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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Sen. Cruz: ‘Term Limits on Members of Congress..

Sen. Cruz: ‘Term Limits on Members of Congress Offer a Solution to the Brokenness We See in Washington’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rep. Francis Rooney (R-Fla.) this week introduced an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to limit U.S. senators to two six-year terms and members of the U.S. House of Representatives to three two-year terms. Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), David Perdue (R-Ga.), and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) joined Sen. Cruz in co-sponsoring this amendment.
The full amendment may be viewed here.
Several news outlets covered Sen. Cruz’s amendment. Selected news coverage is below:
Spectrum News Austin (VIDEO): Cruz, Rooney Push for Term Limits in Congress
“Senator Ted Cruz and Florida Representative Francis Rooney are teaming up on a new amendment imposing term limits on Capitol Hill. The two Republican lawmakers want to limit senators to two six-year terms and House members to three two-year terms. Cruz says members of Congress have abused their power and term limits could change that.”
CNN: GOP Sen. Cruz, Rep. Rooney introduce a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on Congress
“Republican Sen. Ted Cruz and Republican Rep. Francis Rooney proposed a Constitutional amendment on Thursday that would impose term limits on members of both houses of Congress. The amendment, co-sponsored by Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), and David Perdue (R-Ga.), would restrict senators to two six-year terms and House members to three two-year terms. A similar amendment was proposed by Cruz in January of 2017. ‘For too long, members of Congress have abused their power and ignored the will of the American people,’ Cruz said. ‘Term limits on members of Congress offer a solution to the brokenness we see in Washington, D.C. It is long past time for Congress to hold itself accountable. I urge my colleagues to submit this constitutional amendment to the states for speedy ratification.’”
KTAB Abilene (VIDEO): Sen. Cruz Calls for Term Limits on Members of Congress
“U.S. Senator Ted Cruz has filed a proposal for a new amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Texas republican now calling for term limits for members of Congress. The Constitution currently does not have a limit on the number of terms for either the House or the Senate. And Florida Republican Francis is sponsoring the term limit bill in the House of Representatives. It would limit members of the Senate to two terms of six years. Members of the House could be elected to no [more than] three terms of two years. Cruz says that term limits would reduce the abuse of power for members of Congress.” 
Breitbart: Ted Cruz introduces Constitutional amendment for term limits in Congress“Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and Rep. Francis Rooney of Florida — introduced a Constitutional amendment Thursday that limits terms in both chambers. Senators would be held to two six-year terms and House members to three two-year terms, according to the joint resolution. […] The Texas senator proposed a similar amendment in January 2017. Three other Republican senators, Marco Rubio of Florida, Mike Lee of Utah, and David Perdue of Georgia, co-sponsored the amendment. For an amendment to be enacted, it needs to be approved by both chambers of Congress by two-thirds as well as three quarters of state legislatures or conventions. The 27th amendment is the most recent one, passed in 1992, that any law that increases or decreases the salary of members of Congress from taking effect until the start of the next set of terms of office for representatives.”

WOW! Watch Term Limits Advocate SHRED Congress!


Watch as term limits advocate compares Congress to lice and root canals! SIGN THE TERM LIMITS PETITION AT He tells this senate committee that 60% of Americans say that they would fire every single member of Congress if they could. And that the people have lost confidence in this Congress because career politicians routinely abuse power. #TermLimits #EmptySeats #SJR1 #TedCruz

The Constitution currently does not have a limit on the number of terms for either the House or the Senate. And Florida Republican Francis is sponsoring the term limit bill in the House of Representatives. It would limit members of the Senate to two terms of six years. Jan 5, 2019

It is time for term limits. Recent polls indicate approval of Congress is just 24%. Tribal warfare between the two parties is at a modern-times high. Something has to change. Term limits could make huge difference in the way the House and Senate operate.

Currently, members of our House of Representatives spend as much as 50 percent of their time in their two-year terms “dialing for dollars” for their respective party. They are also preoccupied with fundraising for their own campaigns and running for office in their home district. Of their elected two years, these reelection requirements leave precious little time to address their legislative agenda, the very reason they were sent to Washington.

Term limits would help to address these problems. In addition, the House’s two-year terms could be increased to four years, with a limit of two terms. I argue that the Senate should do the same, including reducing terms to four-year terms for senators and limiting the number of terms to two.

Some background:

• In the House election periods from 1964 to 2018, about 90% of the incumbents were reelected.

• More than 80% or sitting senators were re-elected during that same period. Although Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has noted that, “We [senators] have term limits, they are called elections,” it’s obvious that elections have not served to limit the number of terms our elected officials serve.

• Fifteen state legislatures have already set limits on their own legislative terms, typically by instituting two four-year terms.

• Polls have reported that well over half of voters want term limits. In some polls, 80% favor term limits.

The term limit argument is not new. The primary advantage is that they encourage politicians to have the courage to do what is right rather than with an eye towards the next election. In fact, a two-term politician would only need to campaign once while in office.

In addition, term limits reduce the influence of corporate/special interests lobbying and help to bring new ideas and leadership to Congress.

There are disadvantages as well. Term limits would reduce the time effective politicians could serve, along with their ability to develop cooperative relationships with others in Congress. In addition, term limits have had little support from members of Congress, going back as far as 1943.

We should lobby our state legislators to be the 16th state to adopt term limits for its two legislative bodies, and push our elected congressional representatives to support and lead the move toward congressional term limits.

These changes would raise important questions about congressional leadership and committee assignments, the election cycles, including the initial transition, the roles of the Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee and pension contributions. However, these issues could be handled by leadership and a bipartisan committee addressing and hammering out the solutions.

Let term limits begin!

Founders never meant politics to be a career

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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