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Monday, May 25, 2020

Here’s Proof President Trump Is Indeed Our Last Hope Against Medical Tyranny In America

Here’s Proof President Trump Is Indeed Our Last Hope Against Medical Tyranny In America

With talks of lockdowns being forced on Americans until a vaccine is found, many Americans have become understandably anxious at the thought of a forced vaccine, one that was rushed into production at that. This article is not intended to debate the usefulness and effectiveness of vaccines but rather to highlight the importance of the fight to maintain medical freedom in the US.

There seems to have been doubts surrounding whether or not President Trump would force Americans to be vaccinated in order to end the coronavirus pandemic that has literally upended the entire country. Now, Natural News reports that they have been able to confirm that President Trump is not beholden to and controlled by Big Pharma and is not likely to force all Americans to accept a potentially dangerous vaccine.
Natural News’ Mike Adams had this to say:
President Trump has not given in to Big Pharma and the vaccine industry, and he actually pushed Fauci onto the stage in order to attract intense public scrutiny that has now exposed the Fauci fraud for what it really is.
At the same time, Trump has taken other actions that are courageous and compelling:
  • He has publicly mentioned he’s taking hydroxychloroquine and zinc, being the first and only public official who has dared to mention a nutritional supplement as a preventive measure against the coronavirus.
  • He has de-funded the communist-run W.H.O. and halted all future funding unless that corrupt organization undergoes radical reforms.
  • He has affirmed that the coronavirus vaccine will NOT be mandatory but only given by choice to “those who want it.”
  • He has stated that a vaccine might never be available and that America will reopen “with or without a vaccine,” hinting that he does not make the reopening predicated on a vaccine.
  • He has demanded that churches be allowed to reopen as “critical” infrastructure, all across America. In many states, Walmart, abortion centers, and bars were allowed to open while churches were ordered to stay closed.
  • Finally, just yesterday, he stated that even if there’s a second wave of infections, he will not place America under a second lockdown. Instead, it looks like he will hint at other strategies that can prevent infections, hospitalizations, and deaths (perhaps zinc? Vitamin D? Wearing masks in shared places?)
In summary, although my fears were grounded in honestly observed actions involving Trump, his “vaccine czar” and Dr. Fauci’s influence at the White House, I have now learned from reliable sources that Trump is fully aware of the risks of vaccines, the dangers of the Big Pharma drug cartels and the need to respect health freedom across America.
This should allow many Americans to breathe a sigh of relief. President Trump truly is our last hope in the fight against the Big Pharma drug cartel that seeks to take control of the US. No drug should ever be forced on free American citizens. That kind of medical tyranny is serious and we are right to be concerned. Let this be a reminder of the importance of the election coming in November. We cannot allow the Dems to steal the election from President Trump who, up until this ridiculous crisis, was set to earn another term in the White House.
If Biden wins, Big Pharma wins.

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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