Pages Of Interest

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

‘Democrats Don’t Care About Black Lives’ / 'Pure Evil – It's Borderline Satanic'...

 Screenshot from Kim Klacik’s ad for her campaign for Congress in Maryland’s 7th District.
See candidate’s viral ad showing ‘Democrats don’t care about black lives’
'Name a blue city where black peoples' lives have gotten better'

“Do you care about black lives?” asks congressional candidate Kimberly Klacik as she strolls through Baltimore in red high heels and a red dress.

“The people that run Baltimore don’t,” she says in a video ad for her campaign for Maryland’s 7th District seat. “I can prove it. Walk with me. They don’t want you to see this.”

Klacik, the Republican nominee, unsuccessfully challenged former NAACP CEO Kweisi Mfume in a special election in April for the seat vacated with the death of Democrat Elijah Cummings last October and faces him again. She garnered just 27% of the vote last spring in the Democratic stronghold.

“This is the reality for black people every single day, crumbling infrastructure, abandoned homes, poverty, and crime,” she says in the ad, with boarded up buildings in the background.

“Baltimore has been run by the Democrat Party for 53 years. What is the result of their decades of leadership?” she asks.

She points out the city is one of the five most dangerous in the nation. The murder rate is 10 times the U.S. average, and the poverty rate is over 20% while homicide, drug, and alcohol deaths are skyrocketing.

Klacik charges Democrats have “betrayed the black people of Baltimore.”

“If the politicians walked the streets like I do, they would see exactly how their policies and corruption affect us,” she says. “But they don’t want to see it. They don’t want you to see this.”

She features black residents who are adamantly against defunding the police.

Baltimore isn’t unique, she points out.

“The worst place for a black person to live in America is a Democrat-controlled city,” she says.

“It’s in 2020. Name a blue city where black people’s lives have gotten better. Try. I’ll wait.”

She says Democrats “think black people are stupid and that we’ll keep voting for them forever, despite what they’ve done to our families and our communities.”

Klacik is known for rallying people to help clean up her city, which prompted President Trump to issue his tweet about “rat-infested Baltimore.” That opened the door for her to run for Congress.

‘Unbought and unbossed’

In an interview in June with WJZ-TV, Klacik admitted she is fighting an uphill battle to defeat Mfume.

She said her priorities include courting more businesses to Baltimore, more job training, school choice, and allowing for over-the-counter sales of birth control.

She was asked what she would “bring to the table” that Mfume doesn’t bring.

“I would say innovative ideas and I would say, I’ve been using that term unbought and unbossed. I get a lot of money across the nation, a lot of small donors,” she said. “I don’t have anyone in my back pockets. I don’t have anyone … no special interest groups where I owe them any favors. I am strictly here for the people.”


Jason Whitlock (Fox Sports 1 screenshot)

'Why is someone trying to instill that fear in us?'

'Pure evil – it's borderline satanic': Black media man hammers Dems

 Through their message that "the system is rigged" and police are out to get you, the Democratic Party is using fear to "control" African-Americans, charges sportswriter and commentator Jason Whitlock.

After spelling out the serious consequences in an interview Tuesday with "Tucker Carlson Tonight," Whitlock called the Democrats' racial politics "pure evil – it's borderline satanic."
"For those of us that have religious faith, we understand that fear is the friend of evil," Whitlock said. "And the reason you embrace faith is so that you can operate without fear and you can reach your highest potential. This is just an irrational fear."

Whitlock said Michelle Obama's reference in her Democratic National Convention speech to fear in the black community of being killed by police is not supported by facts.

"What black communities have they actually lived in?" Whitlock asked, referring to the Obamas.

"That is not the fear that is pervasive throughout black communities, fear of being stopped by the police and killed. The stats, the facts, the evidence don't back up this irrational fear," said Whitlock, a sportswriter for Outkick the Coverage and a former columnist at the Kansas City Star, AOL Sports, and

Instilling irrational fear, he said, will only lead to more panic and "bad decisions."

"Why is someone trying to instill that fear in us of the police? It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy," he said. "If you engage with the police filled with fear, you are more likely to make really bad decisions that then provoke them to take action."

Whitlock said it's "irresponsible, what they're doing and what they're saying."

'Pure evil'

He said the Democrats' message that the system is "rigged" removes hope and gives people an excuse not to even try to be successful.

Whitlock noted he was raised by parents who lived through the Civil Rights Era. The hope they instilled in him and his siblings was that they could "go out and conquer the world."

"We're now telling kids you can't conquer the world," he said, arguing "attitude controls outcome."

See the interview:

Whitlock said the Democrats' message to blacks and the fear-based control is "pure evil - it's borderline satanic."

"If you really have an understanding of religious faith, the principles taught in the Bible, why Jesus died on the cross for us. If God's on your side, how can you fail?" he said.

"It's sickening to me, this message, and to see a major political party pump this message into the black community is really disheartening to me."



One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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