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Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Kamala Harris

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: The Truth About Kamala Harris
As Democratic presidential wannabes began the quest for this year’s Democratic nomination, many believed that California’s Kamala Harris was in a better position to win than the others. She was a popular and well-connected Californian who had won three statewide races and enjoyed access to the left-wing funders and political professionals that make the state so important to national Democrats. Just as important was the decision to move the California primary, which most assumed she would win, up on the calendar.
 It didn’t happen. Senator Harris had bet that the nomination would go to the most liberal candidate other than Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders and apparently decided early on to move as far to the left as possible to pick up Sanders voters looking for a winner rather than to just make a statement. It turned out, of course, that she, her advisors and most analysts underestimated the degree to which Sanders voters would stick by their candidate or the waves of fear the possibility that he might be nominated generated among “establishment “party leaders more interested in defeating Donald Trump than the purity of their nominee. The result was that Senator Harris was appealing to an audience that wasn’t interested.

There was another reason for the early demise of the Harris campaign. A great candidate on paper, the Senator turned out to be far less attractive to voters in person. She had to end her campaign before the first votes were even cast after failing to raise much money or support. When she dropped out in December, the Washington Post rather described her as “an uneven campaigner.” Other post-mortems dwelt on her flip-flopping, apparent inability to articulate her own policies described her campaign as an organizational and visionless disaster.

Her attempts to get to the left of the competition were seen as inadequate by the voters she was trying to attract and turned off many who believed the party needed to nominate not a radical but someone who would be seen as a safe, stable and even moderate alternative to Donald Trump. That candidate was, of course, good old Joe Biden who she had viciously attacked during the primary debates, but whose advisors ultimately concluded that of the available potential running mates he could team up with given his commitment to picking a “Black Woman,” she might be the safest.

Usually, Vice-Presidential candidates don’t make that much difference to voters, but this year could be different since many voters including a majority of Democrats are convinced that a clearly slipping Joe Biden isn’t likely to complete his first term if he wins in November. These voters are likely to look more closely at the former Vice President’s running-mate than would otherwise be the case because they believe in voting for Joe Biden for President, they will also have to vote for Senator Harris as President.

That simple fact makes her issues positions and character far more important than usual because while most running-mate’s previous records can be largely ignored as they will be serving their President and can be expected to adopt whatever positions he or she takes and fight for them. In Harris’ case, however, voters believe she will soon be in the driver’s seat herself free to implement her agenda rather than Biden’s.

This makes her views vitally important and while some are excusing her move to the left during her quest for the presidency, others claim she is the real deal. There is no question that she has a record of saying what she needs to say to win elections, but she also has a record as a sitting United States Senator and can be looked at alongside some of her colleagues. The American Conservative Union has been rating Senators and Congressmen since the seventies on a liberal to the conservative scale of 0 to 100 and their ratings suggest that based on her record, Senator Harris qualifies as a consistent left-winger.

In the last couple of years, she has earned the same ratings as New York’s Chuck Schumer, Massachusetts’ Elizabeth Warren, and Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders, but her lifetime rating of 3.03 is actually to the left of all three. This record along with her promise that as President she would by Executive Order revoke the licenses of all the country’s gun dealers, enact AOC’s Green New Deal, and Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare for All means that voters who might trust Joe Biden to leave the rhetoric behind if elected and govern as a liberal, but not as a radical might have second thoughts about a vote that could a true radical in the Oval Office.



Proof Kamala Harris Is the Most Extreme Vice Presidential Nominee Ever?

In the 48 hours since Joe Biden revealed that Kamala Harris is his running mate, Americans have come to learn a significant amount about Harris’ unpopular opinions, despite her persona as someone who works hard for commonsense solutions.

Though Harris first won election to Congress as California’s junior senator in 2016, her views are well known to those who’ve followed her career from nascent prosecutor to candidate for vice president.

Here are the most extreme positions she’s taken along the way.

Defunding the Pentagon

Sen. Harris voiced support for defunding the Pentagon in July. While she stopped just short of endorsing Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposal to gut the Defense Department’s budget (perhaps considering the electoral consequences), Harris released a statement “unequivocally” agreeing on the need to cut defense spending.

Harris then joined 13 other radicals in the Senate to vote against the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, which authorizes military-related expenditures, including troop pay.

Green New Deal

Harris became one of the first senators in 2019 to back Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal to get rid of as many planes and farting cows as possible by 2030.

Around this time, GovTrack, a nonpartisan source of government information and statistics, rated Harris as 2019’s most liberal U.S. senator. More liberal than Chuck Schumer, more liberal than Elizabeth Warren; heck, more liberal than Bernie Sanders!

Medicare for All

Harris helped introduce Sen. Sanders’ Medicare for All Act of 2019 to the public as an original co-sponsor.

Harris’ support for “Medicare for All” became a cornerstone of her presidential campaign until she faced scrutiny over whether that meant abolishing private health insurance. Harris initially came clean when responding to a question about the status of private insurance under her plan in CNN town hall saying, “Let’s eliminate all of that. Let’s move on.”

She started walking back that response almost immediately, ultimately appearing on CBS News, where she promised that she would allow supplemental private insurance.

And yet the bill she co-sponsored with Sanders would prohibit health insurers from selling plans that duplicated coverage provided under the Act.

Defunding the Police (When It’s Convenient)

Harris’s attitude towards law enforcement shifts one way or another depending entirely on what they can do for her.

In the wake of calls for police reform, it behooved the California senator to jump on the defund the police bandwagon to win support from left-wing activists. After all, they might not like her mixed record as a prosecutor.

Harris even went so far as to ask her supporters to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to post bail for rioters in police custody.

In 2004, Harris’ top priority as San Francisco’s newly-elected DA was making bail more expensive.

Gun Control

Wait, you thought Joe Biden’s gun-grabbing bona fides couldn’t be more firmly established? Think again, my friends.

Kalama Harris actively promotes an even more virulent strain of gun control, antithetical to what the Founders’ stood for.

Harris has already pledged to Democrats that she wouldn’t hesitate to pass sweeping gun control via executive action if she had to.

What might that look like? Well, she’s on record as being for:
Mandated buybacks of so-called “assault rifles”
Universal background checks
Prohibiting rifle purchases for those under 21
Keeping law-abiding citizens from getting a concealed carry permit unless they could prove why they needed one — among other things.


Trump Train Song

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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