuesday that his team has been poring over FBI documents, including witness reports known as 302s, and has found evidence that contradicts claims Mueller’s team made to courts and to Congress.

Nunes went on to say in his interview with John Solomon,” We’re now going through these 302s, and we’re going to be making criminal referrals on the Mueller dossier team, the people that put this Mueller report together.”

Nunes stated that the FBI interview memos of Papadopoulos reveal the former Trump adviser offered to help the bureau find a very important individual in the case, none other than the infamous European professor Joseph Mifsud.

However, Mueller’s prosecutors made it appear as if Papadopoulos was trying to hinder the investigation instead of offering to help it along, which is the lying part of the charges Nunes and friends are levying at Mueller and his buddies.

The new FBI memos, said Nunes, provide “our first evidence of the Mueller team lying to the court.”

“It a lie. It’s a total lie,” the lawmaker said, referring to the Mueller team’s claim that Papadopoulos tried to hinder efforts to locate and question Mifsud.

“I always assumed that Papadopolis probably was helpful. I mean, he’s kind of alluded to that, that he offered to be helpful, but we had never seen the actual 302s,” Nunes said.

The corruption of the current Deep State — those individuals who are leftists within the government and have been working to disrupt the Trump administration and get him tossed from office — truly knows no bounds.
Individuals who are part of the “resistance” in the government are willing to break all of the rules, throw justice and liberty under the bus, and lie, cheat, and steal in order to get back at the president for winning the 2016 election and stripping them of political power they now feel entitled to own.
If we want to preserve our nation’s founding principles and the liberties we take for granted every single day, we need to ensure that the law is equally applied to all people, regardless of economic standing or political affiliation. This means that individuals who break the law are held accountable for their actions.
We must ensure that Mueller and his team face consequences for their deception, otherwise, another brick in the foundation of our justice system crumbles.


Impeachments should have started in the house of Nancy and the squad, instead of the oval office. The FBI should be cleaned out as well, and dig up the REAL dirt that Hillary and Obama piled on everyone else!! Jail all of the Dems. involved in the witch hunt, with shifty Shift being one of the first.

I keep praying for justice to return, come on Barr, make it happen, show the people that there is still some with honor, these crooks must go down for this country to survive, without law and justice were done.

It has been four years and no one has gone to jail. It is difficult to be optimistic that justice will prevail.

Starting with Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats in both the House and Senate conspired to overthrow the President, Donald Trump. Some of this can be blamed on the wicked twisted face of Pelosi, but for the first time in our History, foreign agents and felons from enemy nations infiltrated our government. The so-called “squad” are all anti-American and come from rouge areas. like Somalia. These 4 women must be arrested & imprisoned.

The Trump Administration (our LEGITIMATE government) is ensuring that all I’s are dotted and all t’s crossed before lowering the boom 💥 on the Deep State (our would-be ILLEGITIMATE government). I once predicted that heads would roll down Pennsylvania Avenue (figuratively speaking, of course) when the SHTF and the time is getting closer every day! Hopefully, this would include the “upper echelon” (Obama and Hillary, to name just two). Justice shall be served!

To make everything stop Obama and Clinton have to be prosecuted. They’re the culprits and are still holding the power. Get them and you’ll have the domino effect. All the minions will follow. But as long as they’re allowed to remain free and untouched there will never be justice and the corruption will continue. Barr has done absolutely nothing!

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

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