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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 03/04/2020, “Joey B Sizzles as Bernie Fizzles!!!”

by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

Image result for Bernie gets screwed again by democratic party

“Joey B Sizzles as Bernie Fizzles!!!”
 The PARTY OF HATE’S Establishment can breathe a sigh of relief. For the moment they have managed to halt Bernie’s REVOLUTION that was really bringing them interminable grief. Joe Biden has risen from the dead and has taken the lead in getting the most delegates. It seemed not that long ago that appeared to be an impossibility. Super Tuesday was his night. He gave a thorough thrashing to Comrade Bernie. It must be pointed out that there are still big doubts about Biden’s ability to win the nomination. Methinks that there is a chance that there will be a brokered convention. The well-staged support from two of his rivals, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, though lightweights that they are, helped to create a sense that the tide was turning. This morning Bloomberg announced that he is withdrawing and has made it clear that it is Biden that he is supporting. It must be said that SLEEPY Joe could not have done this without the fear of Sanders that swept through the Establishment like wildfire. Oh, how it spurred them to action to coalesce around the former VP. For the time being, they are relieved as one can possibly be.

The million-dollar question remains. Can Biden survive the examination of his past now that he is a serious contender?? There will close scrutiny of both him and his crack head, dirtbag son, Hunter. SLEEPY Joe will have to be very careful of his alleged corrupt activities in his past can prove to be fatal. But for now, he has is in a state of jubilation. It seemed like for weeks he was one gaffe away from elimination. But that was then and now it looks like things are going his way. Yes. This gaffe ridden dolt had a very good SUPER TUESDAY. Biden certainly had his moments of strife but somehow he got saved. It was remarkable how he came back to life. In his speech last night he seemed rejuvenated. The moment was his to savor. He so enjoyed being the PARTY OF HATE’S savior. Though it is true that SLEEPY Joe is a tad more moderate than Bernie that is not saying very much if you ask me for if he is the standard-bearer of the party he will be running on a platform that is as radical as can be. It will be reminiscent of the one they had in 1972 when George McGovern was the nominee and we all know that did not end very well. What this modern-day Democrat Party has to offer will be a most difficult sell.

We will just have to wait and see if Biden will, in fact, be the nominee for getting the majority of the delegates will not be easy. If he does the policy ideas that he has been espousing will be sure pickings for our President for they are so out of the mainstream it can make one’s head spin. A platform of open borders, late-term abortion, gun confiscation will be a fat target for Trump. Methinks it will be a long and difficult road for Joe Biden. It is still hard for me to think that he will get the PARTY OF HATE’S nomination for there is so much personal baggage that he surely brings. Of the many in public life, he is one of the dumbest human beings. It is the women in our beloved America who must be on guard for this imbecile is a touchy/feely kind of creep. He has this fetish that runs deep. He has an uncontrollable urge to touch the hair of a female and smell it. It can rightly be said Biden is a pervert. The Democrats must take note of all this. Is this the man they want to run for the nation’s highest office?? If not him then who can they turn to? Who can they lure?? Maybe just maybe they can find another that can raise from the dead. Has anybody seen Al Gore??

Written by Joe Esposito,03/04/2020

“It’s horrible to say but there are more dumb people than I realized or gullible people that don’t listen,”


Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.
The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

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