Pages Of Interest

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Who In the Heck Even Voted for Bill de Blasio? WELL SOMEONE DID!

Who In the Heck Even Voted for Bill de Blasio?
 De Blasio Probably Doesn’t Even Like de Blasio

After a couple of conversations with comedian friends of mine from New York this week I am more mystified than ever as to how Bill de Blasio got re-elected. One of my friends is conservative, the other liberal, and both hate de Blasio with a white-hot passion.
When Mayor Moron was first elected almost everyone I know who is well-versed in New York City politics was convinced that he would be a one-term wonder. As he went about dismantling twenty years of progress in the city it seemed almost certain that he would be shown the door, Apparently, everyone in New York was drunk in 2017, and de Blasio was given another shot at screwing everything up.

de Blasio
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks at the USTA Indoor Training Center where a 350-bed temporary hospital will be built Tuesday, March 31, 2020, in New York. De Blasio said Tuesday that he expects the crisis to stretch through May.

That, of course, proved to be rather fateful once coronavirus rolled into town. New York City was the ground-zero launching point for the spread of the virus. The one-two incompetence punch of Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio unleashed the hell we have all been living through since March.

Pandemic de Blasio was was awful, riot de Blasio is even worse.

The “peaceful protests” in NYC have — to the surprise of no one — been worse than in other cities. De Blasio has been cluelessly wandering around acting as if nothing is wrong, despite plenty of readily available evidence to the contrary.

This week while things were on fire, de Blasio had cops targeting Jewish mothers and kids who were violating lockdown rules:

Jewish community leaders are condemning New York Mayor Bill de Blasio for a “blatant double standard.” He singled out the Jewish community in enforcing coronavirus restrictions, yet defended protesters who violated social distancing rules in order to protest the heinous police killing of George Floyd. In fact, videos showed police officers dispersing Jewish mothers and their children at a playground while a larger group of protesters gathered in violation of lockdown rules.

“The double standard is blatant and shocking,” Chaskel Bennett, co-founder of the Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition, told Haaretz. “For months, we have seen our community come under unrelenting scrutiny by ‘gotcha’ media coverage of Hasidic Jews, not social distancing or wearing masks, while the overwhelming majority of religious Jews in New York City were doing all the right things.”

De Blasio has been fond of singling out the Jewish community all throughout the coronapocalypse and it’s been really uncomfortable to watch. It reeks of blatant anti-Semitism. If he were a Republican it would be all we heard about from the MSM.

Hizzoner’s shtick is wearing thin with the fine citizens of New York City. He had a very rough go of it while attending a memorial for George Floyd on Thursday:

New Yorkers were not too happy to see Mayor Bill de Blasio and first lady Chirlane McCray show up at a memorial service for George Floyd on Thursday. Arriving 20 minutes late, de Blasio and his wife were greeted with loud boos and a chant of “de Blasio, go home.”

When it was time for de Blasio to speak, Rev. Kevin McCall introduced the pair and said, “Let us welcome with respect the mayor of New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio, and first lady Chirlane McCray.” Loud boos rose from the crowd. Rev. McCall took the microphone and shouted, “Again, again, again, we said respect.” He led the crowd in a chant of “Respect.” When de Blasio approached the podium, the booing began again.


Everything the guy touches turns to garbage, it seems. He’s been so bad at handling things during the riots that Gov. Andrew Cuomo was threatening to override him and send in the National Guard.

De Blasio has had a contentious relationship with NYPD almost from the moment he first assumed office. They don’t feel that he has their backs during this critical time because he’s never once done anything to make them feel that way. Heaven help us all if this unrest doesn’t let up any time soon.

Getting back to how he managed to get re-elected, Kurt Loder of MTV fame offered up this analysis during a discussion about the subject on Twitter earlier in the week:

He was reelected by his ilk, whose sorry asses throng the subbasements of metropolitan bureaucracy

Indelicate maybe, but it makes more sense than anything else I’ve heard.

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