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Sunday, August 16, 2020

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 08/16/2020, The Future Of America / History Will Repeat Itself

by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

“At Stake: The Future Of America”
The CORRUPT media gets the latest talking point from the PARTY OF HATE’S National Committee. It is that Kamala Harris is politically a pragmatic moderate. Of course, it is being regurgitated by the usual lowlifes on CNN and MSNBC. This is a bald-faced lie for this lightweight of a Senator is about as radical as they come. But you have to keep in mind that half of our beloved country is so damn uninformed. You can put a Capital ‘D’ in the word, DUMB.

 When the announcement was made of the selection of SLEEPY Joe’s pick the word HISTORIC was mentioned innumerable times to great fanfare. We were warned not to disparage this woman of color. We were told in no uncertain terms not to do it. We were warned, “Don’t try it. Don’t you dare!!” In our body politic, everything is turned on its head. What is wrong is now said to be right. The lying and deceit of the modern Democrat Party have become so widespread. They now have their presidential ticket and the scumbags in our CORRUPT media enthusiastically support it.

 A new narrative begins that will push the most radical political agenda. It will be full of Socialist policies that millions of us deplore. They must and will be defeated for we know for our beloved country what they have in store. These verminous reprobates are aggressively looking to normalize disrespecting our flag and national anthem. We have seen them smear our Founding Fathers as  White Supremacists. They are so utterly dangerous how can we refrain from excoriating every damn one of them??

If by chance SLEEPY Joe finds his way to the Oval Office how long could he possibly last?  We all have to be concerned about this. How long could we survive as a country with a President Kamala Harris? The PARTY OF HATE truly must believe that the citizenry of this country has  Trump fatigue and is willing to see him defeated with the chance of returning to some sense of normalcy. How preposterous is that thought?? That is true insanity. We all must take stock of the ramifications if somehow we wind up with a Biden/Harris presidency. The end of our beloved America as we know it will be exactly what we will see.

The last thing that we need is political change. None is needed as we all so very well know. The only way we will see it is through fraudulent means on a quite massive scale. If mail-in balloting is allowed we will get SLEEPY Joe. And with him, the PARTY OF HATE will control our Congress. We must fight to the death to not let it happen. This is a serious business. Is it not obvious that the radical Left’s  “revolution” requires the erasing of our history for them this history is for the most inconvenient. The pure HATRED they have for Trump is immeasurable. Never in our history have we seen this accorded to any President.

The Democrats are exactly who they are. There is no pretense about that. Their HATRED for our beloved America is so intense. They look the other way as BLACK LIVES MATTER and ANTIFA destroy anything and everything in sight. Don’t think for one minute that it will end with a new regime. The ultra radicals will see to it that they finally will attain UTOPIA. It is their dream, a dream that none of us share. We see it for what it most surely is...truly a NIGHTMARE!!!


Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

History Will Repeat Itself!!!”

Next week we will have the PARTY OF HATE’S national convention. It will in this ‘Year of the Virus’ a virtual one, the first of its kind. The Democrats are feeling quite confident that they can beat Trump for the polls show that the President is still behind. The gap is, however, closing but the Dems still feel that they will prevail. Methinks that they should not act so cocky for in the end like we saw in 2016 they will fail. Ok. Ok.  I’m not a prognosticator and I do not possess a crystal ball. I will admit to this. All I can say is I have faith in the common sense of my fellow Americans. SLEEPY Joe Biden ain’t gonna get anywhere near the Oval Office.

Sleepy Joe Biden No Text" Tapestry by bonne99 | Redbubble
SLEEPY Joe Biden

 Unlike the dim-witted millennials I am a student of American history and this election is shaping up like the election in 1948 when everyone thought Tom Dewey was a ‘lock’ to defeat Truman but that did not come to be. As time goes on in this campaign and people begin to focus a majority will make it known that SLEEPY Joe will not make it to the presidency. In Joe Biden, the PARTY OF HATE could not find a more pathetic choice. They cater to every group imaginable. To IDENTITY POLITICS they give voice.

We saw what comes to SLEEPY Joe so very easy and natural. After he was accused of being a sexual harasser he apologized for his past behavior and made a pledge to choose a woman to be his running mate. And then after the racial uproar over George Floyd, he painted himself in a corner by announcing that the woman he chose would be one of color. His political options were limited because of this and now we have America’s worst presidential ticket. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

For SLEEPY Joe this was truly a bad stratagem. He caved after being given an ultimatum. He just wanted to be a good and obedient Joe. In my view, you can’t expect much from someone who possesses ‘a room temperature IQ’. Leave it to Biden to choose someone who accused him of colluding with senators back in the seventies who were segregationists. We heard say in a most disingenuous way that she did not think he was a racist. Yeah. Right. Hey, Kamala, now you’re part of his team. Might I call you quite the shameless opportunist???

America got a glimpse of this demented fool who frankly made a virtue out of necessity. The CORRUPT media is in a state of orgasm with the selection of Harris. There are countless smiles on those reprobates on CNN and MSNBC. After their ovation dies down reality will finally set in. His choice of Kamala will do very little to help him win. He is too utterly stupid to realize that he is a puppet whose strings are pulled by forces that are so radical and reprehensible. Everyone in the know realizes this is so.

The PARTY OF HATE has its team and during next week’s convention, they will try to make their case. Their platform is so utterly out of the mainstream. America wants no part of their UTOPIAN DREAM. They find it utterly frightening and a disgrace. Do they really think that they can support a political party that finds it difficult to condemn the arson, rioting, and looting that we have been seen? It just never seems to cease. The citizenry in our beloved America finds it astonishing that they want to actually DEFUND THE POLICE!

It is more than apparent that the PARTY OF HATE is content to have a presidential ticket to sit on their lead and coast to a victory. Oh really?? Methinks that they will suffer the same fate that happened to Thomas Dewey decades ago in 1948!

Written by Joe Esposito,08/14,15/2020

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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