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Thursday, February 13, 2020

‘Adam Schiff is a complete liar’...

‘Adam Schiff is a complete liar’: Sen. Rick Scott slams Schiff over impeachment
Impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) was just given a scathing review by Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), who said Schiff is “a complete liar.”
The Florida Republican said that Schiff’s accusations of a “cover-up” are bogus because the Democrats did not subpoena former National Security Adviser John Bolton when they had the chance, the Washington Examiner reported. Scott also accused Schiff of leaving information out of the case on purpose that would have vindicated President Donald Trump.

Scott slams “total liar” Schiff

Schiff has led the charge against Trump in both the House and Senate phases of the inquiry, making his rhetoric of late about a “cover-up” rather ironic. The Democrat has spent the last week of the Senate trial insisting that Bolton, Trump’s former national security adviser, must be allowed to testify after his upcoming book, which mentions a direct link between aid to Ukraine and Trump’s desire to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, was leaked to the press.

Fox News host Ed Henry asked Scott why the Senate should not satisfy Democrats’ demands to let Bolton testify. Scott said that Democrats had the chance to subpoena Bolton in the House, but didn’t take it. Schiff did not pursue Bolton’s testimony at the time, citing fears of an extended court battle, only for Democrats to withhold articles of impeachment for a month.

Scott added that Bolton’s testimony would be redundant and that impeachment will “never end” unless Republicans act to end the trial swiftly. The Republican said that Americans are tired of watching Schiff “lie and rant” about a supposed cover-up when it was his job to get witnesses for the trial, adding that Schiff is a “complete liar” who buried relevant evidence in the impeachment case. Scott said:
This is them trying to cover up and help Joe Biden, that’s all this is. This is partisan stuff. … Adam Schiff is a complete liar, by the way. He didn’t present all the facts in this case.

Schiff’s lies

It’s not clear what facts Scott is alluding to specifically, but Schiff consistently blocked witnesses who Republicans had sought, including the Bidens and the Ukraine whistleblower. Republicans have also complained about an 18th witness, intelligence community inspector general Michael Atkinson, whose testimony they claim was suppressed because of damaging revelations about Schiff’s connection with the whistleblower, the Washington Times reports.

Schiff continued to fume over questions from Republicans about his staff’s contacts with the whistleblower during a 16-hour question and answer session of the trial, Fox News reports. The Democrat again denied having any contact with the whistleblower, after previously lying about his staff’s contact with the anonymous official.

The Democrat has proven a controversial figure throughout the impeachment trial, not only on account of his office’s involvement with the whistleblower but his past repeated lies about Russian collusion. As the Washington Times notes, Schiff has continued to insist that Donald Trump colluded with the Kremlin, although special counsel Robert Mueller found that was not true after an exhaustive, 22-month investigation that consumed the attention of the national news media.

Trial ending

Democrats and Trump’s lawyers spent several days making their respective cases for Trump’s conviction and acquittal in the marathon, back to back days of opening arguments. But the trial is set to wrap up soon after a fateful vote against admitting witnesses on Friday.

Democrats had hoped that Bolton’s book would provide enough pressure to succeed on the witness vote, but Republicans gained the upper hand after Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), both swing votes, came out against witnesses as of Friday, Fox News reports. Meanwhile, yet another “bombshell” conveniently surfaced in the New York Times on Friday pertaining to Bolton’s book.

Despite deciding that Bolton is now a public servant of integrity, Schiff has previously described Bolton as a dangerous conspiracy theorist with zero credibility, according to Fox. Republicans have eagerly highlighted Schiff’s past comments, as well as a resurfaced video of Bolton describing Trump’s relations with Ukraine as positive, to deflect the Bolton push.

But the trial could drag on until Wednesday for procedural reasons, according to a plan from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). It’s time for the majority to do what Democrats won’t: end this sham.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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