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Saturday, September 5, 2020

Evening Edition - September 4th, MIKE HUCKABEE...





I can’t say this more strongly and have been saying it for a while now --- that while it’s more important than ever to vote in this election, it’s just as important to vote IN PERSON. There are just too many things that can happen to a mail-in ballot, and it’s no exaggeration to say the Democrats are probably thinking up new ones every day. I am not kidding; they have already determined that Biden is going to “win” this election, or else. Radio host Vince Coglianese was on Tucker Carlson’s show Thursday night to emphasize the need to have the polls open in every state and for everyone to vote in person. “If Americans can’t have confidence in their election system,” he said, “the whole thing falls apart. We have such low trust in our institutions today --- at all levels: government, media, everywhere --- if you lose faith in your election, that’s how you become Third World.”

Certain states are already looking very much like the Third World. And now, state governors are shutting down polls across the country, even though Dr. Fauci and other experts have said in-person voting is safe for all but the most physically fragile and at-risk people. So, how do we make sure the polls will be open? Congress can use its “compulsory capabilities,” Coglianese said, by threatening loss of funding and forcing states to allow voters to cast their ballots in person.

"We need a lot of confidence in this election result,” he said, “and we need it quickly.” He says the upcoming election is certain to be “a dumpster fire.”

One challenge I see, though, with getting Congress involved is that it's still run by Democrats, in particular the freshly-coiffed Nancy Pelosi, and they WANT as many mail-in ballots cast as possible. A mail-in election is their fever dream, as it’s much easier to manipulate and use a questionable result to cause chaos, which they dearly want. I’d like to hear from Republicans in Congress exactly how they’re going to make in-person voting easy and safe in every state, especially every state that could conceivably be a “swing” state. And it has to happen fast!

I’ve said it before: Republicans have got to be ready for ANYTHING on Election Day. It’s not as if we haven’t been warned by the Democrats, who aren’t known for subtlety. Madame Defarge herself (Hillary) has said that under no circumstances should Biden concede. She thinks the election will “drag out” until “eventually he will win” if they “don’t give an inch.” How exactly will this happen? Well, she doesn’t say, but we already know: they’ll just keep counting ballots and counting and counting and counting them until he's ahead, and then they’ll stop counting. The only thing that really “counts” is the result.

An estimated 80 million people are said to be casting their ballots by mail this year! That’s a lot of votes to count, and miscount, and lose, and change, and fill out for dead people.

Yesterday, we brought you the WASHINGTON POST op-ed that warned of extreme violence in the case of every election scenario except that of Biden winning in a landslide. As David Harris, Jr., points out here, that didn’t even make sense, as it warned of violence coming from the Trump side. Even if Trump won. It was total fiction, and totally irresponsible.

Besides, who are the people going around rioting and looting? Sorry, they’re not Trump voters; they’re Biden voters. They’re hard leftists. And speaking of hard leftists, did you know that Washington and Lee University in Virginia, which costs $74,000 per year and is almost certainly contemplating a name change, is offering a first-year writing seminar this fall called “How To Overthrow The State”? It’s real, taught by Robert Matt Gildner.

The description says, “This course places each student at the head of a popular revolutionary movement aiming to overthrow a sitting government and forge a better society...Students participating in a variety of writing exercises, such as producing a Manifesto.”

"How will you attain power?” the synopsis asks. “How will you communicate with the masses? How will you deal with the past?” One course requirement is “writing a persuasive essay on REWRITING HISTORY AND CONFRONTING MEMORY” (emphasis mine).

The school has put out a statement saying that this is a writing seminar, to work on, you know, writing, not overthrowing the government. Oh, well, I feel much better now. Just off the top of your head, do you think the instructor and the students in this class will be Trump supporters or Biden supporters who are loving the fantasy of overthrowing the current government?

Tucker Carlson also brought up a report in the BOSTON GLOBE that John Podesta, Hillary’s former campaign manager, is planning for the likelihood that Biden won’t concede and the military –- I am not kidding –- will have to be engaged to make sure he’s made President. They’ve already assembled another kind of “army” --- regiments of lawyers, reportedly 600 at this point. As I said, be ready for anything.

Vince Coglianese outlined Podesta's "civil war" scenario: Biden loses the electoral vote but still refuses to concede; he challenges the results of the Electoral College and tries to manipulate the actual electors; and the three West Coast states, California, Washington, and Oregon, threaten to secede from the Union if Trump is re-inaugurated; then they wait for the military to get involved.

This piece in PJ Media about the Podesta "civil war" scenario is a must-read.

My immediate thought is that if Biden loses but California, Washington and Oregon want to secede and let him be their President, let ‘em go. Buh-bye, and don’t let the Rockies hit you on the way out! Those of us who want to live in a recognizable American republic will stay right here rather than let you destroy it.


Remember, Joe Biden can’t debate President Trump because Trump is a lying liar who lies. Now, enjoy this hilarious split-screen video of Joe Biden repeatedly vowing to ban fracking, then denying that he plans to ban fracking, “no matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me.” I don’t think the “word” lie means what Democrats think it means.

And while we’re on the subject, I wonder if that “real-time fact-check” of “lying liar” Trump that Biden may insist on before he’ll debate will also correct such doozies of Biden’s as his claim that a black guy invented the light bulb.

Finally, for those who deny that Biden is just saying whatever they put on his Teleprompter, here he is accidentally reading the title of his talking points out loud.


This is a long and complicated article about the science of a test used by the CDC to determine whether Americans are infected with the COVID-19 (Chinese) virus.

Cutting through all the medical details, there are two important takeaways:

1. Even the New York Times admits that the test overamplifies the presence of the virus so much that up to 90% of positive test results might actually have been negative.

2. “Given that most labs in the U.S are running samples through 40 amplification cycles and the few that aren’t are amplifying them 37 times, as hard as it is to believe, it’s very possible that, for all intents and purposes, no one in America who tested positive but didn’t have symptoms were really infected.”


I’m not going to devote a lot of time to the scuzzy claim by the Atlantic magazine that President Trump made disparaging remarks about dead World War I heroes because it reeks of the kind of election season, low-blow, “anonymous sources” hit job that I expect to pop up almost every day between now and November. As Stephen Kruiser points out, some of the “facts” in the story are already being disproven by readily-available records, and my own daughter Sarah, who was along on the trip, says it never happened, which is good enough for me.

The Atlantic is typical of mainstream media sources that have long ago flushed away their claim on any journalistic integrity. When the boy who cries wolf cries, “Wolf!” for the 10,000th time, he may finally be telling the truth, but I'm not inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Besides, what is the point of this story? To make patriotic Americans believe that Trump, who has strongly backed the military, increased military funding, and worked to fix the broken VA system, really doesn’t respect the military, so they will vote instead for the people who back kneeling during the National Anthem, burning the flag and tearing down memorials to our “fascist” war veterans?

Just so you don’t think this is partisan, I’m also not talking about a Gateway Pundit story about Joe Biden and a Secret Service agent’s wife. Partisanship would be if I ignored that story and gave wall-to-wall coverage to the ridiculous Trump allegations. You know, like…most of the media this morning.


In yet another attempt to extort Americans into giving the left power, former respected newspaper the Washington Post published the results of a “war gamed” election that claims the only result that doesn’t end with violence in the streets is a Biden landslide. Well, then, we’d all better be prepared to deal with the people who try violence in the streets, because that’s not going to happen.

It’s stunning the utter lack of self-awareness displayed by these leftist bubble dwellers. They think that Trump will refuse to leave the office and spark violence in the streets because they assume that he’s a lawless autocratic dictator – something they’ve been claiming for four years now, (pardon me for the cliché) “WITHOUT EVIDENCE.” Meanwhile, all the actual violence in the streets is coming from their side, and they’re trying to blame Trump for it (“Look what he made us do!”)

And how do they know what Trump would do if he lost? Well, they had some prominent “Republicans” play the parts of Trump and his people – all of them TDS-addled Never Trumpers, including the chief Trump-hating head case, Bill Kristol. Asking Kristol what Trump is really like would be like asking a cat to give you an objective assessment of what dogs are like.

One writer summed up this lengthy article quite succinctly with a single, four-letter acronym: “GIGO” (“Garbage in, garbage out.”)


The Babylon Bee created a chart to help Americans tell which activities spread the coronavirus and which don’t. For instance, UNSAFE: Shopping at small businesses. SAFE: Looting small businesses.



One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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