Pages Of Interest

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

A Biden Victory...Would Destroy America As We Know It...Here’s Why.

A Biden Victory in 100 Days Would Destroy America. Here’s Why.

If Biden and the Democrats sweep in November the country would be irreversibly changed and there are almost no recovery options the GOP could implement in the following elections. The country is at a turning point and the left is waiting for their opportunity to win big and in a landslide. The Democrats have big plans for the country that they intend to execute upon winning in 2020, this is why it is important to fight back. Here is what the Democrats will do if they win in 2020:

1.) Legislation Overhaul

If the Democrats take the Senate and the Presidency and keep the House they will be able to get any piece of legislation through. Considering the insane proposals they have had the audacity to make in front of a solid GOP opposition one can only imagine what they will do if they stand unopposed. LEgislation from the Green New deal to reparation will be coming to the United States.

2.) Radical Cabinet

A Biden Cabinet would be as far left as it can get, while Biden himself has a history of being a more moderate Democrat he has repeatedly endorsed Democrats that are as far to the left as one can be. It has become apparent that Biden’s cabinet will consist of radical Democrats that are eager to push America in a Marxist direction. This will only become more evident when he chooses his vice-President.

3.) Supreme Court Packing

Many Democrats have either signaled or outright stated their support for the packing of the Supreme Court. This is no longer a matter of the Democrats winning an election and appointed one or two justices because of retirements, this is a matter of the entire landscape of the court changing in a short period of time because the party in power wants to see their regime go unopposed.

4.) Mass Immigration

Mass immigration has been the subject of debate for a long time and the debate is coming to a head in 2020. Europe is seeing issues with mass unvetted immigration already, we know the consequences of the decisions they have made. The Democrats no longer care about the consequences anymore, they seek more voters in future elections.

5.) Antifa

There will be no consequences for the acts of terrorism committed by Antifa. Democrats have been engaging in coverup for the organization either by sheer ignorance or malice, either way, it can not go on any longer. This radical group needs to stop before more people get hurt, the Biden administration and the Democrats will not do this.



The Democrats will stop at nothing to win the Presidency they even try to impeach President Trump on Trump up charges. There is a real problem with the Democratic party and its leadership. They are not the Democrats of our Parents generation the change was after the assassination of JFK, he was the last great Democratic President. So out of All the Democrats Why Biden, he has a problem with touching women and children not to mention, he is forgetful at times and how about his son and money from a foreign government we never did find out the real story behind that but daddy Biden pulled strings and got his boy the job so to speak. I for one would not vote for the likes of Joe Biden there are too many unanswered questions about Him. Common sense tells you if you love our country you need to vote for Donald Trump on  November 3rd of this year's election. More and More Americans are running away from the Democratic Party.     Just look and listen to some of the congressmen and women you know who they are, a word to the wise if you love this country ...


Trump Train Song

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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