Pages Of Interest

Thursday, February 6, 2020


The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party


Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff are leading the congressional impeachment fight.

Dems Done In by the Politics of Hate
Today’s Democrat Party spends an exorbitant amount of time preaching against “hate” and “the politics and policies of hate.” It has seemingly become the central theme of all the party touches. What the Democrats don’t realize is that they have so perfected the repeating of “hate, hate, hate” that their own message is what has done them in.

Since Barack Obama’s election in 2008, the Democrat Party has steadily drifted into this “label them all haters” territory and since that time the party has been absolutely obliterated at the polls. Democrats have lost the White House, Senate, and House. They now control just 13 state legislatures and Republicans now sleep in 33 governor’s mansions.

Yet even after the election of Donald Trump last week, Democrats continue to dutifully stick to the playbook of calling everyone (but themselves) “filled with hate.” They are name-calling the very people they want to vote for them! How’s that a good strategy?

Hillary Clinton spent the majority of the past year speaking about, running ads about, giving campaign speeches about, and focusing during debates on “Donald Trump and the Republican’s hateful rhetoric.” What Hillary and the Democrats cannot seem to figure out is that they are insulting massive portions of the American electorate by confusing common sense with hate and a rejection of their own dogma.

The vast majority of us Americans can differentiate between the two (common sense and hate). Today’s Democrats seemingly cannot.

Whom did Hillary Clinton choose to share the stage with at the 2016 Democrat National Convention? The mothers of people (most of whom were criminals) killed by cops, thus continuing the “guilty until proven innocent” narrative many Dems have branded cops with.

This was not a populist move. This was Hillary and the Democrats pandering to a tiny, tiny fraction of the electorate, the cop-hate crowd, of whom there’s nowhere near enough to win an election. The rest of us? The common sense of the overwhelming majority of Americans causes us to believe that, with the exception of a few bad apples, our law enforcement officers are decent, hard-working men and women doing a difficult job with honor, integrity, and a sense of duty to public service.

Americans have seen the effects of massive refugee flows into the nations of Europe from the Middle East and the problems it’s causing there. Common sense tells us that bringing tens if not hundreds of thousands of these refugees into our nation without knowing exactly who they are carries with it some risks to national security.

To Hillary and the Democrats, this level of common sense makes you an Islamophobia and means you are filled with hate toward Muslims!

Having a secure southern border is in our better national interests. We all know there are people entering our country -- by just walking in -- who are involved in various criminal activities, drug-trafficking, gang-bangers, rapists, etc. It's just common sense for a nation to have control over its own borders.

To Hillary and the Democrats, this level of common sense means you hate brown people!

Democrats believe most Americans are in favor of gay marriage but fail they recognize that it’s now the law of the land thanks to five people (Justices Kennedy, Ginsberg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan) not hundreds of millions of people. To this day the majority of Americans believe marriage ought to be between one man and one woman. No poll has ever shown anything else. But if you are such a person, in the eyes of Democrats, it means you hate gay people!

Other examples abound.

The majority of Americans are white. Also, the vast and overwhelming majority of Americans are not haters, bigots, racists, Islamaphobes, xenophobes, homophobes, or cop-haters. Telling them that they do not endear you to them.

Democrats don’t seem to understand that calling someone “a racist” or “a xenophobe”, who is not a racist or a xenophobe doesn’t drive them toward you -- it drives them away. Through their constant name-calling of the American people, Democrats have driven all but their hyper-loyal, hyper-left base, the Black Lives Matter members of the world, farther away.

Prior to the election, Hillary made headlines by insulting tens of millions of Americans by saying, “…you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the 'basket of deplorables'. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it." She then managed to pour lemon juice in that cut by adding that not only are those voters “deplorable” they’re “irredeemable”, and not a part of America. This is no way to win votes.

Following the comment, a Washington Post-ABC News poll asked registered voters “Do you think it's fair or unfair to describe a large portion of Trump’s supporters as prejudiced against women and minorities? 47 percent of Democrats and even 45 percent of Clinton backers said the description was unfair. 84 percent of Republicans and 90 percent of Trump backers said the same.

Since Trump’s election last week the theme has rolled on.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has said Donald Trump has appointed a “white nationalist” to his staff. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid chimed in with, “White nationalists, Vladimir Putin and ISIS are celebrating Donald Trump’s victory, while innocent, law-abiding Americans are wracked with fear especially African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Muslim-Americans, LGBT-Americans, and Asian-Americans.”

Wow, Senator, generalize much? Divide America much? Here’s a flash for you: I am an African-American and I’m not fearful of anything other than your supporters, who are out tearing our cities apart.

For all their talk about ‘ending hate”, an undivided America, peace, love, and granola -- it’s the Democrat base who are the ones out looting, fighting, burning, shooting, and being out-of-control hooligans. And the majority of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, don’t want to have anything to do with it, them and increasingly -- you, Democrats.

You’d better sort this out. Labeling voters, calling them names and placing your blatant disdain for them right out front for all to see is not the way to win elections. Democrats, you have done this to yourselves. You are both the purveyors and the victims of your own “politics of hate.”

Democrats hate America -- and here are the numbers to prove it

President Donald Trump is presented by Brian Steorts, owner of Flags of Valor, an American flag made of wood, during a meeting with American business owners and their families in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2017. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta) ** FILE **

Democrats hate America.

That’s one takeaway from a recent Gallup poll that shows only 32 percent of Dems are “extremely proud” to be an American, versus a substantially higher number of Republicans.

Of course, that’s a bit snarky. The low showing on the “extremely proud” scale doesn’t necessarily translate into “I hate America.”

But any half-hearted political watcher can see that for him- or herself, anyway. Antifa, anyone? Maxine Waters? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, and the whole rising batch of self-identifying socialists who are somehow creeping out of their dirt piles to swear allegiance to a country they want to substantially change?

Yes, a case — a very strong case — can indeed be made that Democrats do hate America, so much that they want to completely uproot its base systems, toss them to the trash, and institute new.

The survey, however, only rated how much respondents said they were “extremely proud” to be American. And overall, only 47 percent of U.S. adults described themselves that way.
That’s not very high by itself. But break it down by party, and the differences are huge. How huge? Republicans to the tune of 74 percent said they were “extremely proud” to be American, compared to 32 percent of Democrats.
Democrats in 2016, however, felt a bit different. Then, at a time when Barack Obama was still president, fully 46 percent professed extreme pride in being an American.

So one can only surmise that the left only likes America when a progressive-slash-socialist is at the helm — which, in constitutional terms, would mean the Dems only profess pride in America when America’s headed down a path it was never intended to tread. How quaint.

“Politics appears to be a factor,” Gallup reported of its findings, “Left-leaning groups’ antipathy toward Donald Trump and their belief that other countries look unfavorably on the president are likely factors in their decline in patriotism, particularly the sharp drops in the past year.”

Yes, the left is down in the dumps over this president, that’s for certain. But the thing is, the way Democrats are acting — the crazy train they’ve been riding — virtually guarantees they’re going to face another wave of Republican leadership, another four years of the very White House administration they detest.

Hang on, poll-watchers. Those numbers for “extremely proud” to be an American are only going to go lower for the left, as the election season progresses.

The Dems Will Lose the House in 2020

If you find it difficult to grasp how a handful of leftwing extremists managed to win last week’s battle with the nominal leadership of the Democratic Party over a House resolution originally written to condemn anti-Semitism, Margaret Thatcher explained the phenomenon four decades ago: “The one thing about leftwing politicians is that they are always fanatical. They never let go. It’s their religion.” She was describing how the Labour Party had been destroyed from within by a small minority of radicals. Thatcher eventually exploited this process, led the Conservative Party to victory over Labour, and became Prime Minister for eleven years.

The Republicans will deliver a similarly humiliating defeat to House Democrats in 2020 if its alleged leaders fail to rein in their own cadre of fanatical leftists, the core of which consists of recently elected social justice warriors Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Rohit Khanna, Raul Grijalva, and Pramila Jayapal. But the internecine fight that preceded the cowardly revision of the anti-Semitism resolution into a denunciation of generic bigotry suggests that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer may not hold enough sway over their own caucus to prevent it from self-destructing.

Before their epic defeat in 1994, the Democrats held the House majority for no fewer than four decades. Yet, after 12 years in the wilderness, they clearly had learned nothing. After finally winning it back again in 2006, their irresponsible antics condemned them to the minority after only four years. If they pursue their current agenda for the next 18 months, they will be in the minority again after only two years. Not only can they not muster a majority to condemn anti-Semitism, but their most visible members are also unabashedly embracing socialism, and the first piece of major legislation, H.R.1, literally gives illegal immigrants the vote.

The Democrat majority jammed that bill, ironically titled “For the People Act of 2019,” through last Friday. At a time when the voters say immigration is the most important issue facing the nation, this pernicious bill actually loosens restrictions on voting by illegal aliens. The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996(theoretically) prohibits noncitizens from voting in federal elections, but H.R.1 permits them to vote in local contests such as school board elections. The GOP attempted to amend the bill so that only U.S. citizens can vote. The Democrats rejected this, of course, as Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) tweeted:

Today I offered a motion to recommit #HR1 reaffirming that only US citizens should have the right to vote. Dems rejected it. Next time you go to the ballot box, keep that in mind. The future of their party is in cities like San Fran, where illegals can vote. Let that sink in.

It goes without saying that H.R.1 is a classic Democrat power grab that attempts to usurp the authority of the states to regulate the voter registration process. It would vitiate the accuracy of registration rolls by automatically registering anyone who acquires a driver’s license, prevent election officials from verifying voter eligibility, and render state voter ID laws null and void. H.R.1 also takes the power to draw congressional districts away from the states and requires the inclusion of illegal aliens in all redistricting plans. Moreover, it violates the 1st Amendment so brazenly that even the American Civil Liberties Union bestirred itself:

The American Civil Liberties Union, on behalf of its 3 million members, supporters, and activists, opposes H.R.1.… We strongly urge the Rules Committee to allow floor amendments that would mitigate our concerns with the provisions that unconstitutionally infringe the freedoms of speech and association.

Having thus used H.R.1 to unconstitutionally seize control over our elections, and presumably using that power to create a permanent majority in Congress as well as a series of compliant presidents, then the Democrats would get down to implementing their socialist agenda in earnest. First on the list will, of course, be the single-payer health care system for which they have yearned for so long. Dubbed “Medicare for All,” it will eliminate all private and employer health plans, and come with an annual price tag of $3.3 trillion. It will allegedly save us money pursuant to “lower administrative costs.” Yet even the Washington Post confesses:

The public piece of the American health-care system has not proven itself to be particularly cost-efficient. On a per-capita basis, U.S. government health programs alone spend more than Canada, Australia, France, and Britain… expanding Medicare to all would not automatically result in a radically more efficient health-care system.

Not coincidentally the latest version of this pie-in-the-sky plan was introduced in late February by one of the above-named Social Justice Warriors, Pramila Jayapal. It boasts 100 Democrat co-sponsors, and a number of Democratic presidential candidates have embraced the plan, including Senators Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, and Elizabeth Warren. The only Democrat who has shown reticence about a full-throated endorsement is Amy Klobuchar, who describes Medicare for All as an “aspiration” rather than an add-water-and-stir cure for what ails U.S. health care. This is also how she talks about the absurd “Green New Deal.”

This brings us back to our six Social Justice Warriors. The Green New Deal is not, as most people seem to think, a plan conceived by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her staff to save the planet. It is, in fact, a program concocted by the Justice Democrats, the main PAC that supported the divine AOC and the other five SJWs listed above. One of its founders was none other than Saikat Chakrabarti, AOC’s chief of staff, who is facing scrutiny by the Federal Election Commission pursuant to a lot of “dark money” that has been sloshing around between the Justice Democrats PAC and a Chakrabarti-controlled LLC called Brand New Congress.

Republicans will welcome confirmation that AOC et al., who have been so vocal about the political influence of “the Jewish lobby,” are just a new generation of Democrat grifters. That revelation will be considerably less satisfying to Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the party’s leadership. In 2020 the GOP will target 50 to 60 seats held by Democrats in purple districts they narrowly won during the last two cycles. Most of those seats will flip after AOC and her fellow travelers drag the party to the far left. The voters will associate the Democrats with anti-Semitism, socialism, and illegal immigration, and they will lose the House majority again.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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