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Friday, July 10, 2020

Omar Calls for Marxist Revolution / Cultural Marxist attack on Western society

 Thomas Gallatin: Omar Calls for Marxist Revolution — The Patriot Post
Omar Calls for Marxist Revolution
The radical leftist demands that our economic and political systems be torn down.

America, as it was founded, is the problem. That was essentially the message of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) yesterday. “We can’t stop at criminal-justice reform or policing reform,” Omar stated. “We are not merely fighting to tear down systems of oppression in the criminal justice system. We are fighting to tear down the systems of oppression that exist in housing, in education, in healthcare, in employment, [and] in the air we breathe.”

Omar has been a loud proponent for defunding the police. In her call for ending America’s supposed oppression, Omar pressed her Marxist ideology, arguing, “As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality. So we cannot stop at [the] criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.”

For someone who as a child escaped Somalia, an East African country steeped in genuine systemic oppression and corruption, one would think she’d know better. Sadly, it appears that the only system Omar believes in is one that grants her and her comrades greater power to rule over the American people in whatever way they choose. A leftist tyranny is their aim.

Clearly, Omar has no love for her adopted homeland, nor any commitment to upholding the Declaration of Independence upon which America was founded, nor the Constitution upon which it was built. Put simply, Omar’s message is none other than a call for a Marxist revolution, for the ending of American exceptionalism and individual liberty. If it isn’t downright treasonous, it’s deeply treacherous.

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) certainly saw it this way, because she called for Omar’s resignation. “Ilhan Omar took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution, not shred it. Omar and her Marxist comrades are a threat to our Democracy. Omar should resign.”
If only more Republicans (and Democrats, for that matter) had the fortitude to step up and demand Omar’s resignation as well. Unless they’re held firmly to account, Marxist radicals like Omar will only become more emboldened. Weakness, after all, invites aggression.


The Cultural Marxist attack on Western society
It's at the root of the Democratic Party's identity politics and political correctness

Have you ever heard of Antonio Gramsci? How about Herbert Marcuse? Or the Frankfurt School?

These names are probably meaningless to all but a small minority of scholars academics and political theorists throughout the world. Yet, Americans — and indeed all those who treasure the religion, culture, and history of Western Civilization — should become acquainted with these names if they are to understand the forces that are currently tearing society apart. 

Marxism appeared on the scene in Europe in the mid-19th century. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels posited a thesis that capitalist society was doomed to demise as the “proletariat” — the working class — rose up to overthrow their oppressors, the “bourgeoisie” — the middle class of property owners. Marx and Engels saw world history through the prism of a perpetual class struggle between these two implacable enemies. Marx predicted that socialist revolutions would spring up throughout the West as the proletariat overthrew the bourgeoisie and established dictatorships in the name of the “people.”

Fortunately for us, but unfortunately for Marx, his prediction fell short. The socialist revolutions largely failed to materialize in Europe or America. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 arrived in Russia — the vanguard of the East — and had as much to do with the tragic casualties and deprivations of World War I as anything to do with the wealth of the propertied classes. Subsequent communist revolutions that attempted to replicate what Lenin achieved in Russia — be they in postwar Hungary under Bela Kun or Germany under Rosa Luxemburg were either short-lived or failed altogether. 

Aside from Mao’s communist takeover of mainland China in 1949 — which again happened in the East, not the West and again on the heels of a major destructive world war — most communist successes in the post-World War II era occurred not as a result of a spontaneous uprising of the proletariat but at the point of a bayonet. Communist regimes were forcibly imposed by Moscow on most of central and eastern Europe as an Iron Curtain darkened the continent for the next 40 years.

The intellectual followers of Marx were disappointed. Their vision of a worldwide uprising against the propertied classes — based on economics alone — had not caught fire.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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