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Monday, February 24, 2020

Trump WANTS To Run Against Bloomberg, Claims He’s “Buying His Way In”

 Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg joined the Democratic presidential race late. Very late.

Trump WANTS To Run Against Bloomberg, Claims He’s “Buying His Way In”
The billionaire businessman, and poster of weird memes, wasn’t even on the ballot in the New Hampshire primary. Bloomberg chose to stay out of the race officially until Super Tuesday on March 3, allowing Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg to work their way up the ranks without any further competition.

And now, as people speculate that Bloomberg’s tactic could work, the president is taking aim.

On Tuesday, President Trump said during an Oval Office discussion that Bloomberg was “buying his way in” and that he would rather run against him than Sanders.

“Frankly, I would rather run against Bloomberg than Bernie Sanders, because Sanders has real followers, whether you like them or not, whether you agree with them or not – I happen to think it’s terrible what [Sanders] says.”

The claim that Bloomberg is buying his way in isn’t hyperbole. Bloomberg previously said he was willing to spend $1 billion of his own money to defeat Trump, and recent reports showed that he was paying social media influencers $150 to say nice things about him online.

Travel and food blogger Alycia Chrosniak told reporters that she was contacted by the Bloomberg campaign team, out of the blue, offering her money to make a post about her support for the candidate.

“It feels weird to put out an ad supporting a person versus a product,” she said, adding that Bloomberg wasn’t her “top choice” in the Democratic race.

His tactic of waiting for the Super Tuesday states to vote all boils down to money, too. Despite entering the race late, he still had time to appear on the New Hampshire and Iowa ballots but chose not to. Instead, the billionaire candidate poured huge sums of money into these states in the hope of taking other candidates by surprise.

As Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden plummet in the polls, it looks like Bloomberg’s big competition in these states next month will be Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders.

During the same Oval Office discussion, President Donald Trump blasted Bloomberg, saying he is “one of the worst debaters I’ve ever seen.”

“His presence is zero. He will spend his three, four, five hundred million…We will find out what happens” he continued.

If Bloomberg wants to win, he should prepare for a brutal showdown with President Trump on the debate stage.


Image result for little mike bloomberg cartoon


A few thoughts on “Trump WANTS To Run Against Bloomberg, Claims He’s “Buying His Way In”

  1. Bloomberg showed his true colors when he was mayor of NYC. The guy has the Napolean syndrome big time. Dictating that people could not buy 32 oz drinks because HE said it was unhealthy! Did he really think people wouldn’t buy 2 16 oz drinks instead?? Then there was the stop and frisk fiasco where he allowed the NY City Police to become third world bullies and take away citizens' rights! He wants to ban guns and who knows what else! He’s the most dangerous candidate running! NOW his commercials are featuring Obummer, praising all that Bloomberg has done. How much of it is true remains to be seen since Obummer is the biggest Snake Oil salesman that ever lived !!
  2. If Bloomberg gives me some money, I will say he looks great DEAD
  3. Watching all of the Democrats’ pontificating about nothing, and the Media going along with the idea that any of it is important is just hilarious. The ridiculousness of it all has become the most entertaining thing on TV — and that really isn’t saying much (about the current state of TV programming.)
  4. Mike only wants president so he doesn’t have to pay taxes, and that’s a big chunk of change, and remember who is going make the difference in the loss of the tax money—we the taxpayers who else, the working people, it will be more taxes,
    and big deal, he fixed up a school, what about all the schools across the country, and the playground for some kids, again not the whole country and it’s all a tax write off for him

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