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Wednesday, June 3, 2020


7 Things Really Resourceful People Do |

7 Things Really Resourceful People Do
It's nice to be told that you're smart, creative, or driven. But if you really want to offer the ultimate compliment to an entrepreneur, the word you're looking for is "resourceful."

What's the highest compliment for an aspiring entrepreneur? What's the one thing you can say that suggests they're in tune with the ultimate definition of entrepreneurship, and that they're likely to succeed?
It's to call them resourceful (or scrappy, inventive, or enterprising).
Why? Because while it's one thing to have a great idea, it's much rarer to be the kind of person who finds creative ways to execute. Here are some of the things that truly resourceful people do.

1. They bend the rules.

Rules exist for a reason. I'm not advocating anarchy. But when rules and tradition hold back progress, a truly resourceful entrepreneur decides that progress wins. There's a reason why we say that entrepreneurship requires "creative destruction." So, cultivate an attitude that says you're out to accomplish things, not just go along with how things have always been done.

2. They look for the common good.

Resourceful people recognize that they need help. Meanwhile, people generally want to help more when it's in their interest, and when they see how others will benefit from their efforts. So, the more you can show other people truthfully that by working with you they'll advance their goals, the more likely you'll succeed.

3. They don't apologize unnecessarily.

If you're going to be willing to bend a few rules now and again, get used to this wise, old saying: It's easier to get forgiveness than permission. The key is to make sure that the infraction is insignificant compared to the benefit you've created. At the same time, while there are times when you do need to apologize, make sure that you do so only for true offenses; never apologize for your success.

4. They burn their ships.

In the classic movie The Hunt For Red October, Sean Connery plays a Soviet submarine captain trying to defect to the United States. He tells his crew the story of the controversial explorer Hernan Cortez, who supposedly destroyed his own boats so as to motivate his troops. Nothing focuses the mind and pushes you to look for innovative solutions like realizing you have no Plan B.

5. They adapt and apply other experiences.

If you're coming up with a creative, resourceful solution, then there is by definition no real road map to follow. That doesn't mean that there aren't other examples to take inspiration from. One of my favorites is Jim Koch, the founder of Boston Beer Co., who tells the story that when he first started his company, he couldn't get an office, so he'd just pull up a chair and do paperwork in the bars where his customers were. Resourceful people turn challenges into advantages.

6. They play a few hands at once.

Have you read The Great Escape, or at least seen the 1960s movie? It's the best book about entrepreneurship in history, certainly the best that isn't about business. It's about Allied soldiers breaking out of a German prison camp in World War II. They realized the Nazis had a pretty good chance of finding any escape tunnel they dug, so they increased the odds of success by digging three of them. A plan might not work out, so really resourceful people are always working on multiple plans.

7. They dare to ask for what they need.

This one is so simple, and yet so many people self-select out of success because they are afraid to ask for the things they need. Here's a personal example. A few years ago, I was writing for a newspaper in Washington, and I decided to put together an investment group to try to buy the entire company.
The deal didn't quite work out in the end. In retrospect, it was kind of a crazy idea. However, the experience and the contacts I made in the process led to many other opportunities. Resourceful people dare to make bold moves, and they know that even if the road doesn't take you exactly where you plan, it can often lead to other great places.

Why America Is Still the Land of Opportunity
America is the land of opportunity , and the American Dream we should be proud of it
In many parts of the world, if you are born poor you will almost certainly stay poor for your entire life. You don’t get the chance to get a good education or go on to a well-paid career. You struggle – picking crops, mopping floors, mowing lawns, waiting on tables, or in other low-paying jobs, barely making ends meet.
But in America – known the world over as the Land of Opportunity – upward mobility is the national ideal. It doesn’t always happen, of course. But just the possibility draws immigrants from the world over to our shores – my own parents included. For most, education is the key that enables them or their children to break out of poverty and enter the middle class or go higher, as I and millions of others have been able to do.
For this reason, providing equal educational opportunity for all is vitally important – not just for students who can get college degrees that transform their lives, but for America. We need an educated workforce to keep our economy and our nation strong. We need to keep the American Dream alive.
A stereotype persists that – to put it crudely – poor kids are dumb. Cooke Scholars prove every day that this is nonsense. They are some of the smartest and most capable people on our planet. All they needed was a helping hand and financial aid to succeed.
One immigrant who achieved the American Dream and helped thousands of more young people do so as well as Jack Kent Cooke. Born in Canada in 1912, he never had the chance to go to college, leaving high school during the Great Depression to help support his struggling family. He went from selling encyclopedias door to door to leading a band, to being a runner on the floor of the Toronto Stock Exchange, to working as a salesman, to managing radio stations.

Cooke kept working his way up, becoming a part-owner of radio stations, newspapers, and a magazine and then buying a minor league baseball team in Toronto and other businesses. He immigrated to the United States in 1960 and became an even more successful businessman and owner of sports teams, including the Los Angeles Lakers, the Los Angeles Kings, and the Washington Redskins.

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, which I now head as executive director, has awarded $175 million in scholarships to more than 2,300 high-achieving, low-income students from 8th grade through graduate school, along with comprehensive counseling and other support services. The foundation has also provided over $97 million in grants to organizations that serve such students.

Every year, the Cooke Foundation finds absolutely brilliant students who have overcome incredible obstacles and gives them scholarships. Some of our Cooke Scholars have been homeless, have gone hungry, have been undocumented, have suffered from serious illnesses, have been kicked out of their homes after announcing they were LGBT, have been teenage parents, and have faced other big challenges.

Yet Cooke Scholars have graduated with distinction from some of the top colleges and universities in the world. Some have become physicians, created nonprofit organizations to help others in need, become medical researchers working to prevent and cure diseases, launched successful businesses, become professors, started charter schools, written books, and taken on many other important rules. How sad it would have been if they never had the chance to get a college education and instead spent their lives in dead-end jobs.

Yet a stereotype persists that – to put it crudely – poor kids are dumb. Our Cooke Scholars prove every day that this is nonsense. They are some of the smartest and most capable people on our planet. All they needed was a helping hand and financial aid to succeed.

What’s lacking isn’t brainpower among those with low incomes. What’s lacking is the opportunity to get a higher education and the money to pay for it.

But we should be embarrassed that millions of low-income young people who do these things and are enormously talented hit a cash ceiling when they try to better themselves with a college degree. They should not be denied equal educational opportunity simply because they were born into families of modest means. If given the chance, they can make our nation proud.


Dreamers” Are at the Heart of the American Dream | New England ...

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy

Knowledge Is Power And Information is Liberating: The FRIENDS OF LIBERTY BLOG GROUPS are non-profit blogs dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.


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