Pages Of Interest

Thursday, February 6, 2020


Last night was a great and triumphant evening for our Country. While I gave a perfect State of the Union Address, Nancy threw a temper tantrum and ripped up the copy of the speech I gave her. 

She truly hates America
Take a look:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripping a copy of President Trump’s State of the Union address after the speech on Tuesday in the Capitol.

The Do-Nothing Democrats are furious that, unlike previous Presidents, I’ve kept my promises to the American People and now America is WINNING like never before.

Nancy’s actions were an absolute disgrace and she is everything that is wrong with the Washington Swamp. When I ran for President, I told you I would DRAIN THE SWAMP, and that is exactly what I plan on doing, starting with Nancy.

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

As White House Calls Pelosi’s Speech-Ripping a ‘Tantrum,’ She Feels ‘Liberated’

Hours ahead of his expected acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial, President Trump attacked Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Twitter.
WASHINGTON — It was President Trump’s State of the Union address. But it may be remembered for what Speaker Nancy Pelosi did when it was over.
The speaker’s silent parting shot at the president on Tuesday night — a look of mild defiance as she ripped up the speech he had just delivered — turned overnight into yet another Washington Rorschach test, in which Republicans and Democrats look at the same image and walk away with the opposite conclusions.
The president, who routinely hurls insults on Twitter and in person, was apparently outraged at Ms. Pelosi’s gesture and spent the morning circulating a blitz of anti-Pelosi messages on Twitter, some carrying the hashtag #PelosiTantrum. At the White House, his counselor Kellyanne Conway said the speaker deserved to be censured. The White House Twitter account said her action would tarnish her legacy.
Congressional Republicans, feeling celebratory after Mr. Trump’s impeachment trial concluded with his acquittal Wednesday afternoon, mocked the speaker. Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the top House Republican, posted a video of himself on Twitter ripping up the articles of impeachment, under the message, “Acquitted for life.” (“Never had an original idea in his whole life,” Ms. Pelosi’s spokesman, Drew Hammill, shot back.)
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican majority leader, took aim at Ms. Pelosi on the Senate floor shortly before the acquittal vote. “Perhaps she will tear up this verdict like she tore up the State of the Union address,” he said.
But at the Capitol on Wednesday morning, Ms. Pelosi — who kept the ripped-up copy of the speech — was unapologetic. She told a closed-door meeting of her rank and file that she felt “very liberated” by her act, which was spontaneous, according to a Democratic aide in the room. If anyone had done any shredding, she said, it was Mr. Trump, who “shred the truth right in front of us.”
Democrats in the private session responded by giving her a standing ovation.
“As far as I’m concerned, a shredder wasn’t available, and so she did what she needed to do,” Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York, the chairman of the House Democratic caucus, said afterward.
Presidential addresses to Congress are highly orchestrated affairs, but they often produce memorable unscripted moments. In 2009, Representative Joe Wilson, Republican of South Carolina, was rebuked by his colleagues after shouting “You lie!” during a speech on health care delivered by President Barack Obama. In 2010, Justice Samuel Alito was caught on camera shaking his head and mouthing the words “not true” during Mr. Obama’s State of the Union address.
But there has never been a scene quite like the one that unfolded Tuesday night, on the eve of the final day of Mr. Trump’s trial on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, when the president ascended to the House rostrum — the very spot where Ms. Pelosi had presided seven weeks earlier over the votes to impeach him. Ms. Pelosi orchestrated the impeachment inquiry, and her actions, coming after Mr. Trump delivered a speech that amounted to “political theater,” must be taken in that context, said Julian E. Zelizer, a historian at Princeton University.

“It is a violation of decorum, but it’s not out of context,” Mr. Zelizer said. “It’s not making faces about him, it’s not wearing a button with nasty things about him. It’s a continuation of her argument about the kind of president he is and the danger he poses.”
The speaker, the first woman to lead the House of Representatives, ordinarily prides herself on proper decorum. Ms. Pelosi knew going into it that Tuesday night would be tense, and she had said in an interview Monday that she would welcome Mr. Trump “as a guest in our House” and treat the president with respect.
“Of course, I tried to be courteous and appropriate and all that,” she told her members on Wednesday, according to the Democratic aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe her private remarks. “But the fact is, there is too much at risk, too much at stake — and everything that America is: our Constitution, our rights, freedom of the press, the guardians of our democracy.”
The night began with Mr. Trump snubbing Ms. Pelosi when she offered to shake his hand after he offered her a copy of his remarks, as presidents customarily do. She told her fellow Democrats she “didn’t care” about the handshake, said Representative Lois Frankel, Democrat of Florida. But the speaker was furious about the way Mr. Trump mischaracterized his record on issues ranging from health care to the economy.
“He disrespected the chamber he was in,” she told her colleagues, by using it “as a backdrop for a reality show” — including having his wife, Melania Trump, drape a Presidential Medal of Freedom around the neck of Rush Limbaugh, the conservative talk show host — to “give a speech that had no connection with reality.”
Democrats emerging from the closed-door session said they found it difficult to sit still and treat the president with respect, as the speaker had urged them to do, given policy pronouncements in the address that seemed to have only a passing relationship with the truth.
“We’re a captive audience,” Ms. Frankel said. “We are told to be very respectful, and it’s very difficult when the man is lying, lying, lying, and we have to sit there and just be quiet. So I think she did the only thing she could do within the realm of respectability. She basically said she had had it.”

But Ms. Conway called Ms. Pelosi’s actions a “temper tantrum” and said it was not the first time she had seen the speaker have one.
“America saw an incorrigible child ripping up the State of the Union,” Ms. Conway told reporters on Wednesday. “I think it shows you how petty and peevish and partisan the Democratic Party has become.”
While the president did not criticize Ms. Pelosi in his own words on Wednesday, he amplified the criticisms of others, including those of Chris Loesch, whose wife, Dana Loesch, is a former spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association. Mr. Loesch called the speaker “uncouth” and also demanded her censure.
Mr. Trump also retweeted a message from the official White House account posted late Tuesday, suggesting that Ms. Pelosi’s act had disrespected not only the president but the people he had honored in his speech.
“Speaker Pelosi just ripped up: One of our last surviving Tuskegee Airmen. The survival of a child born at 21 weeks. The mourning families of Rocky Jones and Kayla Mueller. A service member’s reunion with his family. That’s her legacy,” the message read.
In an interview on Wednesday morning on “Fox & Friends,” Vice President Mike Pence said that Ms. Pelosi had “tried to make it about her” and that “the American people see through it.” He added, “I think they see through the pettiness, they see through the politics of all of it.”
Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Trump are equals in the Constitution as heads of their respective branches of government — a point Ms. Pelosi often mentions. The two have developed a storied rivalry, and the annual State of the Union address, which draws a large television audience, captures their sentiments as they stand within feet of each other, Mr. Trump on the rostrum and Ms. Pelosi higher up on the dais behind him.
During last year’s address, a brief clip of the speaker extending her arms and clapping for Mr. Trump, as he turned to look at her, went viral. A month before, Ms. Pelosi called Mr. Trump “petulant” after he stormed out of a White House meeting about the government shutdown.
Mr. Trump has given Ms. Pelosi derisive nicknames that portray her as anxious and unhinged, such as “Crazy Nancy” and “Nervous Nancy.” In January, he predicted on Twitter that she would be remembered as the “absolute worst Speaker of the House in U.S. history!”
Ms. Pelosi has countered by suggesting Mr. Trump is a Russian puppet. “All roads lead to Putin,” she is fond of saying. During his impeachment trial, even as she and the House impeachment managers knew they were destined to lose their case, Ms. Pelosi adopted a new line: “Whatever happens,” she said in the interview Monday, “he has been impeached forever.”

VPOTUS: Pence speaks after ACQUITTAL of President Trump

Trump Train Song

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy

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